indeed, i think i have said this myself over 1000 times, but nobody gets the concept. they are in here and think well this is somewhere to post my issue. i could have halfway understood, until boonex put the notice on the blog, that they should not post support questions to the blog. they even check the box " I understand" well obviously they dont, and they continue to post to the blog. I think they should have to register to post on the blog, as a separate entity and have it reviewed by see more the moderators, which we seem to not have any of at the moment, and only then will their posts be posted to the blogs, if in fact it is blog content.

i also think it would help if blogs werent the first thing that a new user sees when they get to the site of but oh well just my thoughts. good post, and hopefully it will stick with some, others are just hopeless.

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.