Category: Boonex News

Boonex Market Spring Cleaning

Andrew Boon posted 1st of March 2017 in Boonex News. 5 comments.

Boonex Market has grown to include over 3000 listings. Many of them are excellent extensions, templates, languages or service offerings, supported and regularly updated. At the same time we have accumulated a number of "sub-par" listings that haven't been attended to by their authors for years. Moreover, due to several market updates we still have some listings that use pictures with

Get Loyalty Reward for Licenses and Subscriptions

Andrew Boon posted 19th of May 2016 in Boonex News. 29 comments.

You may have noticed that your Boonex Account dashboard now has a fancy new "Loyalty Reward" progress bar that shows percentage or, if you're lucky, says "Congrats!". That is the new system which we added in order to say "Thank You!" for the money you pay us. :) The reward is always a free Permanent License. Once you reach 100%, you can

Boonex Site Update

Andrew Boon posted 7th of March 2016 in Boonex News. 1 comment.

This week we came up with a relatively small site update, mostly catering for the introduction of the new Chat+. Some details have been added to the Features page and the Pricing page has been re-designed. Notably, the price of Premium+ subscriptions went up from $89 to $99 per month, but all existing subscribers will keep paying the old price.   Another small

Making a case for subscriptions-based Market.

Andrew Boon posted 24th of January 2016 in Boonex News. 156 comments.

Boonex added subscriptions for licenses and license+hosting plans a few months ago. Already subscriptions make up more than half of our business and growing. Our own impression so far is quite simple - subscriptions are better for us and for clients. First, initial spent is never too high, and people that are "just trying" can either just for a free

Resolutions For The Year Of The Fire Monkey

Andrew Boon posted 30th of December 2015 in Boonex News. 17 comments.

The 2015 was turbulent, but very productive. We released DolphinPro 7.2, introduced subscriptions with hosting, significantly improved customer support, finally "birthed" the first full Trident package, updated Boonex, moved repos to GitHub, launched Dolphin Connect, became PayPal Partners and progressed with DolphinPro 7.3 development enough to feel confident about delivering it on time (1st of March 2016 or earlier). Great, challenging, goes 100% HTTPS. Ready to install SSL to Dolphin sites for Subscribers.

Andrew Boon posted 21st of October 2015 in Boonex News. 10 comments.

We have just finished setting up SSL encryption and authentication for site-wide. This means that all your sensitive data transmitted via is protected and will only be seen by those who you mean to show it to. Since a lot of web-masters share site access details, use internal messages, make payments and fill-in potentially private information in their

Boonex is a PayPal Partner! Now what?

Andrew Boon posted 6th of October 2015 in Boonex News. 9 comments.

We are officially a PayPal Partner now (for PayPal North America Partnership program). What it means for DolphinPro users is that we will now have better and more tools to improve PayPal products in Dolphin, track any issues and fine-tune Dolphin to make PayPal work seamlessly.    In further updates we plan to focus more on e-commerce and payment aspects of DolphinPro.

Support Service Improvements Report

Andrew Boon posted 6th of October 2015 in Boonex News. 0 comments.

Just a few weeks ago we launched the Mission: Diligent Support, with the goal to improve our communication with customers, offer options for dedicated support and improve overall experience for non-technical users.    Since that post we have made some changes in direction - got rid of Zopim chat and Groove CRM, but switched to Intercom system to do both. We've also

Introducing Leased License, Subscriptions and Hosting!

Andrew Boon posted 23rd of September 2015 in Boonex News. 0 comments.

Dolphin.Pro is awesome! It’s getting better and better. And still, very often people have troubles with installation, setup, settings, hosting, etc. Some need dedicated support. Some just need a good hosting to start with. Some want to try running a licensed site for while without paying a full license fee.   Dolphin.Pro is very powerful. Its power unfolds more and more when

All your old licenses are now upgraded.

Andrew Boon posted 9th of September 2015 in Boonex News. 3 comments.

As planned, we have now upgraded all old licenses to "Dolphin.Pro License" for all accounts. Prime holders received 2 licenses per Prime package, and all Permanent licenses have been upgraded one-to-one. Mobile licenses are also converted to full Dolphin.Pro licenses.   Every Dolphin.Pro license allows branding-free use of Dolphin.Pro on one domain. Dolphin Mobile Apps will connect to registered sites only, so

Dolphin.Pro is now on GitHub

Andrew Boon posted 5th of September 2015 in Boonex News. 1 comment.

Dolphin.Pro development is moved to GitHub   Dolphin.Pro Code is where the code now lives. Developers are encouraged to fork the repository and then use that as your own centralised repository. From there you can send "pull requests" to the Boonex Dolphin.Pro project with your changes and then we can review them before deciding whether to include them in to the main code-base.

The New Boonex Site

Andrew Boon posted 2nd of September 2015 in Boonex News. 18 comments.

Cleaner and leaner is going live!   The site is updated with refreshed look, Dolphin.Pro 7.2 materials, memberships information and new licensing terms. There are a few more changes coming over the next few days, so please don't mind the slightly wacky Market and Trac. They'll look great soon!   License Pricing  

Boonex Forums Restructured

Andrew Boon posted 25th of August 2015 in Boonex News. 1 comment.

In preparation for the upcoming changes and planned Knowledge Base overhaul we have restructured Boonex Forums. Some categories have been moved to Archive, and some have been merged with new ones.    General idea is to step away from software versions or types (web, mobile, desktop, trident, etc.). Forums are now focused on users intention. Those who come to learn the basics go

Must-Read! Big changes coming in September.

Andrew Boon posted 24th of August 2015 in Boonex News. 91 comments.

In just one week Boonex will turn 15. Perfect milestone to introduce some serious changes. In this post I will briefly outline what is planned for the month of September. More details posts will follow.  

Mission: Diligent Support

Andrew Boon posted 7th of August 2015 in Boonex News. 17 comments.

While Dolphin Pro 7.2 work is being finalised, we decided to focus on our support system. We are a small team working with lots of clients, but we believe that there are things that can be improved anyway. Sometimes we miss important requests or fail to reply in time. Documentation is getting outdated and somewhat disorganised. A lot of clients

Now is the best time to launch your own niche social network!

Andrew Boon posted 19th of May 2015 in Boonex News. 12 comments.

Facebook is 11, Twitter is 9, BoonEx is 14. In human years that means that online social networking is already mature, sophisticated and proven. It is here to stay. People get it and like it (no pun intended).  

Dolphin Pro 7.1.5 Released. Important Security Update!

Andrew Boon posted 18th of January 2015 in Boonex News. 10 comments.

Dolphin 7.1.5 (Final) is released and is available for download. This is a security update. We strongly recommend all Dolphin-powered sites to upgrade to 7.1.5 immediately. 


Andrew Boon posted 14th of December 2014 in Boonex News. 14 comments.

Why? Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. (Dalai Lama)

Black Friday - Cyber Monday Special!

Andrew Boon posted 27th of November 2014 in Boonex News. 2 comments.

It's that crazy time of the year again! Deepest discounts happen this Friday and eager shoppers storm participating stores. Apparently, at least in US it can actually be dangerous to shop during back Friday. Online shopping, however, is as safe as it gets and we are happy to bring forward our once-a-year offer...

Dolphin PRO Licensing Change Planned

Andrew Boon posted 23rd of October 2014 in Boonex News. 20 comments.

Dolphin PRO (aka Dolphin 7, aka Dolphin Classic) licenses are going to change starting from the next version update.  

BoonEx Digest #13

Andrew Boon posted 27th of September 2014 in Boonex News. 0 comments.

New Products People you might know $15 · Denre   r RMS Auto Installer (CentOS & Ubuntu) $30 · game utopia   r RMS Auto Installer (Ubuntu) $20 · gam eutopia   User Connection for Dolphin 7.1 $40 · sandkloc k   New Package Offers Dolphin Template Professional White 10 colors $64 · Giova nni_m   nNew Product Updates r Deanos Facebook Connect $30 · dean o92964   r Ultima te FAQ $30 · modzzz   r Ultimate Articles (Sub Categories) $35 ·  modzzz   r Premiu m Groups - (Blogs,Events,News) $ 40 · modzzz n   IBDW PhotoDeluxe: Fully Ajaxed,Photo Ta

BoonEx Digest #12

Andrew Boon posted 4th of September 2014 in Boonex News. 1 comment.

  New Products Deanos Yahoo Connect $25 · dean o92964   r Online Spy $20 · AntonLV r   Dedicated Servers + "Managed Dolphin" FREE · D enre   n Profile Stats $20 · AntonL V   New Product Updates r Premium Business Listings $50 · mod zzz   Places (Events + Business integrated) $50 ·  modzzz   r Bands r $50 · modzzz n   Personality Matchmaker $50 · l world   Premium Events (SEO Optimized) $40 · m odzzz   Premium Job $110 · AndrewP   n Profile Cover $45 · emmetb ytes   n Simple Chat 2.0 $60

14 Years Of BoonEx

Andrew Boon posted 1st of September 2014 in Boonex News. 25 comments.

Time is speeding up. BoonEx is 14. Yay!

Boonex Digest #10

Andrew Boon posted 4th of August 2014 in Boonex News. 0 comments.

New Products. New Product Updates. New Blog Posts. New Popular Forum Topics.

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.