Compliance is not important to getting your site to run - that is not the entire point of it. Compliance is simply about making the internet a better place - it's about standardisation - nothing more. In an ideal internet, there would be no need for hacks and tweaks to get things to run properly. Sites would work the same for everybody regardless of the browser / computer / server / etc - when people visit a site it would just work. @HL - everyone's expectation is the same there.

W3C support a see more set of standards that people are encouraged to use and promote. This includes amongst other things HTML, XML - both languages that Dolphin uses. The W3C standard that covers XML practically defines most of the internet as we know it, and most of the internet for the foreseeable future, the PHP XML module based on this standard is completely relied upon by Dolphin - Dolphin will not function without it. Every single RSS feed on the internet also follows the strict XML standard.

Without these standards defined by W3C, your Dolphin websites would be unreliable, and probably work (badly) in some browsers and not at all in others. They would be full of proprietary code tags supported by one browser manufacturer and not another (Boonex are not exactly famed for their compatibility layers) and everyone would be saying that Dolphin is so far advanced it needs a special browser (whereas currently it just needs a special server - lol).

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.