Project LEAP and the new versioning scheme.

Andrew Boon posted 23rd of March 2016 in News. 30 comments.

DolphinPro is currently at version 7.3. It may seem like not that far from 7, but, in reality, our "second-digit" updates always include hundreds of improvements. Some people find this versioning confusing, and don't think much about upgrading from, say, 7.1 to 7.3. This is about to change.

Starting from the next major release, we will be numbering them according to "FEATURE-UPDATE.PATCH" convention. So, whenever we include any enhancements, the first number will change. If it only comes with bug-fixes, the second number will change. Therefore, instead of DolphinPro 7.4, you will see Dolphin 10, and then relatively quickly 11, 12, 13, 14, etc. For follow-up service updates, patches, security updates that don't add any new features you will see 10.1, 10.2, etc. Only the Dolphin 7.3.1 will be released under the old scheme. 


Project LEAP

DolphinPro 10 is going to be the first LEAP release. LEAP is a focused effort to bring platform-wide improvements in 4 main areas: 

- Learning

Clear and straightforward instructions for both site admin and end users, guides, tips. 

- Engagement

Immediate user involvement, virality, sharing, instant connections. 

- Administration

Efficient site configuration, content management and analytics. 

- Performance

Site loading speed, browser-load reduction, server load optimisation. 


We expect to deliver LEAP project in three subsequent stages - version releases - 10, 11 and 12. As a result all DolphinPro package componeånts - modules, apps, platform, integrations, templates and languages - will receive an update according to the LEAP focus points.

We expect all the updates to come with gradual changes, without serious disruption of 3rd-party extensions compatibility. As usual, we will be offering free update service to all paying subscribers and full DIY update packs with instructions to those hosting independently.

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What then becomes Dolphin 8?
Andrew Boon
Nothing. We jump right over it, so as not to create any confusion with Trident/U/etc.
And what happens when Trident/U/etc gets to 10?
Nathan Paton
Trident is a separate script, so it's independent of Dolphin versions.
But the confusion factor will be there, if Andrew's earlier reply is valid.
It's almost same, I think. Just you jumped to Dolphin 10 instead of Dolphin 8!
Probably to mark a major change between the X.xx versions and the XX.x versions
Will be a very good thing is update could be done without messing around with FTP. A wordpress like upgrade option would be great and make Dolphin a lot more attractive for admin.
Andrew Boon
Yes, auto-update is being tested in Trident, and will come to DolphinPro when it proves to be reliable enough.
Tie market modules in with that and you'll have an awesome product. At the moment, upgrading is clunky.
Nathan Paton
This already exists:

It's a shame only a few developers use it.
In that case, we need to promote the developers who use it.
Most developers package all version together; plus patches. One would have to have market products for each version and users would not get free upgrades to modules.
Nathan Paton
Market entries support multiple files.
What? Look at some market downloads from the top vendors. Often one zip, inside two or three zips for different versions and then updates and sql updates etc. No, not simple to just upgrade. They would have to have a single zip that contains only one version packaged so that the updater could use it.
auto-update is good for sites that are not modded. Will there be the regular update method also?
V10 is plan for when ?
Andrew Boon
1st of July 2016. (
Good idea Andrew... thanxs
What about the App? Why no work is being done on that, cause making dolphin perfect will take years. But before that a basic app in webview could be launched. Cause after that app, all work will be done on dolphin side which wont effect the app.
I was wondering when someone was going to touch that topic, there is no social media website without an App and as Dolphin is been upgraded to different versions so should the App, people spend more time and their mobile devices these days than desktop computers , more time and emphasis must be placed on App development to give members more diverse option to choose from.
Dolphin 7,298.3 in just a few years from now.
And how many modules will sink to the bottom of the sea, as Dolphin continues to swim against the current?
I am Sebastian Michaelis of Black Butler. My young master, Ciel Phantomhive, will be very pleased to hear this announcement. I am simply... One hell of a Butler. Prepare for the Earl to arrive.
Looking forward to the future!
My most favorite part,
- Engagement

Immediate user involvement, virality, sharing, instant connections.
Great vision and plan; sounds similar to Agile/IT SCRUM methodology
Please reconsider the release of Dolphin 10 to a later date. Many have yet to fully test modules with Dolphin 7.3. Many have yet to work out bugs with the upgrade patches to 7.2.1/7.3; two members on Boonex has seen database tables related to versioning and licensing disappear during an upgrade; one was me and I do know how to upgrade. It is too early to release an entirely new Dolphin version.
Word??? Almost 3 months since this was posted...silence is deadening :-(
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.