From A seo point of view we already know Dolphin sucks. I use Joomla a lot and a few other cms types. The one thing I notice they all have and dolphin does not is SEO on all the pages. With each mod there is no seo and every page your user add has no seo value to me as well. I have a magazine online with joomla each page anyone adds to the site they can add seo to it (title, description, keywords). That means alot. So say you have 100 members and all wrote a blog on different topics. Well you should see more now have 100 landing pages right? Not in Dolphin You get , for title and description if you list it on facebook and your search engine sees nothing. I find articles from my magazine all the time in searches never a page of my D7 site.. And my splash page is done in all html as index.html so i could get the seo value and it works ..
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.