patitas  Premium New 14 points (85.4% positive, 14.6% negative)
registered 22.08.13

No tengo cuenta personal. Uso la de uno de mis proyectos.

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Hola Patitas,
Ayer compré este pack pero solo veo para descargar la version para 7.3.4... donde me bajo de que corresponde a dolphin 7.1?
Hola, estoy intentando instalar, espero me puedan ayudar, y ya estan copiadas las casrpetas donde se suponen deben estar. pero no enuentro manera desde el admin panel de hacer la instalacion. Saludos
Hola Sr. Patitas,
Lamento decirte que discrepo respecto a que esté "perfectamente traducido". Por poner sólo dos ejemplos, en el formulario de creación de anuncios traduces "Caption" (título) por "Mayúsculas". Parece que viste "Caps" en lugar de "Captions".
En el formulario de eventos traduces "Place name" por "Sitúa Nombre" o algo así. Si hubieras comprobado el contexto de utilización de esa cadena te habrías dado cuenta see more que lo correcto sería "Nombre del lugar".
En definitiva que tendré que repasar las traducciones casi una a una.
Si cobras dinero por algo, por favor asegúrate de que esté bien.
Hola, jlsimon.

Lamento que hayas encontrado cadenas que no se hayan ajustado, y te invito a enviarme por mensaje directo (o al correo reflejado en el archivo "léeme") tus observaciones para sumarlas a los cambios de las siguientes actualizaciones.

Efectivamente puede que aun queden algunos detalles por corregir, puesto que la tradución se lleva a cabo en una lista de alrededor de 10.000 strings que no ofrece contexto más allá del nombre de la "key" que acompaña cada see more cadena en la base de datos.

Créeme que he hecho todo mi esfuerzo por asegurarme de que la traducción sea perfecta. Todos los strings con errores han ido siendo depurados manualmente (como manualmente es todo el proceso traducción).

¡Muchas gracias y perdón por lo que me atañe!

PS: Es muy importante para mi que, cuando reportes algún error en alguna traducción, por favor me copies exactamente la cadena de texto con error (ejemplo: La incerteza sobre el "Sitúa Nombre"), para poder proceder con el ajuste. Te prometo corregir los errores en un plazo no mayor a 48 horas.
Hola! seguí los pasos del txt pero no me aparece spanish language en la lista de módulos (Add & manage) tengo la versión 7.3.3
Hola. Puedes escribirme al correo del archimo "LÉEME" cuando gustes, y te ayudo con la instalación.
Fantástico!. fácil y rápida instalación t una traducción muy completa e impecable. Gracias y saludos cordiales

Lo compre pero no entiendo bien como instalarlo, tengo dolphin 7.2, si me puede ayudar ?
Muchas gracias.
Hola. En el archivo "LÉEME" están todos los detalles, paso por paso. Si aun así tienes algunas duda, puedes escribirme directamente a mi correo, o a través de la mensajería de Boonex.

I've just updated this package version, adding some new keys and deleting others, according to Dolphin 7.2, and aditional translations for new modules "Paypal Payflow" and "Site Customize" included in last Dolphin version.

All my previous customers should be able to download it with no aditional charges.

You can download the previous package eather, in case you keep using Dolphin 7.1.x.

Thank you so much!
¡Bastante útil! Lo recomiendo...
You should be a very frustrated person, I already sent to boonex moderator the way I build my languages mods so they will analize that my languages mods were never copied neither edited from your mod the mods are based on russian language mod not on yours.

My mod is based on the russian language installer from boonex, as everybody can see because everybody can download the mod, you are a shame, the only argument you have to attack me is that one mod was bought from you but russian mod is default see more from boonex and free for editing and sale, and your spanish mod use the same installer as boonex did with russian language.

To avoid conflict with you I was translating my spanish language with my auto-translator but you are anyway unhappy to take competency. You are the shame here no me. You have no education at all, You should contact me before you start accusing me in public, and this is what you did.

Then I will publish the code from the russian mod here and the code from my mod and the code from your spanish mod and lets compare the codes to see who is the first one to copy and edit the russian mod from boonex IS YOU PATITAS.
* Copyright (c) BoonEx Pty Limited -
* CC-BY License -

$aConfig = array(
* Main Section.
'title' => 'Russian Language',
'version' => '1.1.4',
'vendor' => 'BoonEx',
'update_url' => '',

'compatible_with' => array(

* 'home_dir' and 'home_uri' - should be unique. Don't use spaces in 'home_uri' and the other special chars.
'home_dir' => 'boonex/russian/',
'home_uri' => 'russian',

'db_prefix' => 'bx_ru_',
'class_prefix' => 'BxRu',

* Installation/Uninstallation Section.
'install' => array(
'show_introduction' => 0,
'change_permissions' => 0,
'execute_sql' => 1,
'update_languages' => 1,
'recompile_main_menu' => 0,
'recompile_member_menu' => 0,
'recompile_site_stats' => 0,
'recompile_page_builder' => 0,
'recompile_profile_fields' => 0,
'recompile_comments' => 0,
'recompile_member_actions' => 0,
'recompile_tags' => 0,
'recompile_votes' => 0,
'recompile_categories' => 0,
'recompile_search' => 0,
'recompile_injections' => 0,
'recompile_permalinks' => 0,
'recompile_alerts' => 0,
'recompile_global_paramaters' => 0,
'show_conclusion' => 0,
'uninstall' => array (
'show_introduction' => 0,
'change_permissions' => 0,
'execute_sql' => 1,
'update_languages' => 1,
'recompile_main_menu' => 0,
'recompile_member_menu' => 0,
'recompile_site_stats' => 0,
'recompile_page_builder' => 0,
'recompile_profile_fields' => 0,
'recompile_comments' => 0,
'recompile_member_actions' => 0,
'recompile_tags' => 0,
'recompile_votes' => 0,
'recompile_categories' => 0,
'recompile_search' => 0,
'recompile_injections' => 0,
'recompile_permalinks' => 0,
'recompile_alerts' => 0,
'recompile_global_paramaters' => 0,
'show_conclusion' => 0,
* Dependencies Section
'dependencies' => array(),

* Category for language keys.
'language_category' => 'Russian Language',

* Permissions Section
'install_permissions' => array(),
'uninstall_permissions' => array(),

* Introduction and Conclusion Section.
'install_info' => array(
'introduction' => '',
'conclusion' => ''
'uninstall_info' => array(
'introduction' => '',
'conclusion' => ''

$aConfig = array(
* Main Section.
'title' => 'Spanish Language',
'version' => '1.1.0',
'vendor' => 'Patitas',
'update_url' => '',

'compatible_with' => array(

* 'home_dir' and 'home_uri' - should be unique. Don't use spaces in 'home_uri' and the other special chars.
'home_dir' => 'boonex/spanish/',
'home_uri' => 'spanish',

'db_prefix' => 'bx_es_',
'class_prefix' => 'BxEs',

* Installation/Uninstallation Section.
'install' => array(
'show_introduction' => 0,
'change_permissions' => 0,
'execute_sql' => 1,
'update_languages' => 1,
'recompile_main_menu' => 0,
'recompile_member_menu' => 0,
'recompile_site_stats' => 0,
'recompile_page_builder' => 0,
'recompile_profile_fields' => 0,
'recompile_comments' => 0,
'recompile_member_actions' => 0,
'recompile_tags' => 0,
'recompile_votes' => 0,
'recompile_categories' => 0,
'recompile_search' => 0,
'recompile_injections' => 0,
'recompile_permalinks' => 0,
'recompile_alerts' => 0,
'recompile_global_paramaters' => 0,
'show_conclusion' => 0,
'uninstall' => array (
'show_introduction' => 0,
'change_permissions' => 0,
'execute_sql' => 1,
'update_languages' => 1,
'recompile_main_menu' => 0,
'recompile_member_menu' => 0,
'recompile_site_stats' => 0,
'recompile_page_builder' => 0,
'recompile_profile_fields' => 0,
'recompile_comments' => 0,
'recompile_member_actions' => 0,
'recompile_tags' => 0,
'recompile_votes' => 0,
'recompile_categories' => 0,
'recompile_search' => 0,
'recompile_injections' => 0,
'recompile_permalinks' => 0,
'recompile_alerts' => 0,
'recompile_global_paramaters' => 0,
'show_conclusion' => 0,
* Dependencies Section
'dependencies' => array(),

* Category for language keys.
'language_category' => 'Spanish Language',

* Permissions Section
'install_permissions' => array(),
'uninstall_permissions' => array(),

* Introduction and Conclusion Section.
'install_info' => array(
'introduction' => '',
'conclusion' => ''
'uninstall_info' => array(
'introduction' => '',
'conclusion' => ''
Now my code from russian language

$aConfig = array(

'title' => 'Spanish Language',
'version' => '1.1.4',
'vendor' => 'Mymangoes',
'update_url' => '',
'compatible_with' => array(

'home_dir' => 'mymangoes-lang/spanish/',
'home_uri' => 'spanish',

'db_prefix' => 'bx_es_',
'class_prefix' => 'BxEs',

'install' => array(
'show_introduction' => 0,
'change_permissions' => 0,
'execute_sql' => 1,
'update_languages' => 1,
'recompile_main_menu' => 0,
'recompile_member_menu' => 0,
'recompile_site_stats' => 0,
'recompile_page_builder' => 0,
'recompile_profile_fields' => 0,
'recompile_comments' => 0,
'recompile_member_actions' => 0,
'recompile_tags' => 0,
'recompile_votes' => 0,
'recompile_categories' => 0,
'recompile_search' => 0,
'recompile_injections' => 0,
'recompile_permalinks' => 0,
'recompile_alerts' => 0,
'recompile_global_paramaters' => 0,
'show_conclusion' => 0,
'uninstall' => array (
'show_introduction' => 0,
'change_permissions' => 0,
'execute_sql' => 1,
'update_languages' => 1,
'recompile_main_menu' => 0,
'recompile_member_menu' => 0,
'recompile_site_stats' => 0,
'recompile_page_builder' => 0,
'recompile_profile_fields' => 0,
'recompile_comments' => 0,
'recompile_member_actions' => 0,
'recompile_tags' => 0,
'recompile_votes' => 0,
'recompile_categories' => 0,
'recompile_search' => 0,
'recompile_injections' => 0,
'recompile_permalinks' => 0,
'recompile_alerts' => 0,
'recompile_global_paramaters' => 0,
'show_conclusion' => 0,

'dependencies' => array(),

'language_category' => 'Spanish Language',

'install_permissions' => array(),
'uninstall_permissions' => array(),

'install_info' => array(
'introduction' => '',
'conclusion' => ''
'uninstall_info' => array(
'introduction' => '',
'conclusion' => ''

You are wrong, you start accusing me based on your believes and for money and price reasons not technical reason because you never bought my mod before you start attacking me as you are doing.

Automatic translations works for many people, there is another language mods pack for sale at boonex. they are selling and many people are satisfied with the level of quality, and yes they have to edit some lines but the price justified the work of editing several lines to fine tune the language pack to your needs if you can save several hundred hours of doing from zero level. Your spanish mod is NOT an exception because you I have to edit your translations many times because they are wrong or are useless in North America.

My main question remain here Why did you start accusing me of copy or editing your mod if you never see my mod before you start accusing me? Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why Why?

Because the only argument you have is that I bought the spanish mod from you?

The mod that was edited was the russian mod not your mod and boonex knows that. and the problem with you is that you did the same but before me with the russian language.

Your argument has no merits and I will fully demonstrate what I',m saying, all the damage you cause to me you will have to pay for.
mymangoes NO, it is a false accusation, you are giving away someone else's work, I have seen you transaction, Patatitas sold to you one package Spanish translation yet after sending the forum translate. sell packages to an almost symbolic price, that it was not your job, please If someone else has sold to this man some language pack please write Boonex team.
I purchased both this module and its installation and its use is very simple, easy to learn and configure.

The default size of banner is suitable, large or small, the fact that this preset to resize and that I think is a plus because you no longer have to worry about the size and potential errors that often occur not calculate well.

By purchasing the module will get the "Digger" tool, along with ads Pointed both work perfectly in tandem, Digger read what users type into your existing see more website and banners classified according to what is written so that user will receive the appropriate banner and advertisers take more revenue from the investment in the banner. Essentials Pointed write labels to create banner ads if they are to Digger doing its job, it is very easy to use.

As for the new tool that is developed positive I see is free for those who have already bought this product, also it will be very useful for setting more approximate rates for banner since right now would have to negotiate with the advertising company.

From our point of view is an excellent module.
Thank you so much! I'll send you soon the new updates, with "click" and "impression" counters for you to measure the ads efficacy, and a valueing mechanism based on the ad's tags
Facil de instalar y con buena traduccion, el programador es una persona muy atenta y responsable , puedo recomendarlo para los interesados en sus productos.
Muy buena traducción, están todas las entradas.
Estupenda asistencia técnica. Gracias.
Muy buen módulo, muy buena traducción, facil de instalar
Felicidades! perfectamente traducido, instalación fácil y rápida.
¡Muchas gracias! Cualquier duda, estamos a la orden...
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