Products tagged as "approval"

Groups Moderation Alerts

wolf2217 posted 17th of March 2010 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

I was working on a user's Dolphin site earlier today and we got discussing groups.

Has anybody Else Submitted Extensions

DosDawg posted 10th of August 2008 in Community Voice. 9 comments.

i would just like to know if there are others out there who have submitted extensions that have not been

Members management Dol 6.1.1

MichelSwiss posted 6th of June 2008 in Community Voice. 7 comments.

In the Admin Panel, users management (admin/profiles.php), where are gone the sections Approval, Rejected, Suspended ???

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.