I totally agree with victor here, this isnt about being able to post support question in the blog, its about not liking being told what to do, period.
Its very simple, the rules are here for a reason, to keep order, now if you join a site and you dont like the rules, then what people tend to do is leave, they dont argue with the Admin, the moderators and try there best to buck the system. They do as the rules say, or dont stay on the site.
I have to say too that on no other site would there be see more this sort of questioning of site rules or admins and moderators motives. On any other site, you would be told to follow the rules or to leave, its got nothing to do with anybody else how a site chooses its rules and how it implements them.
I understand where Coltrade is coming from with his statement of wasting time doing research for the answer to the question, but, you knew it was against the rules and the risk involved in the blog being taken down, im sorry, and i say this with respect to everybody trying to go agaisnt the rules on purpose like vigalante's, its your own fault. The sooner that members understand that the rules are here for a reason, and its not a personal attack against you, civil liberties, freedom of speech and all the rest of the nonsence that gets spouted off, simply to try and cover the fact that you dont like the shift from, what i can only call a site that was like the wild west, with gun slingers and trouble makers and NO sheriff...

Well, i think John Wayne has just wondered into town boys, and the outlaws dont like it too much.


As I understand it, you are publicly accusing me of being "outlaw" and a "vigilante" for no other reason than expressing my opinion here. This could be interpreted as libel and is in violation of This post is in violation of the Boonex Constitution, Part 1, Section 1.3 "Personal attacks are not allowed nor tolerated", and possibly Secton 1.6 "Do not post information ... or any statements that may give rise to civil liability". It also violates General see more Netiqute, Section 2.4 "Challenge arguments, not people". This posts has so many violations of the rules that I am surprised it has been left up so long. Don't worry about that civil "civil liability" part though. Since your post is so grossly in violation of "the rules" I'm certain the moderators will destroy all traces its existence shortly.
thanks for the comment there Coltrade, but What the heck are you on about. what you have just written just shows me that there is no common sense in you, and you are on some personnel crusade for some reason only known to you.
Why is this so important to you, whats the big deal. Truth is, you haven't got an argument, cant you see that, you simply have no debate about this subject what so ever so you make yourself look foolish, which is really not good.
Truth is, you dont like the rules, you go see more out of your way to contribute to those blogs that you know are breaking the rules, you do that on purpose,and you dont like it when you dont get away with it (which is where this blog came from)
you are also very negative about anything, even on a congratulating Dwain on becoming a moderator you had this to say...

(quote)I don't know Dwain very well, I'm sure he will be a fine moderator, but what is really needed on the forums is technical support from Boonex. People who are selling Dolphin related services often have a different perspective from other members and I don't think you should select any more of them as "moderators". They may help people on occasion, but their real objective is to sell some service. Other members help each other because they are dealing with the same real world technical situations, not because they want to use the forums as leverage to sell something.(end quote)

Now that seems to me that you were attacking the two main moderators there, and there motives for no reason whatsever. Everybody else was saying well done dwain, but not you.

I think you will find that my post that you are complaining about, is accurate, and there is only you that will read that as a personnel attack on you

(Quote from my post)and i say this with respect to EVERYBODY trying to go agaisnt the rules on purpose like vigalante's, its your own fault. The sooner that MEMBERS understand that the rules are here for a reason, and its not a PERSONAL ATTACK AGAISNT YOU, civil liberties, freedom of speech and all the rest of the nonsence that gets spouted off,(end quote)

Sorry Coltrade, but my post does not break any of the site rules. There seems to be only you at the moment, that seems Hell bent on doing that.


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