Offence is not taken Nurke - I didn't really post this to be critiqued, but since a few people have mentioned the same things I will work on it - specifically the text block which I will try to improve. I can get rid of the tags block - it has never worked anyway but I just let it there for SEO - but the member's block? A few people have mentioned that but that is one that I thought most people here liked and used on their sites. I can keep the blog and forum posts, but it is almost all my content see more - again the "engagement" problem. Everyone agrees that the stuff on the homepage should be only the stuff that us "useful to the users" - but what? We don't really have anything engaging and useful to put there, unlike the other site I posted that is immediately engaging. Totally agree with you on the "notifications" system though - extremely important so if nothing else, I hope Boonex will pay attention to that one.

So you said this isn't another "Rob you suck" post, but even if it is I don't think I care - even I was basically saying I such here. Note what is still missing here after all these comments. No one has come here and said "Rob, check out this Dolphin site - nit is awesome and engaging". That seems to be somewhat revealing to me.
I came back b/c I got an email I had a reply to my post.... lets see what 7,1 will be like and get modzzz email notifications mod to start.... google search something like "starting business in CA" Starting business in NY" and so on.... read on how to and make blogs or forums about each search business fraud, on and write about it in your posts...on forum, think of several categories...doesnt have to be 50 of them..

People like to put see more members block visible to visitors thinking that it will impress new members...depends what your site is might your case most likely not....

Someone told Hustonlively to butt off after he replied.... looks like we do have to mention that our posts are not to insult poster so thats why i wrote "not a Rob you suck post"...just to make sure you take my reply as advice...

Maybe the best dolphin based site is ... and they have only forums, notes....every while they add oil to the fire and there you go 300 posts a day.....

I hope this can help....
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.