Trident Beta 2 Released

Andrew Boon posted 11th of May 2015 in News. 8 comments.

Trident Beta 2 is released. This update will automatically push to all active Trident-based sites that have auto-updated enabled. This is the cool thing about Trident - when updates comes you don't have to do anything. 




Beta 2 is mostly about bug-fixes, but there a few minor improvements:


- better server audit 

- no JS minification for already minified files

- auto HTTPS redirect

- animated icon in submenu

- no dependency on ImageMagick


As we noted before Trident is available for download at An invitation is required to join Just request an invitation if you haven't received one yet. 

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Please login to post a comment.
I do not understand why this dolphin version is on another site? That makes no sense! For example drupal has core version, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, each with its modules, is a very good model.

It is very simple to create new modules and add to each core version, and it is very easy for users to search for modules for each one, but here if I'm looking for an older version modules is impossible

Why not organize them in a way to be easily found by users?
So I have a question about the paid BoonEx modules such as albums. I have a BoonEx license. Do I have to buy the albums module? If I buy the albums module now, are you going to change your mind and let people download it for free in the future? I don't mind buying the module, I just don't want to pay if it is going to become free later on.
Hi Mr. Boon,
I seen the site without login at
Its good and improved.
I want to suggest:
Can your team include unlimited loading feature for comments for paging?
If possible for all pages which can go long?
Ajax loading of signup form on click at login page and vice-verse?
Client side validations also before form submit and server side after submit for security?
Can we put scripts separately instead of including on html pages for cleaning and formatted html?

I think, It will see more be helpful and user friendly.
If possible then lazy loading for image loading?

This all will make system rocking because you have done already many things
I hope its already added that any user can report for any post, album as spam
I wish that user can report if he finds any post, album, comment, timeline posting offensive or spam. Please, think on my suggestions.
Thank you for giving information to join
I didn't tested site but just browsed site for few minutes and I find these observations and need to improve

We must trim email after user input and it should be case insensitive for making it user friendly.

Look into it: Not getting loaded timeline contents by ajax on timeline from dropdown after posting first post on timeline, later its working okay.

Look into it:: I found few posts are not getting responsive in sidebar.

Look into see more it: On album pages images not getting responsive

Site must give feature for profile cover and it should should be set option to move images and set it properly, it should be responsive also.

Including my last comment feature requested.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.