Whats been happening here lately isnt really a true reflection of what it is like here most of the time. ive been here a few months and on the whole people are helpful, or at least try their best to point you in the right direction. It's only a few that seem to pop in and try to upset things, and as ive said before, i really cant work out why some people emotions run so high and seem to be on some vendetta. I think the list that sammie proposed is a good one, they are some of the most helpful and see more expert members around here and this can only do good for the community and the software, and i really dont understand why anybody would attack the idea. I only want to see the software working properly as i suspect most people do, and you can only do that by having people to test it that know what they are talking about. This is a brilliant idea. Do you really think that anybody would boycot Boonex, no of course not, thats just silly talk, laughable really. all genuine members here want the same thing, for boonex to come up with software that works and is fully tested so it gives the end user a smooth experience, and thats it, end of story, you cant get more unified than that. IMHO
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.