Products tagged as "bar"

Linking Issues after uptdate to 6.11

goHebraic posted 16th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 0 comments.

I upgraded my Dolphin site and now I am having problems linking from page to page from the top nav

Navigation bar links solution, Thanks to Aramis

Schubert posted 2nd of May 2008 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

I went to Expertzzz and emailed Aramis. He solved the problem so many of us have had since the new

Need a solution for navigation bar links

Schubert posted 2nd of May 2008 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

Is there anyone who is familiar with the upper navigation bar? I removed my old version of Dolphin, v6.05 and

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.