Trident Beta Released at ONLINE.ME

Andrew Boon posted 22nd of April 2015 in News. 23 comments.

The first feature-final release of Trident has arrived. Meet Trident 8.0 BETA! 

It only took what... 5 years?



Trident support site is is for Dolphin Pro. is for Trident. registration is by invitation only. BoonEx members are being invited.



Trident is NOT a Dolphin Pro update. It's a different software. 

Dolphin Pro license holders WILL receive all BoonEx-made paid Trident Apps for free.



Trident 8.0b1 is BETA. It may break your dishwasher. It may cause hiccups.

It may also power a cool social network. Neither is fully verified yet.





Go to to download and test 

Trident - The Mobile-Friendly Social Network Platform  





 What's New in Beta1

- Parallax splash page
- Site tour for homepage and Studio Launcher
- Menus redesign
- Live updates in comments were greatly improved!
- More simple browsing filters for comments
- Categories
- Top menu auto-hiding
- Vector flag icons
- Block with map for location display
- Language files structure was changed
- CSS & JS minification and compilation was optimised
- Cover block with menu for main profile pages
- Site footer redesign
- More functional pages and block titles depending on context
- Link to all author’s content for text modules
- Inline notifications in Studio Store
- Native spell checker enabled for TinyMCE and native context menu
- New reCaptcha is used by default now
- All types of popups are now responsive
- Site menu on homepage
- Cache is now enabled by default
- Bug-fixes and other small improvements
- Timeline: display resized, instead of full size images
- Timeline: autoresize for post to Timeline textarea
- Albums: new layout for Albums homepage
- Albums: new layout for view image page
- Albums: EXIF info for the image
- Albums: blocks with hashtags - albums, images, cameras
- Posts: view post re-layout
- Posts: extended view for snippets on Posts homepage
- Posts: categories
- Persons: the module is now installed by default
- Profiler: alerts profiling
- Organizations: clickable categories

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thanks..plz launch username migration script too..
Andrew Boon
We will make a migration tool for compatible data as soon as the version is a bit more stable.
that will take like months .. :) i only want to move my username and password..
Sounds something awesome will start with this!
I am glad to be a part of it!
Thank you! We're very excited and humbled by all the people that come and join and share the journey!
BoonEx super job,
it will take multiserver and the dolphin users can connect it to another site trend (a fusion of data bases)

for those who have a site dolphin pro and another trend,
When I look at my trident site from a phone and I scroll down, it works but when I scroll back up, the text is flipped upside down and backwards. Really odd. Never seen anything like it. I can send an email with pics of the problem.
Yes, please send screenshots with the problem, also please provide you device type and model along with OS version name and number, thank you.
Samsung Galaxy s5 with 4.4.2 on it.
Sorry, I have no 4.4.2 version, but it works ok on Android 5/5.1.
I would suggest to not use build-in browser, it looks like it's not updating (only through OS version update), download Chrome browser from Google Play, it will be automatically updated.
Google use this strategy for newer Android versions, but on old versions separate manual download of Chrome browser is required.
I am using Chrome. I don't use anything but Chrome or Firefox
What is your Chrome version?
I've tried in Chrome v.42 on Android 4.1.2 and it works ok.
Those it have messenger?
Andrew Boon
Trident had an internal "conversations" app for 1to1 and group talks.
great has all the functionalities i have been looking trying to install it first on my local machine using xampp server but it keeps giving me this error message (php module: fileinfo = -FAIL (must be module fileinfo))... am confused as to how I can resolve it.
Actually fileinfo module is included by default since PHP 5.3 but not on Windows.

Please try to edit your php.ini file and uncomment the following line:

Then, restart Apache.
Thanks...its working now but i can't seem to complete the form properly... The fields for bonnex key and secret keeps redirecting me to the Trident installation page... I have generated the key and inserted it into the required field but still not working.... I really appreciate your help
Are there any errors indicating the particular fields with incorrect data ?
Also please make sure that you are entering boonex key&secret without any spaces.
The errors are indicated in the Boonex key field..."Please input valid data here" and yes am entering the boonex key and secret without spaces...are there any alternatives to getting it done??

Thanks in advance...
Hi All,

Can someone explain what is the difference between Trident and Dolphin? Correct me if I am wrong, but it appears the Trident is a stand alone "mobile" platform designed to be used on smart/mobile devices?

Thanks in advance.
Trident is the evolution of Dolphin, consider it as Dolphin 8, but because of the number of structural changes in it, we've decided to change the name as well.

There are a lot of differences between them, but the main are:

Dolphin Pro pros:
- a lot of build-in module
- a lot of 3rd-party modules
- native mobile app

Dolphin Pro cons:
- not mobile friendly (however it should be changed in Dolphin 7.2, but not as much as in Trident)

Trident pros:
- mobile friendly by design (including see more retina support)
- many structural changes which easies modules creation
- completely new modules with no alternative in Dolphin Pro such as Albums and Conversations

Trident cons:
- small number of 3rd-party modules available for now

Also please take into account that migration from Dolphin Pro is not ready yet, but when it will be ready it may not transfer all data, since some modules are very different or not available.
Could I be invited to please?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.