We have already done some work planned for Dolphin PRO 7.2 and outlined some of the key improvements, which will be actively worked on as soon as Dolphin U Beta is released. Today, we'd like to share our ideas with you. BoonEx community can be very insightful when it comes to discussion of Dolphin features, so we decided to bring up these plans and talk about them in detail over the next few weeks. Dolphin PRO has been relatively stable and hasn't had a major version update for over 14 months, but it is and will remain our flagship product, so let's see what we can do to make it even better...
First, Dolphin PRO licensing is going to change. Dolphin PRO 7.2 will not be requiring "Powered by BoonEx" links anymore, but we strongly recommend buying a license now if you want to lock expenses for paid modules later on.
Some of the most important modules, such as Photos, Video, Profiles, Timeline, etc. will receive design refresh. This is mostly about improving user-experience and bringing in more modern design conventions.
Big as it sounds, we believe that Dolphin PRO has to become responsive, too. This may likely be realised in a form of an additional template, so as not to disturb established websites too much.
Dolphin needs to become more lucrative! After all, you want to recoup all your software and hosting expenses and then make money to launch even more social networks ;) . We have already done most of this, and after a little more tuning we are going to introduce a number of site payments improvements. Integration of PayPal Pro, recurring payments, payment at sign up and modular payment system (installing different gateways easily) should bring Dolphin PRO a much needed boost of commercial efficiency.
Latest version of TinyMCE editor will be integrated. Although update of this component may sound trivial, it is such an important part of Dolphin that any changes really need careful and thorough work to keep the platform stable. Now is the time to move up to the latest iteration.
A good file-manager for Dolphin PRO has been suggested (vocally enough, looking at you... you know who you are) for a while now. So, we're going to finance a yearly license of MoxieManager and include it with Dolphin PRO from now on.
We have already done some of these, and will add more. The idea, like in Dolphin U, is to create more content/users-moderation tools within the site front-end, without giving moderators access to Admin panel.
One more thing that's already done, thanks to borrowing from Dolphin U. Client-side site speed is dramatically improved, creating a much better perceived speed experience for your end-users.
Nod to Dolphin U again - Dolphin PRO will now use default lang file for non-existing keys. This is already done, too.
You would want Dolphin to be able to tell Facebook (and the likes) which photo must be used for thumbnails in shared content. The idea comes from Dolphin U as well.
Both Android and iOS apps will at very least transition to the latest design "languages" - Google's Material Design and Apple's iOS 8 design. We also plan some changes in UI to match the new Dolphin PRO, and with your help, we'll be looking at whatever else needs to be improved or added.
So, as you can see Dolphin PRO benefits a lot from Dolphin U development and we believe that it is actually a very safe and effective way to try any changes before "disturbing" the main platform. We expect both Dolphins to share more and more good ideas, making each other more powerful and refined.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#bx-wall-outline .wall-outline-items').masonry({
itemSelector: '.wall-oi-item',
columnWidth: 170,
gutterWidth: 20
All the positioning of outline items is derived see more
Guy is on fire :)
Also, as per "Pro" and customizability see more
What if you have MoxieManager already on your site then what... you still have to pay for it?!?
Other then that... bring it Andrew.. bring it asap.
But a little more clarity is required. Really. Every time I come on here, there's less people around. They are leaving Boonex because the old site is outdated in comparison to others, and there's no specifics on the update you mention and have been promising forever.
So can you be a little more specific on timelines for this update? Businesses and their clients really need to have more clarity or will just keep on leaving for other platforms.
Thank see more
Also, will the updated mobile versions come at the same time as Pro release ?
Dolphin 8 was just renamed to Dolphin U
Mobile apps will be updated shortly after or before 7.2.0 (Dolphin Pro) release
- Dolphin U - has no mobile app, but Dolphin U based site already looks great on mobile
- Dolphin Pro/Classic/7.2 - has mobile app, but Dolphin Pro based site isn't looking good on mobile, however we will try to make it responsive, but Dolphin U is better on mobile anyway since we adapt it for mobile from the very beginning
Also they offer different set of module - at least for now and in the nearest future:
- Dolphin U - has advanced communication see more
Those are welcome changes.
Could you add a simple way to invite a user to the site. Like invite through a simple email. Adding a user to the site right now is very painful and can only be done through the ADD USER module, that should be some basic functionality build in.
The ability to invite a group of user at once would be nice as well.
Best regards
Right now there is no easy way to add a user or invite a user to the site.
Let me explain my usage:
I use the site for tutorial, you can see it at CCCure.Training
Sometimes a company may buy accounts for 10 students. I need to invite to ten users to the quiz and it is not easy to do this.
Most portal would allow to import a list of emails from an XLS file to add a group of users to the site.
Best regards
"Download files to your system from Azure, GoogleDrive, AmazonS3 or DropBox, files will be downloaded right into your system with a simple click."
Whether or not this is fully implemented as a per-user feature in the 7.2 release is up to Boonex. I can see it taking a bit of time to alter the code and DB structure so that each user can interface to their individual acounts on Google Drive, etc
Responsive FileManager 9.8.0 is a free open-source file manager and image manager made with the jQuery library, CSS3, PHP and HTML5 that offers a nice and elegant way to upload and insert files, images and videos.
You can use it as external plugin for TinyMCE version 4.x. and you can also use it as a stand-alone file manager to manage and select files.