== API functions == API function means all functions that you can use for your XML Server application work. These are all functions from "'''modules/global/inc/apiFunctions.inc.php'''" and "'''modules/global/inc/customFunctions.inc.php'''" files. "'''apiFunctions.inc.php'''" file contains unchangeable functions, and "'''customFunctions.inc.php'''" contains functions that depend on script structure (integrational functions). By default these functions are configured for "Dolphin" script. "'''apiFunctions.inc.php'''" file functions: 1. '''parseXml''' {{{ /** * Parse XML template using specified information. * @param aXmlTemplates - array with XML templates grouped by type. * @param ... - variable amount of incoming parameters with information to be used in the process of parsing. * @return $sContent - XML entry */ function parseXml($aXmlTemplates){ ... } }}} This function accepts the XML entry template, inserts the given values and returns the resulting XML entry: {{{ $aXmlTemplates = array ( "result" => array ( 1 => "", 2 => "" ) ); $sContents = parseXml($aXmlTemplates["result"], "some_value", "success"); echo $sContents; /////////////////// }}} 2. '''makeGroup''' {{{ /** * Group specified content. * @param sXmlContent - content to be grouped. * @param sXmlGroup - group name. */ function makeGroup($sXmlContent, $sXmlGroup = "ray"){ ... } }}} This function accepts some XML content that should be grouped, group name and returns the grouped XML entries: {{{ $sEntries = ""; $sContents = makeGroup($sEntries,"items"); echo $sContents; /////////////////// }}} 3. '''setSettingValue''' {{{ /** * Saves the setting value in the config.xml file of the specified widget. * @param sWidget - widget's name. * @param sSettingKey - setting's key. * @param sSettingValue - new value for specified setting. */ function setSettingValue($sWidget, $sSettingKey, $sSettingValue){ ... } }}} This function sets the value of a given key setting in a given widget configuration file {{{ ([widget_name]/xml/config.xml): [some_widget]/xml/config.xml before: setSettingValue("some_widget", "some_key", "another_value"); [some_widget]/xml/config.xml after: }}} 4. '''getSettingValue''' {{{ /** * Gets the setting value from config.xml file. * @param sWidget - widget's name. * @param $sSettingKey - setting's name. */ function getSettingValue($sWidget, $sSettingKey, $bFullReturn = false){ ... } }}} This function gets the value of a given key setting from a given widget configuration file {{{ ([widget_name]/xml/config.xml): [some_widget]/xml/config.xml: $sValue = getSettingValue("some_widget", "some_key"); $aValue = getSettingValue("some_widget", "some_key", true); echo $sValue; print_r($aValue); ///////////////////// some_value Array('value' => "some_value", 'status' => "success") }}} 5. '''getRMSUrl''' {{{ /** * returns the RMS Url to the given application * @param sApplication - application name. * @return sRMSUrl - RMS Url. */ function getRMSUrl($sApplication){ ... } }}} This function returns the full url to the RMS application by given server application name: {{{ $sRMSUrl = getRMSUrl("chat"); echo $sRMSUrl; ///////////////////// rtmp:// }}} 6. '''updateOnline''' {{{ /** * Update online users * Clear TrackUsers table if it is necessary. * @param sId - user ID to update status * @param sStatus - user new status */ function updateOnline($sId = "", $sStatus = ""){ ... } }}} This function updates online status for a user with a given ID and resets his online status, if there is one. Status can be "offline"/"online". It also deletes all tracks for users that exceed the delete timeout. 7. '''getOnline''' {{{ /** * get online users * @param aRange - users IDs range to select from * @param $bInRange - get users that in(not in) range */ function getOnline($aRange = array(), $bInRange = true) { ... } }}} This function retrieves the currently online members array. If $aRange variable is not empty this function retrieves the currently online members from the given list ($bInRange is true) or excludes this list ($bInRange is false). 8. '''getUserStatus''' {{{ /** * get user status * @param sId - user id * @return sStatus - user status */ function getUserStatus ($sId){ ... } }}} This function retrieves the online status for a user with a given ID. The possible result values so far: "offline", "online". 9. '''getExtraFiles''' {{{ /** * get extra files list for given module * @param $sModule - module name * @param $sFolder - folder name for where to look for files * @param $bGetUserFile - get current user file (true) or default file (false) * @param $bGetDate - get dates of files * @return $aResult - files array without extension and/or current file and extension separately */ function getExtraFiles($sModule, $sFolder = "langs", $bGetUserFile = true, $bGetDate = false) { ... } }}} This function retrieves files(cuts the last 4 characters from filename as extension) from a given folder and/or current user/default file of the given widget (skins or languages). This is mainly for language and skins lists generating: {{{ $aSkins = getExtraFiles("chat", "skins"); print_r($aSkins); ///////////////////// Array("files" => Array(0 => "default", 1 => "heaven"), "current" =>"default", "extension" => "swf") }}} 10. '''setCurrentFile''' {{{ /** * set current file for module to cookie * @param $sModule - module name * @param $sFile - file value * @param $sFolder - folder name for which value is set */ function setCurrentFile($sModule, $sFile, $sFolder = "langs") { ... } }}} This function saves current file (language or skin) as a cookie in the browser. 11. '''printFiles''' {{{ /** * get extra files for module in XML format * @param $sModule - module name * @param $sFolder - folder name for which value is set * @param $bGetDate - get dates of files * @return $sContents - XML formatted result */ function printFiles($sModule, $sFolder = "langs", $bGetDate = false) { ... } }}} This function returns extra files information (languages or skins) for the given widget in XML format: {{{ $sSkins = printFiles ("chat", "skins"); echo $sSkins; ///////////////////// }}} 12. '''getSiteName''' {{{ /** * return Site Name set by web-master * @return sSiteName - Site Name */ function getSiteName (){ ... } }}} This function returns site name set by web-master. {{{ $sSiteName = getSiteName(); echo $sSiteName; ///////////////////// Dolphin Site }}} "'''customFunctions.inc.php'''" file functions: 1. '''loginUser''' {{{ /** * Authorize user by specified ID and Password or Login and Password. * @param $sName - user login/ID * @param $sPassword - user password * @param $bLogin - search for login (true) or ID (false) * @return true/false */ function loginUser($sName, $sPassword, $bLogin = false) { ... } }}} This function authorizes user by ID and password or by nick and password: {{{ $sResult = loginUser("1", "12345"); echo $sResult; $sResult = loginUser("nick", "12345"); echo $sResult; ///////////////////// true false }}} 2. '''loginAdmin''' {{{ /**= o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> * Authorize administrator by specified Login and Password. * @param $sLogin - administrator login * @param $sPassword - administrator password * @return true/false */ function loginAdmin($sLogin, $sPassword) { ... } }}} This function authorizes admin by nick and password: {{{ $sResult = loginAdmin("admin", "dolphin"); echo $sResult; ///////////////////// true }}} 3. '''getUserInfo''' {{{ /** * Gets user's information from database by user's id * @param $sId - user ID * @return $aInfo - user info */ function getUserInfo($sId) { ... } }}} This function retrieves user info by given ID: {{{ $aInfo = getUserInfo("1"); print_r($aInfo); ///////////////////// Array("nick" => "Macho", "sex" => "Male", "age" => 25, "desc" => "some description goes here", "photo" => "http://[your_site]/[images_folder]/1.pg", "profile" => "http://[your_site]/profile.php?ID=1") }}} 4. '''searchUser''' {{{ /** * Searches for user by field $sField with value $sValue * @param $sValue - value to search for * @param $sField - field to search * @return $sId - found user ID */ function searchUser($sValue, $sField = "ID") { ... } Searches user by $sField field ("ID" by default) for $sValue value and returns user ID: $sId = searchUser("Macho", "Nick"); echo $sId; ///////////////////// 1 }}}