Unfortunately, there are those who do not see the value in standards, and perceive them as simply another inconvenience, or there are those like Microsoft, which have some commercial reason for not adopting them. These are the same people that hold the web back, People like the multitude of IE6 and IE7 users - who have no interest in using a compliant browser, or people that think it's all someone else's problem.

By way of a topical example: HTML5 - supported by ALL major browsers except Explorer see more - this means that HTML5 could be rolled out web wide today / tomorrow - giving untold benefits, improvements and even fixes to current issues - including many issues with Dolphin (video playback being one). Not to mention all of the new and great features it has to offer. Unfortunately this is unlikely to happen due to the lack of support in Explorer. So in this regard Microsoft's unwillingness to adopt HTML5 (which is a W3C standard) is likely to hold the internet back a year or two or three.

So yes, whilst W3C compliance is not needed to make your site work, ignoring it and all that it represents is simply uniformed ignorance, that only serves to impede the progress of the internet.

Pierrehs, in answer to your question, currently Boonex have bigger issues than W3C compliance to fix, I would like to hope that given the time when there are no more bugs taking up the developers time, this may get addressed.

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.