Products tagged as "site"

Boonex Site Update

Andrew Boon posted 7th of March 2016 in Boonex News. 1 comment.

This week we came up with a relatively small site update, mostly catering for the introduction of the new Chat+. Some details have been added to the Features page and the Pricing page has been re-designed. Notably, the price of Premium+ subscriptions went up from $89 to $99 per month, but all existing subscribers will keep paying the old price.   Another small

Is D7 Alexa friendly?

tomakali posted 13th of October 2010 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

I was evaluating alexa http://www.alexa. com/siteaudit/ for my other requirement.

Dolphin SEO - what a joke.

DeeEmm posted 14th of May 2010 in Community Voice. 19 comments.

Just got some press for my site in a magazine - great, can't wait for the hit's to come rolling

Christian singles, MSSQL administrator and forefront website

LyubovL posted 20th of December 2009. 0 comments.

Dan Otto, head of Christian Dating Site - Freechristiansinglesdati is a MSSQL database administrator for a major footware website. Based

Unity not ready for Prime Time

bigal0228 posted 6th of November 2009 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

With all of the discussions about D7 going on, I thought it might be appropriate to note that this site

Viral site infections

LyubovL posted 21st of September 2009. 58 comments.

We've noticed some web sites have been infected with a new virus. Here is some advice for those whose sites

Making Money With Your Site

Project198 posted 23rd of May 2009 in Community Voice. 9 comments.

Well we have been live for a week now and its going good. Now its time to put a Paypal

Site Migration :: The War on Terror!!

nolochemical posted 1st of February 2009 in Community Voice. 0 comments.

Don't be affraid to connect the dots, investigate things you don't know, use common sense, and ask questions, and share

What script do these sites use?

LHAdmin posted 5th of June 2008 in Community Voice. 1 comment.

Check out the sites of  Does anyone know what script they use?  They look very good.

Need help getting dolphin customized for my website

thegayestever posted 15th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 0 comments.

I am new to dolphin and my company is starting a Gay Adult Entertainment web site, we are also incorperating dolphin

help adding color to site

carreral4 posted 10th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

looking for a programmer

LoveMunkee posted 26th of April 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

My name is Larry. I recently got into the dating/community websites. Ive never seen programming like this for a website

Change Site Stats

pziral posted 14th of April 2008 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

Is it possible to change the site stat modul so it doesn't display the Music, Video and Profile Video stats.

I'm taking this on

Pamela posted 10th of April 2008 in Community Voice. 2 comments.

I've gotten myself hired to convert an existing dating site that was written in straight php and mysql with no

Hi, I have just setup a new social community site but want some help to populate information on it.

Atlaslight posted 21st of March 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

Hi One and ALL ,  I am new to this thing named Social Community Network, I love this site (

How to Disable Site Stats in member.php

bzzrd2 posted 18th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

I have been able to disable site stats in all pages except member.php  Does anyone know where or how I

Moving Dolphin to a New Host

Alternagay posted 21st of February 2008 in Community Voice. 15 comments.

A while back I saw a document around BoonEx or Expertzzz on how to move Dolphin from one server and/or

Unwanted message at top of my site pages.

friendga posted 10th of February 2008 in Community Voice. 5 comments.

Hi. I have dolphin.,  When the groups catagory page loads each one says has this message

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.