Waiting for Dolphin 8

Reggie posted 31st of December 2011 in Community Voice. 5 comments.

Iv waited a lot of time for dolphin 8. Its been a year i think or more that they said they are working on dolphin 8. When is it gonna be released? at least a beta or RC or something. Give me hope...lol..its gonna be a new year!.......hmm dolphin 8 looks cool...and its been a while since am waiting for it and nothing -____-.

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Why are you waiting for d8?...
cause ..it looks cool dude.....its like if they annoced a new game system that will get you go to a virtual cyber world where u can move and walk like as if u feel u are in that world..........and u wait 3 years and nothing -.-
lol.. expect more waiting time :) i know i won't upgrade for at least a year after it has ben released.
Nathan Paton

You can follow all development work there. There's no release date for Dolphin 8, at least publicly. But that doesn't mean you can't download the code now and preview what's coming (current work isn't final, etc.).
D x.1 is always a better product ;) imho
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