upload problem with vids and songs

icecube posted 15th of February 2008 in Community Voice. 7 comments.
when i upload a video or song it uploads fully but the video or song is no where to be foung it says there is 0 video and 0 songs but i know that i did fully upload couple
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One question from you Icecube... are you the admin of the coomunity site you are into? If you are, try to approve the musics/videos you have uploaded. Also, you can automatically approve them on the Ray CPanel. I hope that helps X3
yes i am the admin i fave it set to approve auto and it does when its done uploading but the vids and songs are not stored anywhere
What is the filesize of the song?

What is the "upload_max_filesize" limit?

What is the "post_max_size"?
well on my server i have the php.ini set to 37 mbs

and im prutty sure the file sizes in the admin of dolphin is set to 10
Is there a temp file in the "files" directory? It should be like "3_temp"
in the mp3 "files" it has a file 1_temp

1_temp in the music "files"

Video there is no file directory

And movie in the "files" its empty
i do have the problem with music and video before it was ok but i dont know something is not working it goes up 25% when i upload music and than shows me error uploading files, please help me out
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