Photos Module Update in Dolphin 7.1

Andrew Boon posted 5th of June 2012 in News. 32 comments.

Photos is a such a hot topic in internet/technology/social-networking sector that it would be a crime to leave the photos module unchanged in Osho. So, we're bringing a few improvements that make Photos (and later other media modules) so much better looking and significantly more intuitive for users.

Improvements are coming both in uploading and viewing experience, so community sites that rely on photo sharing will likely make their users very happy. Have a look at what we have to show so far...


Photos Home

Default selection of blocks for homepage is now different. It now features the new small calendar, latest featured photo, tags, standard photos blocks and an "Albums" block with new display style. Naturally, you can re-confirgure it via Page Builder, but this is what we think is a nice default mix. 

You may also notice that Latest Featured Photo block already received an updated layout style. More interesting, however, is how Albums look now...



There're many different ways social networks and photo sharing sites display photo albums. The most simple approach is to show just one cover photo and somehow hint that it's an album (fake-photo-stack underlay is one way). Then there're different fancy javascript tricks with rotating photos, or unfolding groups, etc. Those don't seem to be stable enough, though. 

After a lot of thinking and trying, we developed our own "vision" of how alums should look...

Each album is displayed as a sequence of photos that are in it. Depending on available space it may display up to 15-20 photos, but in narrow blocks it would normally show at least 4. 

When there're not enough photos to display it would show blank spaces, thus encouraging users to upload more photos to their existing albums. We've also added an admin setting that regulates how many photos required to start displaying the album in public blocks.

We had a chance to play with the new albums for the last 10 days or so and they seem to work great - actually creating a bit of incentive (infinite urge, in my case :P ) to find something else to upload. 


The Photo Page

Again, some layout tweaks, a bit more sensitive selection of default blocks and removal of unnecessary bloat resulted in a much better looking individual photo page. 

One very important addition is the new "RECOMMEND" block, that adds common social recommendation buttons (like, +1, twit, pin). We mentioned this block when announcing Blogs module revamp, so now you get to see what it is. It's going to be available for all content pages.


Darkroom Effect

Most photos are known to be better viewed with darkened background, which removes intensive light from around the image and directs viewer's focus to the content of the photo without distractions. So, he comes a simple, yet very helpful little feature - when users click on a photo, they'd have the page background darkened. Looks like this...

As you may see, it really brings up the photo and creates a comfy viewing atmosphere. 


Other Changes and "Coming Soon"...

Some other important updates that we're working on right now include an improved "Upload Photos" system, where users can start uploading photos without choosing an album first. Album will be generated automatically or can be chosen after upload. 

There're tens of smaller tweaks that are still popping in and out, but they are too many to cover in detail. Along with the system-wide improvements and larger updates they are forming a generally more sleek and pleasant user interface in Photos module. Most of the improvements in Photos are being propagated to other media sharing modules as well.


This is it for Photos for today, but stay tuned - this week will be packed with news!




Dolphin 7.1 will be a direct upgrade from Dolphin 7.0.9. Licenses are not version-sensitive, so current license will work with 7.1 just fine. It's a good idea to buy a license now, since prices are likely to go up soon. 

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that look amazing guys! keep on track!
Talk to me about ugly blue padlocks.... they are the single most annoying thing about the existing system.
Andrew Boon
Yeah, we'll have to talk about that, won't we?
OK, I'll go first:

I hate 'em.
Andrew Boon
OK, here goes...


First and foremost, I'd like to acknowledge that there is an issue and we are well aware of it. We do not ignore it and we understand that in some situations it may become rather annoying.

Padlocks appeared as a solution to the old privacy implementation in Dolphin, where we used to display photo thumbnails for all photos, and would only secure the large photo by checking individual privacy. So, the system is designed to check privacy setting during display stage, see more and hence it is impossible to effectively check all photos for every specific viewer and adjust result according to privacy match.

So, as a workaround we added those padlocks to hide private content. Additionally, we added "Public Photos" block and now we put most emphasis to it, so padlocks don't appear on, say, pots homepage , unless admin chooses to add blocks with private photos.

In many cases padlocks don't cause any problems, because when the site is mostly for private sharing (like Facebook) web-masters are supposed to turn off those public browsing pages altogether; and when the site is mostly for public sharing (like photographers community, etc) web-masters can rely on "Public Photos" block more and can restrict members from making their content private.

Still, there're many sites where photos have mixed privacy and getting rid of padlocks would be nice, but...

Since privacy is checked when displaying content in almost all Dolphin modules, we would have to basically rewrite large parts of all of them, affecting builders, various settings, modifications, etc, etc. It can be done, but it's a major structural update.

Dolphin 7.1 Osho is not about making big internal changes, however. Our idea for Osho is to take existing system and just clean it up and generally reorganise elements to refresh the look and feel of Dolphin-based sites. This is why we hopeful to be able to be done within weeks, rather than months.

Will we get rid of padlocks in 7.1? No. Too much work to squeeze into what we plan this update to be.

Will we get rid of padlocks in 8? Yes. We've already pretty much killed existing privacy system and we're working out a new, better way to handle it.

Will we get rid of padlocks in 7.x? Maybe. Some solutions that we're using in 8 have already found their way into 7.1, so it is possible that we'd eventually carry over "padlock killer" from 8 to 7.x.

I don't like padlocks. Nobody is too fond of them, but for most they're not a deal breaker. if they are for you, I am really very very sorry and can only suggesting waiting until D8 is out and you'd see if it would work for you. Meanwhile, some smart tweaking may quite effectively conceal the issue (like using "public photos" and "featured photos" in common browsing).

Hope we can live with that for a while. :)
You might consider some way for users to filter what albums appear in that album block. For a site with hundreds or thousands of photo albums, the block would become practically useless because it would be impossible to navigate through them all. Can you imagine Facebook with this? Since albums aren't equipped with tags or any other useful search info, filtering criteria can possibly be drawn from profiles data.... Either that, or you'd have to implement a category list, tags, etc. for albums. see more

Also, what do you think about changing the photo page to the individual 'Album' page? Lose the 'Photos of this album block', and put all the album photo thumbs in a slider at the bottom of the current photo... maybe darken the thumbnail for the current photo. That way the user can scroll through the thumbnails, and click on one to update the big photo and comment box. Put the Prev & Next arrows below the slider. Take a look at the slideshow at the bottom of this page to get an idea of the concept:
Andrew Boon
Basically, you'd find that Facebook doesn't have any browsing pages for albums from different people. Only one person's albums, sorted by time. Dolphin is different from Facebook though, and your comment makes good sense for it, so we'll see what we can do.

As for the block with album photos for browsing... We've been trying a few things, but it's a tricky case. In your example there's a very custom Flash slideshow, and we had similar Cooliris thing, but it appears to be not so straightforward see more when we need to use standard block, that can be manipulated via builder, has to adapt do different width and somehow workout which photos to show and where (in relation to "darkened" current photo).

Basically, I am trying to say that you have very good points and we'll need to work out solutions for those, but it may or may not happen in 7.1.
getting rid of the blue padlocks would be a huge accomplishment :D

btw nice work on the albums.
I was just using the flash as a quick example to illustrate the layout. We both know that intuitive navigation is everything. Aesthetics is secondary... Facebook is living proof of that.

A thumbnail strip gives the user a way to quickly view every photo in the album, and something like that is very important..... then if you could just update the big photo and comments via ajax. The thumbnails don't have t be displayed very large ... you could size them down for the strip via css, then popup see more the larger version on hover... that way you wouldn't need any js for the popup... you could do it in css alone.
And no... Facebook doesn't have browsing pages for collective albums. Pretty smart, those folks at FB. I can't stand the shared photo concept.. never have, never will. It makes every site look like another dating site. But as long as you have it, and we're stuck with it, my point of being able to somehow filter the albums that are displayed, is really important. Without some sort of filterable results, all you have is a random collection of unrelated photos from a bunch of people you don't know. see more This is probably a great concept for all the Dolphin based dating and porn sites.... since those probably number in the hundreds of thousands, I guess we are indeed stuck with the concept.

Three years ago, when we we discussing albums, I was hoping that the shared photo concept would be gone forever. Until it's gone, you'll have a nightmare of your own making. Displaying thousands of albums and countless photos according to viewing permission, is an unwieldy task that you are never, ever, going to implement in a logical manner....ever.
"When there're not enough photos to display it would show blank spaces, thus encouraging users to upload more photos to their existing albums."

Empty spaces aren't visually appealing to me. There will be albums which don't have enough photos. Doesn't it makes more sense to either allow admin to control default number of photos displayed (per album) or simply remove the empty spaces (preferred)?
Andrew Boon
Yes, we added a setting for a minimum amount of photos required for the album to be displayed in some blocks. Also, blank spaces can be removed by making them plain white :)
This looks good , i am glad to see the improvements , but my concern is i hope that in this version , you will do something to dolphins notification system, because I feel that is a major problem . If one is to build a social networking site with dolphin , it will heavily rely on other users comments on the photos , I am aware that if someone comments on a photos , video , sound upload , the user will get a in site notification. My concern is that once the uploader of the photo , video , sound REPLIES see more to the comment , the person who commented has no way of knowing that the uploader replied . example : user uploads a picture of them at their birthday party . another user comments " this is a great picture , where were you at in this picture" , the uploader is not logged in at the time of the comment , a day or two goes by the uploader logs in and get the comment and replies . the user has no way of knowing the uploader replied unless they were to go back to the actual picture and see that the person made a reply . This is where i feel dolphin falls short at , this is so essential to build a successful social networking site . where are you with this ?
Ditto, ditto, and ditto.

It's never made sense to me that 'social' software inhibits social interaction this way.

In addition, even for people who are obsessive about checking their posts to see who has responded may MISS it b/c comments are not only nested by default but don't even SHOW the total nested comment counts. This misleadingly hides the number of comments and someone would have to not only obsessively look for comments, but worse - they'd have to obsessively expand every level see more of comments to look for the responses and/or to follow discussions.

Not very social!
Improvements for current photo album are very necessary.

Multiple photos uploading with single browsing window;
Auto slide show with display timing control;
Capable to embedded music;
Display albums meeting privacy setting only, get rid of these Locked one;

These are some of very basic feature required for photo album. So far, the beset album I installed is the Art Album module from AndrewP.
I love it. Well done.....:)
Talk to me about the avatar pic verses profile page pic. Hopefully they are the same and not cumbersome to generate?
The avatar module needs to do away. We have the avatar module inextricably woven into every other module, just to display a few stupid thumbnails. Makes no sense.
Looks very nice :-)
The photos home page especially is a big improvement.

2 things I would really like to see...

admin ability to create photo albums that all users can upload into... maybe this can be integrated into where you choose which cat to place photos into when uploading???

also, GROUP photos! please allow to create group albums for group users to upload to!

Really looking forward to 7.1
Andrew Boon
A lot of great ideas and really useful advice. Thank you!

I have to remind, however, that Dolphin 7.1 is for the most part a "face-lift" update with a limited (read - "short") development timeframe. We try to concentrate on bringing overall look and feel together without changing too much in the platform structure, and without adding too many new features. Some ideas are VERY tempting, but every little thing we decided to squeeze in can potentially set us back for weeks. We're see more happy to discuss things, but please don't set your expectations too high for new features in 7.1 .
Nathan Paton
Nathan approves, but wonders if that Cooliris stuff has finally bit the dust.
See.... you should have listened to me 3 years ago:
i think it would be a good thing
to have a button UPLOAD PHOTO
linked to user albuns chooser

that was the first thing I did when I set up the community last year

I agree to the notification, it would need maybe some "marker", like + for Google or @ in other systems, so if you write SOMEWHERE a comment like "thanks @XYZ", the user XYZ will get a notification (which form ever)
I love it, very nice, clean and a smooth look.

No ugly padlocks though :-)
can we have a skip button on the rate page, you know in case you don't want to rate a photo

Is there even a remote chance that the photos module can be separated into two distinct component parts? One that handles nothing but albums viewable on a members profile, and a second part that handles the shared photos concept. It would be nice to have an easy way to completely rid a site of shared photos without performing major surgery.
Hey Andrew, you could add the function "mark as adult" for photos and video? The most famous Dolphin competitors do not have this feature yet. It would be useful to those who want to build a community.
It would be great if you could create subcategories for Photos (and all Media). To make it easier for users to quickly find what they are interested in.
Casal Pimenta
Where did the coliris? Modulo photo is very poor! Sequence of photos to albums, ok! But visualization is poor, having to click the arrow to move picture. Appeal darkroom practice has about as much effect on the image of the post. I think dolphin deserved something more exciting to view photos.
Andrew, please answer me this and consider for inclusion!

With photos - or more specifically Videos (writing here as no video note yet!) - please consider the option to create Categories, and then sub-categories instead of just cats...

This for Videos makes things much better for user navigation.

For example, with sub cats, I could list cats as A,B,C,D,E,F... etc
then have sub cats for things like Bands names alphabetically under each Cat.

It makes things much more user friendly when see more there is need to separate things more.

Please consider this, especially for Videos!

Thanks :-)
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.