Category: boonex news

Dolphin U and Dolphin Classic

Andrew Boon posted 23rd of July 2014 in Boonex News. 25 comments.

Two weeks of Dolphin 8 Private Preview passed and the feedback from the first group of testers has been absolutely invaluable! We have made quite a few improvements, changes and reassessments. Perhaps the most notable one is that Dolphin 7 and Dolphin 8 will now be separated into two different products - Dolphin Classic (current D7) and Dolphin U (current D8).

Boonex Digest #9

Andrew Boon posted 7th of July 2014 in Boonex News. 0 comments.

New Products Advanced Contact $20 · modz zz   r Dolphin Games $40 · modzzz   n Dedicated Cloud RMS (Ray Media Server) 100% Scalable, add processor, ram or disk nodes anytime $28.6 · gl obalweb   Ands Login Anywhere $25 · ane ilaDesign   "B oonex Ads" with Translatable Categories (some fixes needed) FREE · pat itas   n Traducti on Française Dolphin 7.1.4 OSHO et divers modules + mod telechargements $30  · frdji70   F loating Shopping Cart Button $15 · deano 92964   Splash Tour $45 · tboulle y   Two years unlimited GeoIP Blocker Token $39 · Webby0 815   One year unlimited GeoIP Blocker Token $2

Boonex Digest #8

Andrew Boon posted 18th of June 2014 in Boonex News. 0 comments.

  New Products Japanese Language Package for Dolphin 7.1.4 $30 · mymang oes   Hindi Language Package for Dolphin 7.1.4 $35 · mymang oes   Czech Language Package for D 7.1.4 $25 · mymang oes   Chinese-T raditional Language Package $35 · myma ngoes   Chinese -Simplified Language Package $35 · myma ngoes   Portugu ese Language Pack for Dolphin 7.1.4 $30 · mymang oes   Public Photos Mobile Module $45 · pcint egrad   Chrome Web App for Dolphin $35 · tbou lley   n New Product Updates r Ultimate Notifier $40 · mod zzz   IBDW Special x D7.0.X - Save $56,00 $120 · i

Boonex Digest #7

Andrew Boon posted 3rd of June 2014 in Boonex News. 7 comments.

  New Special Offers Arabic Language Pack for Dolphin 7.1.4 $25 · mymang oes   Full-Lang uage Package for Dolphin 7.1.4 $69 · mymang oes   GEOIP Blocker / Allower $35 · Webb y0815   nNew Products Linkedin Template $49 · Gio vanni_m   PKFor um Installation and Migration Service $39 · Dolp hinHelp   PKFor um $79 · DolphinHel p   Blue Moonshine Template + Makeover Pages $175 · tboul ley   Dolphin Plug-N-Go Makeover Bundle $75 · tboul ley   Plug-N-Go Contact & Support Page $35 · tboulle y   Plug-N-Go Help Tour Page $15 · tboulle y  

Suggest Extensions For "Essentials" Collection

Andrew Boon posted 3rd of June 2014 in Boonex News. 40 comments.

This is one of the first "new" collections. The idea is to curate a list of a few "must have" extensions from BoonEx Market that most experiences web-masters already know about, but newcomers may be yet to come across.    Please, suggest Extensions that you think are of key importance for just about any new Dolphin-based site. Things that, one might think,

Boonex Digest #6

Andrew Boon posted 20th of May 2014 in Boonex News. 0 comments.

New Package Offers "Pointed Ads" + "Digger - Words Analyser" $100 ·  patitas   r New Products New Twitter Template $49 · Gio vanni_m   Free Spanish translation For Language Strings Editor v.2.2 + Email templates VISUAL editor FREE · Dali dae   Offline Payments $50 · mod zzz   Garage Sales $50 · modzzz   n Multilingual FAQ $30 · ClaudeAn dre   Community Cover - Add a cover to your communities! (for Communities by Modzzz) $39 · ilbe llodelweb   Sou ndCloud Import-Embed-Connect - Version 3.0.0 Import Your Music From SoundCloud $44 · g lobalweb

Boonex Digest #5

AlexT posted 7th of May 2014 in Boonex News. 0 comments.

New special offers, new products, new product updates, new popular forum topics

Boonex Digest #4

Andrew Boon posted 20th of April 2014 in Boonex News. 2 comments.

New Special Offers Holiday Sale - 50% Discount FREE · mo dzzz   n Combo CJMR - 4 great mods ( Celebs, Jokes, Movies and Jokes zone) one low price package $79 · mods 4dolphin

BoonEx Digest #3

Andrew Boon posted 8th of April 2014 in Boonex News. 0 comments.

New Special Offers Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Mods - Combo Package $69 · mods 4dolphin

BoonEx Digest #2 - Web Version

Andrew Boon posted 25th of March 2014 in Boonex News. 4 comments.

Our first Digest received a warm welcome from the community, adding to the motivation for continuing them further on.   Some members didn't receive our first issue, though. First , not everyone is subscribed to BoonEx newsletters; and second, we often have problems sending to "role-based" emails, such as "". Starting from this (second) publication we'll be also posting Notes containing the same content, so

Big Market Update

Andrew Boon posted 13th of March 2014 in Boonex News. 14 comments.

Over the last couple of months we have gradually introduced a number of changes to BoonEx Market. Some of the updates have been modified, pulled or further tuned to be most effective. Today, we're ready to finally announce and explain the changes in detail. 

Where have you been? Where are you going to? I wanna know what's new? I wanna go with you...

Andrew Boon posted 9th of January 2014 in Boonex News. 69 comments.

Black Friday, Christmas, Boxing Day, NYE and various other "abnormal" days passed and we're safely in 2014. Whew! This time we decided to let you enjoy your families and holiday shopping with a bit more focus on "offline life". Now, that you're back, let's get our share of shopping spree going (sale! sale!); reflect on the year 2013 and glimpse

BoonEx Is Now A Responsible Teenager

Andrew Boon posted 2nd of September 2013 in Boonex News. 17 comments.

We've turned 13! Seriously! BoonEx is thirteen, by our count. Not too shabby for a tech company, yet still not even half-way of where we expect to be. The day catches us in the heat of the developing, designing and analysing. BoonEx has changed a lot over years, but the idea and the mission is the same - we are

Pages News

AntonLV posted 28th of August 2013 in Boonex News. 0 comments.

Our Pages module was updated and it supports plug-ins now. Also the first Pages News plug-in was released. It allows YOUR users to post news inside their personal Pages. You may read more about it on product's page.

Pages 1.0

AntonLV posted 8th of August 2013 in Boonex News. 0 comments.

We've released a new module Pages with a number of useful features. It allows your members to create any type of pages, like business, fan, entertainment, information and meny other pages. It has some special and unique features which allow to make the unique page with it's own description and layout. Your members will like our Pages module because it's powerful and

Get Mobile Apps or Upgrade to Prime With a Discount

Andrew Boon posted 23rd of July 2013 in Boonex News. 6 comments.

Just for 7 days we are offering a rare opportunity to buy Mobile Apps license for just $249 (normally $399!) or upgrade from Standard to Prime for just $299 (price difference normally is $400, but upgrades are not available).

Motives: Answers, Blogging, Business

Andrew Boon posted 27th of March 2013 in Boonex News. 10 comments.

We have announced Motives a few weeks ago and it seems to have been the right thing to do. Motives, being a type of curation based on "rationale", are easier for many newcomers to relate to, and they just help with choosing the right kind of extensions to work with. Even non-believers will gradually see motives making a whole lot of sense,

The Big Documentation Overhaul

Andrew Boon posted 7th of March 2013 in Boonex News. 13 comments.

Something epic is happening - we are "reconditioning" the entire Boonex Help area and all the Documentation resources. Our goal is to go through every document, update it, streamline it, sort them all out and put them in order. BoonEx documentation is going to be great. You may notice that BoonEx top site menu now features "HELP" link instead of the

BoonEx Market Improvements - ATTENTION ALL VENDORS!

Andrew Boon posted 20th of February 2013 in Boonex News. 14 comments.

BoonEx Market is what makes Dolphin the world's most powerful social networking webs ite platform. Extensions and the people behind them gradually formed a strong backing for Dolphin - something we value tremendously and plan to stimulate further.   In the last couple of weeks we have made a few improvements to BoonEx Market and BoonEx site in general...

Introducing Motives

Andrew Boon posted 13th of February 2013 in Boonex News. 23 comments.

With the new Dolphin 7.1 we have a great platform for further development and BoonEx Market is getting healthier with more quality extensions appearing more often than ever. These are great news for geeks, but we see great number of people coming to and not really realising the potential of Dolphin coupled with BoonEx Market offers.

Dolphin 7.1 Osho (final) Released!

Andrew Boon posted 10th of January 2013 in Boonex News. 64 comments.

Exactly 1111 days after the release of Dolphin 7.0 we're happy to announce the new "feature" update - Dolphin 7.1 Osho. Yes, it took us almost 3 years to make sure Dolphin 7 is stable enough and to create a new set of functionality and design that is now going to be the new flagship. Many web-masters already started using

Cross Member Blocks v1.3

AntonLV posted 7th of January 2013 in Boonex News. 0 comments.

Cross Member Blocks version 1.3 is available to download. New in this version: Blocks for Files module - blocked member cannot get access to blocker's file folders and files pages.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! [now with the giveaway results]

Andrew Boon posted 24th of December 2012 in Boonex News. 246 comments.

The 2012 is almost over, and it looks like there will be the 2013 after all. Which is great! We need the 2013, because it should be a great year - a year of new developments, pivots, re-discoveries and good fun. 2012 was tough, tedious and at times really challenging. Economies struggled, online businesses entered drier periods and "social networking"

Ongoing BoonEx Makeover - Market, Forums, Blog and The Rest

Andrew Boon posted 23rd of December 2012 in Boonex News. 9 comments.

It's a very HOT Christmas down here in Sydney. First, as I write this, we're reaching some +35C (that's about +95 American-degrees, which I guess went through some dramatic inflation sometime in history) and second - we're bound to have a busy working week. We need to deliver full release of Dolphin 7.1 ASAP and we also work on a

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.