could anybody help myself? In the it paginates of profile as he/she would do for changing instead of appearing the
I have completed the patch from 6.0.0005 to 6.1.1 and have two issues.
after members sign up in there profile it says 0000-00-00 instead of the date thay put when they joined is
Hi fellow NetWarriors out there:
Members can create a profile and a guestbook, post pictures and send and receive messages. Create a clan or join
How can i change the width and height of tellfriend.php popup window plz let me know which file is to
Hello, I am a newbie trying to install Boonex on my server, Have managed to get to the 6th step
How i can set limit of number upload video and song? for example 1 song and video for member
I installed Dolphin with free Ray and I would like to remove the adds. Do I have to remove my
Hello everyone,
Hi. I have dolphin., When the groups catagory page loads each one says has this message