OK everybody. Whether you like Sammie or not, is irrelevant when you consider the bigger picture and the principles driving the changes that Sammie is asking of Boonex.

For Sammie to request that Boonex create a group to review a Dolphin version prior to it's release to the entire world, is in no way a self-serving interest. A small group with an agenda that focuses on quality assurance, is always a good thing. Sometimes a thousand voices speaking at once, makes it difficult to keep attention see more focused on the most important issues.

As it is now, the Boonex staff is shouldered with the entire burden of quality assurance, coding Dolphin 7, and managing the day to day operations of Boonex. Forming a group that functions to ease some of the QC burden, will certainly make Dolphin a better product. That is incontestable.

This is something that is good for the entire community. The community will benefit by having additional pairs of eyes reviewing Dolphin before a version release, and additional ears listening to the community. You may not agree with how this group has come to be, or the personnel within, but be assured that it is a step in the right direction.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.