Products tagged as "disputes"

Products and vendors with active disputes to be exposed.

Andrew Boon posted 7th of December 2011 in Boonex News. 46 comments.

As a protective measure in BoonEx Market we added a new feature that will allow Moderators to mark products as

Market Disputes Policy Update (UPDATED)

Andrew Boon posted 12th of July 2011 in Boonex News. 87 comments.

Up to now all disputes around products in BoonEx Market have been treated as a free-form information source for further

"Disputes" - Unity Forum section is opened

VictorT posted 29th of March 2010. 14 comments.

After all discussions which took place not so long ago in Unity, we were still getting reports/claims again and again.

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.