why is it limit to 2mb file for music / video

Technoman posted 15th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 8 comments.
hi i tried to test uploading music and video it keeps poping up a red thing saying i cant do more then 2mb... how do i change it unlimitted file or at least the normal mb for music and video upload ..
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i tried in ray base and also in ray apllications avanced settings ...but nnothing is working to change the max size in mb
dophin admin/setting/advanced setting

Change your settings there.

If that doesn't work change your htaccess file settings
believe it or not, but the 2mb upload limit via http protocol, is the industries standard setting for shared web host providers.

some hosts allow you to override it via .htaccess and others dont, the limit is not a Dolphin problem, but your lack of knowledge about your own hosting porvider.
well my site is on my 2nd computer and the wigets of ray ( RMS ) are hosted on a vps and my computer is hosting the rest of dolphin so i would like to know where to change the settings on this from the dolphin folder if possiable ...thanks !
I think you can actually do this by modifying the php.ini file.
yes it worked in php.ini by changing the post_max ...thanks !
Yeah everyone says change the php.ini file but I could find Osama bin Laden before I could find this file? Where is it? Please!
How did u do this? What did u put in the PHP.ini file?
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