The title describes about everything.. but since I have the time to write let me explain a bit..
I'm not the best writer or blogger, but I thought I'd write a blog about my experiences with Dolphin 7
Anyone know if we can make all members featured and show up randomly if not I think dolphin needs that
Now i have this post correct and tested 4.22.2010
Hello everyone, I hope all is well with the members and staff here. I also hope all is going well
We've had a rash of complaints in the forums lately in regards to individuals who have paid others to install
Its been a year since i wrote my last post (on 10.03.2009). Due to various reasons i had to discontinue making
It was suggested recently that I update "goings on" here, and it has indeed been about two weeks since our
There as a recent post with a glaring title regarding Softaculous auto-installer issues. I juts wanted to let people know
Here;s the story. Ning is no longer free.
Damn, cant update the news...
There must be a certain amount of dedication and motivation when it comes to creating a website. I mean don't
ok i very rarly get involved with tit for tat and i have been trying hard not to untill recently.
If you need to integrate this with Dolphin 6 Look Here
OK so on my site we have this cool flash promo but the menu was always behind it so you
I am looking for a developer who can customise my new installed dolphin, is there any developer who can provide
I find it interesting to watch the biggest sites in the world do what they do. Study them, listen to
This can also be easily integrated with Dolphin 7 Look Here
Boonex 1.0 was great so far and have provided their best in all that what they did.
I had an epipheny the other night and all of a sudden decided to stop smoking. Crazy as it may
It does appear that many are and were all fired up about the one click installer that was touted by
I'm getting really annoyed with this and as such, it requires a post to help people out with it. It
I couldn't bring myself to write a blog because of the experience I had with my site this past weekend.