easy fix, dont go there if it has you conjuring up those negative feelings about its presentation. i for one dont frequent MS or FB, dont have any need to. unity is enough drama for me, and i am here to help people.
i guess in order to understand these two sites you would have to understand the engine behind them, and that is youth. yes more and more middle-aged groupies are gathering up on there discussing their hamburgers and laundry loads, and for them, that breaks the monotony of the day, see more its their entertainment.
i recall my addiction to yahoo games back 10 years ago or so. i played chess, spades, hearts, literati, there wasnt a player on there with any type of rating that i hadnt played. i had a lot of fun, met a lot of people, and it was entertainment (waste of flipping time) but entertainment.
i havent been to ygames in some years now, find the whole class of people who frequent that portal are very different now, and have different interests.
i guess in order to understand these two sites you would have to understand the engine behind them, and that is youth. yes more and more middle-aged groupies are gathering up on there discussing their hamburgers and laundry loads, and for them, that breaks the monotony of the day, see more