Products tagged as "errors"

Lack of Support

Xtlman posted 17th of December 2009 in Community Voice. 9 comments.

I am a try-BEFORE-you-buy type of individual and will not hesitate to pony up a bit of cash for a

SQL Database Errors: How to fix missing tables!

mydatery posted 27th of July 2009 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

Okay, we are always getting asked how to fix an SQL error and it is very rare that we ever

Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in PHP 5.3.0

Technoman posted 19th of July 2009 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime () is deprecated in ...

Hookie Alpha install revisited...

ZopfWare posted 23rd of June 2009 in Community Voice. 16 comments.

I now see what all the fuss was when I posted earlier about a flawless install.  When I did my

boonex callbacks causing hosting providers a headache

sammie posted 14th of January 2009 in Community Voice. 14 comments.

Dear Boonex

Dolphin Dates on Blogs, RSS feeds & Events

jdoedtman posted 22nd of July 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

I've applied the patch to 6.1.3 and now all of the dates on my postings are wrong.  For example, Events

Why are these not in the zip file?

bambie posted 14th of July 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

File does not exist: /home/bambie/public_html /plugins/jquery/ui.droppa ble.js


deoblo posted 30th of June 2008 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

ok Im installing dolphin 6.1.2 on an apache server and I finally got it to install but Im getting errors

Undefined Error

thinklucky13 posted 20th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 0 comments.

My video upload tool doesn't show up at all. It just says undefined. See below.

Undefined Error

thinklucky13 posted 20th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 0 comments.

My video upload tool doesn't show up at all. It just says undefined. See below.

Help with 404 errors

bullsparade posted 19th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

The links within my forum section and news section send me to 404 error. If I go to all forums

help with file_get_contents() ERRORS!

photoman posted 13th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 9 comments.

Hi.. I'm not familar with PHP and get this error on various pages:

Not found 404 errors

wer posted 12th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 18 comments.


Navigation bar links solution, Thanks to Aramis

Schubert posted 2nd of May 2008 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

I went to Expertzzz and emailed Aramis. He solved the problem so many of us have had since the new

Need a solution for navigation bar links

Schubert posted 2nd of May 2008 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

Is there anyone who is familiar with the upper navigation bar? I removed my old version of Dolphin, v6.05 and

The new orca that came with Dolphin 6.1b isn't!!

Stealth04 posted 11th of April 2008 in Community Voice. 7 comments.

When I click from the admin panel on the Orca to set it up-I get HTML code then the rest

Fatal error: Cannot run code from this file.....

dkshadow9498 posted 2nd of April 2008 in Community Voice. 2 comments.

Hello all, new member, hoping to get Dolphin up and running. I have installed the programs on my server, after

New member creation issues.

Stang5_0 posted 19th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 2 comments.

Hi folks. I did a search for this error but came up with nothing.

script.js errors??

Interex posted 17th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 2 comments.

I just figured I'd mention that Firebug is reporting errors with script.js on lines 50, 51, and 52.  They appear

Orca on Firefox Displaying Code Instead of Layout? Anyone else? Or know how to fix this?

doctorbull posted 7th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 21 comments.

Ok so i installed the latest version of dolphin, and everything is working fine, except ORCA. When trying to

Getting Database errors

maunishq posted 3rd of March 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

Since last 3 days, I am getting lots of database errors. In every 5 clicks, 1-2 are database errors, stating

Purchased product but cannot get and shopping cart issues.

wolfepk1 posted 27th of February 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

I purchased a product from Interex through this sites system but was unable to download it because Interex had to

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.