Boonex Privacy Policy


This document outlines BoonEx position on collecting personal information of BoonEx products and services users, clients and registered community members.

Short summaries ("Recaps") are added after each section as a short explanation for your convenience. Recaps are not legally binding.

Collecting Information

We collect personal information that is relevant to the purpose of our services. This information allows us to provide you with secure, efficient experience and adequate customer support. We collect information through registration process and other website forms that you may choose not to submit. User profiles may be filled with extended personal information as per your own choice. All the submitted information is stored. Some of the submitted information is openly displayed on BoonEx websites. We also collect and store some automatic information, such as IP addresses and browser logs for the purpose of tracking website statistics.

When you purchase something from BoonEx or receive technical assistance, you may be asked to provide additional information, such as payment details, server access details or other personally identifying details. This information is gathered only for the purpose of provision of adequate service. Submission of such information is optional, but refusal to provide it may hinder the possibility to deliver products or services.

Recap: We collect some information from you. Servers collect some browsing logs from you. We only do this to provide better service.

Collecting E-mails

We will never disclose your E-mail address, provided during registration to any third party without your explicit permission. You may choose to remain anonymous in your communication with other members by using BoonE internal mailing system. For your convenience, "Premium" members may receive your personal E-mail address along with internal message. You may opt-in to not show your personal e-mail address or not sent messages to "Premium" members.

Recap: We collect your E-mail address, but we keep it private.

Sharing and Using Information

Your public profile information is available on BoonEx websites. Your personal E-mail address and password are stored securely and are not visible to other members without your permission. Only BoonEx employees and community administrators may have access to your E-mail address.

We will contact you and will request your consent when your personal information is to be shared with third parties or used for a purpose incompatible with the purpose for which it was originally collected, and you will be able to opt out to prevent the sharing of this information.

Recap: We use your information to contact you and to display your public profile.

Securing Information

Your BoonEx account information is protected by an encrypted password for your privacy and security. BoonEx doesn't have access to non-encrypted version of your password, however we still can access your other account information, when required for administration purposes. It is your responsibility to keep your account password safe.

Recap: We don't know your password, but we can access your account information. Keep your password safe and it will keep your account safe.

Privacy Policy Changes

BoonEx may amend this Privacy Policy from time to time, at its sole discretion. BoonEx encourages users to frequently check this page for any changes to its Privacy Policy. Your continued use of this site after any change in this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such change.

Recap: Keep an eye on this policy. It may change.

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.