Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! [now with the giveaway results]

Andrew Boon posted 24th of December 2012 in Boonex News. 246 comments.

The 2012 is almost over, and it looks like there will be the 2013 after all. Which is great! We need the 2013, because it should be a great year - a year of new developments, pivots, re-discoveries and good fun. 2012 was tough, tedious and at times really challenging. Economies struggled, online businesses entered drier periods and "social networking" industry had to do a lot of soul-searching. I think it's a very healthy kind of period - times of balancing and natural selection. We are all going to enter the new year with much more discerning attitude and much more practical ideas.


We can't be more excited about the upcoming year - we finally have a nicely updated Dolphin 7.1 (full release is coming shortly) and a good, definitive plan of what D8 is to be. With the amount of legwork done in 2012 we can't wait to start "shipping" more often in 2013. Good times! 


Come to think about it, BoonEx is a rare kind of Internet-business. We are actively operating for over a decade and still looking forward to future development as if we're just starting. Sort of like a wise man in teenager's body. Feels good! Moreover, I am fairly confident that in 2023 we are still going to be around, pushing software, services, plasma-droids or whatever is to come, onto you - our brave, tolerant and supportive clients. We love you, ladies and gents! Have a merry-merry christmas and a successful, joyful and happy new year!



A little giveaway! Post your comments - whatever you feel like - jokes, props, rant, etc. (well, maybe not bug reports) and we'll give 5 Dolphin licenses to 5 random commenters on the 1st of January 2013.



Dice rolled. And we have the winners:

Thank you so much for all the lovely words and cheer-ups. The year started with heaps of positive energy and we're stocked up to do a lot! Have a great year, everyone!

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I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Fresh ideas and motivation to ALL. My special thanks goes out to all the developers and Members who have given there time freely in helping other members for nothing more than the satisfaction and a Thank You.

All the best,

Merry Christmas, everybody!
Merry Christmas Boonex hope all you at Boonex have a wonderful Christmas Eve Christmas Day tomorrow :) I really love Dolphin 7.1 so very much keep it going :)
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
I found this to be rather confusing and the hosting was also. Therefore, I gave up on it and have not been around for a very long time. I hope the new versions and updates are better, easier, and especially give marketers more of what they need to be successful in business online. Merry Christmas and Safe Holidays, to ALL!
Pssst. Since you gave up already, and if you are 1 of the "lucky randoms" I would very much appreciate it and my holidays will be merrier if you can get Andrew to transfer the license over to me. Would hate to see you be gone for a very long time with a free license that is not being used.

Happy Holidays
Mele Kalikimaka and a Hoile Maka Hicki ho .. bro!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to everyone...
I also want to wish everyone a safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
Merry Christmas everyone. And a happy new year.
Merry Christmas and a big thank you to the Boonex team and all the developers who make dolphin great!
happy holidays everybody,way she goes boys,may 2013 be your year
I am celebrating the holiday by going hiking up to my club's lodge - and staying away from my computer for at least 24 hours, :)
Happy Chanukah and Happy Holidays to the Boonex team - we are trying to migrate from a lesser script known as Social Media to Boonex - anyone with info - we have 5,500 registered members and 10,000 video posts! And we are too poor to get a license - so we are praying that we are one of the random 5 - in any case - Boonex is an impressive organization with a great future!
Haha good one, with all those members your site activity seems hight, kinda hard to believe that you cant afford a license
They may be all spam bots from China, hahaha, just kidding around.
Merry Christmas Everyone at Dolphin!!!
Merry christmas and happy new year everyone !......

Now since no one asked for a license i will be the first one to demand a license to be added to my account :D (So andrew doesn't have a hard time deciding)
Hey buddy, thats not true. I asked for a license, so you have to go to the back of the line, behind me somewhere, lol.
don't make me get the baseball bat out
I could care less about what you get if I get a license, lmao
Merry Christmas & Peace to everyone around the world.
Merry Christmas with a happy & peaceful in 2013!
Just saying I'm glad to be using Dolphin again on my website. Merry Xmas all!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to the whole Boonex team. Dolphin is a great platform and the ecosystem it has built around it via mods will help clients put their ideas into realm with it's endless possibilities.
As a long-time user that had to give up on Dolphin due to all of the integrated Flash, good luck. And I'll take a license if you're giving one away.
Why would you need a license if you gave up already?
Someone turns down free stuff?
Ok, nobody turns down free stuff (even if they gave up on dolphin already). But if you get it, give it up to me, cause I have not gave up :)

I have suggestion for you.Why dont you build your booned website like facebook concept like who are in network can see their friends updates.If you develop this concept your website is no1 in the world. right now anybody can post and day witout any private
Merry Christmas!!!!! and thank you boonex for all you do...we love our web site!
Merry X-mas and A Happy New Year! ;-)
Looking forward to a new year and continued success with Dolphin!
You know posting same thing multiple time will not help you get selected randomly..lmao
Sorry! I wish I was as devious...I was replying via my iPhone and it didn't seem to post. Thanks for cleaning up my mess and Merry Christmas!
I know that happens. Just christmas fun :D

I look forward to watching Dolphin being further developed throughout 2013 and I look forward to working further with seasoned members and helping newbies if I am able :)
Regards, Josh

Santa Claus Is tapping your phone
(Sung to The Tune of "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town")


You'd better watch out,
You'd better not cry,
You'd better not pout;
I'm telling see more you why.
Santa Claus is tapping
Your phone.

He's bugging your room,
He's reading your mail,
He's keeping a file
And running a tail.
Santa Claus is tapping
Your phone.

He hears you in the bedroom,
Surveils you out of doors,
And if that doesn't get the goods,
Then he'll use provocateurs.

So, you mustn't assume
That you are secure.
On Christmas Eve
He'll kick in your door.
Santa Claus is tapping
Your phone!

Looking forward to a new year and continued success with Dolphin!
We just settled down at my rig (it's a Mac).

When out in the Web there arose such a clatter,
I jumped to the site to see what was the matter.
To a new page my Mac flew like a flash,
Then made a slight gurgle. It started to crash!!

I gasped at the thought and started to grouse,
Then turned my head sideways and clicked on my mouse.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
My Mac jumped to a page that wasn't quite clear.

When the image resolved, so bright and so quick,
I knew in see more a moment it must be St. Nick!
More rapid than mainframes, more graphics they came,
Then Nick glanced toward my screen, my Mac called them by name;

"Now Compaq! Now Acer!", my speaker did reel;
"On Apple! On Gateway!" Santa started to squeal!
"Jump onto the circuits! And into the chip!
Now speed it up! Speed it up! Make this thing hip!"

The screen gave a flicker, he was into my "Ram",
Then into my room rose a full hologram!
He was dressed in all red, from his head to his shoes,
Which were black (the white socks he really should lose).

He pulled out some discs he had stored in his backpack.
Santa looked like a dude who was rarin' to hack!
His eyes, how they twinkled! His glasses, how techno!
This ain't the same Santa that I used to know!

With a wink of his eye and a nod of his head,
Santa soon let me know I had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word, gave my Mac a quick poke,
And accessed my C drive with only a stroke.

He defragged my hard drive, and added a "Dimm",
Then threw in some cool games, just on a whim!
He worked without noise, his fingers they flew!
He distorted some pictures with Kai's Power Goo!

He updated Office, Excel and Quicken,
Then added a screensaver with a red clucking chicken!
My eyes widened a bit, my mouth stood agape,
As he downloaded the latest version of Dolphin and deleted my old Netscape.

The hard drive gave a whirl, as if it were pleased,
St. Nick coyly smiled, the computer appeased.
Then placing his finger on the bridge of his nose,
Santa turned into nothing but ones and zeros!

He flew back into my screen and through my uplink,
Back into the net with barely a blink.
But I heard his sweet voice as he flew from my sight,
"Happy surfing to all, and to all a good byte!"

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!!
From deep of my heart, I wish Merry Christmas to Boonex Team and all users of Boonex.
Its really a good time to express and I really appreciate the efforts of Boonex team towards development of Dolphin 7.1. However there were some bugs but these bugs are not big enough to ignore efforts and quality of 'Boonex Development Team'. It was a huge development and they carried out whole work with quality and uniformity. I really liked the structured code and also cooperative and helping nature.

God see more bless them all.
... all of you are my MIPs (most important persons)
Merry Christmas Andrew, Alex and everyone @ Boonex!
Merry Christmas Boona Clause!
I need the best social networking tools I can get to organize
I'll be looking for it under the tree! BH
I am a relatively new user to Dolphin, but really like it so far. It does everything I want it to do and then some. I still have not installed all the modules and likely will not need all of them. The only problems I have had to date are through my own lack of knowledge of the environment, but I am working diligently on improving my own knowledge and expect that like Dolphin, I will still be here in 2023!

Although, less than 1/3 of the world population celebrates Christmas, for those that do, see more I wish you a very Merry Christmas or as we say here in Old Mexico, ¡Feliz Navidad!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyones and the boonex team!!!
May Dolphin Live Forever More because of it's good deeds.... I wish you a very merry Christmas & a wonderful new year at your end and hope to see a great many new editions, development and versions in years to come!
It's been a great journey since I first started using dolphin in 2003 and never looked back... A Great Team at BoonEx and great many developers being the reason of it's success. May God bless BoonEx and it's communities.
Thank you all. Have fun this holiday & look after each see more other...
Like the Dolphin that swims to be free,
Like the Sea which gives them meaning,
Like Mother Earth which provide us all with everything,
Here's wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Merry X Mas and Happy new year to all members and dolphin staff's. Thankx a ton for your wonderful product.
..........................................Your's Happy Customer !
Merry Christmas for All!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday
I wish a Merry Christmas for Everybody! Good luck for 2013 and wish the best!
2012 was a great year with huge expectations and new milestones, but 2013 would be far greater with huge accomplishments and victories.... wishing you all a great 2013!

Compliments of the season
My main website still uses Dolphin 6. I must say the development and capabilities have come very far over the last few years. I look forward to building more dolphin websites in the near future. Keep up the fantastic work!!
Cheers, Colin
The Christmas Bass

1986 was a very stressful and expensive time in my life. My wife of 10 years and I had gone through a bitterly contested divorce which ended with everything split equally between us, which according to Florida law meant that she got all of the material things and I got all of the bills.

In order to make ends meet I took a job traveling around the South Eastern United States remodeling K Mart stores. I was gone ten days and home for four. During my time off I was constantly see more with "Daddy's little girl", my youngest daughter who was born the day after Christmas at the turn of the decade. We had named her Christal Joy and I always reminded her that she was the best Christmas present that I had ever received.

The terms of our divorce stipulated neither of us could take our daughter out of the state of Florida without the written consent of the other parent, but one week end in the fall of the year I returned from my remodel job in Clarksburg, West Virginia to find the house empty and no sign of my ex or my daughter.

It was several weeks before I learned that my ex had met an Airman who was stationed at Hill AFB on TDY in Florida at the restaurant in Tampa where she worked and on the spur of the moment had moved with him to Utah with my daughter in tow.

I had hired a lawyer who managed to locate her and serve her papers and eventually my ex was forced to fly back to Florida to appear in court. During the hearing the judge asked, "Where is the child now?" to which my ex replied that my daughter was in Utah.

The judge held her in contempt of court for violating the terms of our divorce agreement and remanded her to custody of the Sheriff to be held in the county jail until such time that my daughter was returned to the state of Florida.

I petitioned the court and received temporary custody of Christal and took a job at greatly reduced wages with a local electrician to be home every night with my daughter. My ex elected to return to Utah with her Airman and sometime after Thanksgiving the court granted me full custody of my daughter.

Financially it became a real struggle as the bills piled up and my wages as an electrician were not enough to cover everything, but Christal and I were very happy to be together and spent most of our time outdoors on the old 5 acre homestead I rented.

The days before Christmas were very stressful for me because funds were insufficient to have the type of Christmas I wanted to give my daughter. I had barely enough to keep food on the table and I knew there would not be enough for presents or a traditional Christmas dinner.

Early one morning my daughter and I went off to the woods and cut a small cedar tree which we decorated with strings of popcorn that we threaded ourselves and ornaments we made from colored aluminum foil, oranges and what ever other things we had handy. The angel at the top of the tree was fashioned from cotton balls, wooden Popsicle sticks, a doll's dress, pipe cleaners and a picture of my daughter for the head.

Faced with the reality of a bleak Christmas I decided to explain to my daughter that we didn't have enough money to do much and asked her if she could do or have anything at all for Christmas what would she like most. I was prepared for her to request something I couldn't afford to do and was quite surprised when she said "Daddy, let's go fishing!" "You want to go fishing for Christmas?" I asked. "Yes Daddy, I'll just use the Snoopy fishing pole you gave me for Christmas last year." That was easy enough, I thought and wouldn't cost anything either, maybe I could still get her something yet.

Christmas morning just after day light we took the shovel from the shed and dug red worms from the compost pile at the edge of the old garden patch and loaded the poles and her dog in the truck and headed out to the pond in the state preserve where I often went to get away and think. Christal knew the pond as well as I did and loved going there. It was quite a hike off the main dirt access road to the pond following a path through the palmettos and dense under brush. We liked to think no one else knew that it was there because we very seldom encountered any one else in that area.

Once we were perched on the rocks over hanging the old phosphate pit I rigged Christal's Snoopy pole with a small hook and bobber and baited it with a red worm. When I started to cast it out Christal said, "Daddy! Let me do it myself!" I smiled and watched as she awkwardly cast the line a few feet out into the water miraculously avoiding the over hanging oak limbs.

I looked down to see the bobber resting on one lily pad and her worm crawling around another pad where it had landed. I asked her, "Christal, do you want me to help you get your bait into the water?" "No Daddy, I put it there on purpose so the fish can see it."

I laughed and began untangling the lines of my two poles, one of which I baited with a worm and cast towards the middle of the pond where there was a deep hole where catfish sometimes congregated. With the other rod I began working the shoreline with a "weed walker" looking for that ol' granddad bass that I often saw swimming, but never could coax to strike a lure.

Christal had propped her pole on a rock and began wandering about collecting snail shells, pebbles, feathers and other treasures little girls love to play with.

The sun had come up warm and bright and the wind caused little ripples across the surface of the water. In the distance you could hear the occasional croak of a bull frog or the splash of a bass feeding on some unlucky minnow. I saw a water snake winding it's way along the edge of the far bank in search of a meal and wondered where Mr. Gator was this morning. Usually by now he'd have popped his head up momentarily to see who had invaded his domain.

An old neighbor of mine had shown me where this place was when I first moved to Florida back in '77 and I had spend many summer afternoons here stalking the elusive bass or catching a mess of speckled perch (black crappy) on a cold winter morning just after the waning of the full moon.

Sometimes I would just come here to knock back a few Michelobs after work and escape the Beefalo Bitch's rantings. I guess most people have a special place that calls them to come relax and mellow out and this was mine.

Although I knew it like the back of my hand, the old phosphate pit always held some surprises; like the morning I sat quietly watching as a doe and her new fawn came to drink next to the cypress knee or the evening just before dark that the hawk family serenaded me with their mating calls and dazzled me with their mid air ballet. I loved this place and even now as I write I realize it has been too long since the last time I visited.

As some times happens I become mesmerized by the quiet and lose myself in thought, my mind wandering aimlessly like the fluff of a dandelion seed wafting on a summer breeze. Out of the corner of my eye I first noticed the crane wading along the shallows and then after a while Mr. Gator's eyes surfaced a few yards away slowly gliding through the water towards her. At the last minute the squawking bird leaped into the air as the gator burst from the water and clamped his vicious jaws shut on thin air. Christal tossed one of her pebbles weakly in his direction and said, "Nyah nyah missed him!"

At that moment there was a loud splash just down below the rock ledge where we sat and I had to do a double take to make sure Christal hadn't fell in head first. To my surprise I saw Christal jump and grab her Snoopy pole and heard her yell "Daddy, Daddy help me get him!" Instead of seeing her reeling in her normal bait sized blue gill there she was with both arms and legs wrapped around her pole trying to keep it from being jerked from her grasp.

I slid down the rocky bank next to the ledge and grabbed for her line while standing calf deep in water, up to my ankles in mud and some how managed to wrestle the fish up on shore. I stared at it in disbelief while Christal jumped around screaming in delight and giggling excitedly.

When I had it safely on a stringer and out in the water I heard Christal say, "Come on Daddy, let's go home!" Go home I thought? You just catch a 6 or 7 pound bass on a 5 dollar rod and reel and you want me to concede defeat and go home?? Before I could say anything I saw her with her little pole heading toward the truck so I pulled her bass out of the water, gathered the rest of the things together and loaded the truck.

On the drive home, Christal just smiled when I told her that was the biggest fish I had seen come out of the pond. Nothing special to her, she acted like she did it every day. When we pulled up in front of the house she asked, "Daddy are you going to clean my fish for dinner?" "You want to have your fish for Christmas dinner, Christal?" She shook her head in the affirmative as she and Paws, the dog scurried off towards the back yard. OOOOkkkkkkkkkk I thought as I unloaded the truck and put everything away and began cleaning the fish.

When he was filleted out I just shook my head as I remembered her worm wriggling around on top of the lily pad and wondered how she caught that slab of fish. Had the worm finally squirmed and wriggled its way to the edge of the pad and just dropped right in the bass's mouth? It made absolutely no sense to me and I had to admit I was both very proud and more than a little jealous of her angling ability.

I heard the old wood floor creak under her steps across the back porch and the sound of the spring stretching and the slamming of the screen door as she came into the kitchen with her little sweater pulled up and wrapped around an armload of booty from the back yard. "What you got there baby girl?" "Daddddeee! I'm not a baby!" she giggled as she unfolded her sweater and began placing her treasure trove on the kitchen table.

There were a few stray carrots left over from the garden, several eggs from the chicken coop, and an armload of some green leafy plants. I held one up and asked her, "What's this Christal?" "Daddy, you know it's poke. You remember." She was right, I did remember, and it was poke; a weed that grows wild by the back fence and tastes a little like asparagus when it's young and tender if it is cooked properly. I knew that we had often picked it together in the fields, but I was surprised she remembered what it was and I was even more surprised that she had found it growing on this property. I didn't know it was here as we had only lived here a few weeks. I also didn't realize there were still carrots coming up in the garden that had been tended by the old lady that lived here before us.

Christal had told me that she wanted poke and fish for dinner. I had cabbage and potatos in the refrigerator so I cut up the carrots and cabbage and made Cole slaw, French fries and bass and I twice boiled the poke like my Cherokee grandmother taught me and opened a can of whole kernel corn.

The table was actually quite full as we sat down to our not so traditional Christmas dinner. There was no ham nor turkey, pumpkin pie or cranberry sauce, no green bean casserole or candied yams, but we ate well that Christmas Day on Christal's Christmas bass.

After dinner Christal came out onto the front porch where I was setting in the swing and gave me a folded piece of paper. On it she had drawn a picture of a Christmas tree, a daddy and a girl and her dog. I felt a tear running down my face, followed by a hug and a whisper in my ear. "I love you, Merry Christmas Daddy!" I looked at her with tears now streaming down my face and said "I love you too, baby girl."

Then she said the words I hear echo in my ear every Christmas day. "Don't worry Daddy, I'll take care of you!" I realized once again that Christmas is not about money, or gifts or turkey or mince meat pie.

The true love and spirit of Christmas was taught to me by a little girl and her Christmas Bass.

I wish you all the love and joy of the season. Please take time to smile and remember the most precious gift you can give a child is your time.
Andrew Boon
Truly heartwarming and very true. It's all about love, family and being in the moment. Be happy!
Very well worth the read. Thanks for sharing this, hopefully some people will gain some insight. Happy holidays to you and your loved ones
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Boonex is the best.
As we strive to get through the daily obstacles that life offers us at times, let us not forget to live life to the fullest. I wish everyone here in the Boonex community, good health and happiness!

Happy Holiday's and a Happy New Year!!!
If that is you in your picture.......guess I will stop here, but Happy Holidays to you as well.
2012 rolls out in tremendous fashion, BRACE UP EVERYBODY, the BEST IS YET TO COME!
Wishing the entire boonex family a wonderful world of progress and happiness in 2013
Happy Holidays to the Dolphin crew all the way from Taiwan to where ever you are in the world. The new upgrades look great, it would be fun to play (use) with dolphin again.
Merry Christmas Everybody!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year 2013!
hi merry merry Christmas. why did the dolphins cross the ocean. to get to the other side lol.
Merry Christmas to all and hope the New Year brings lots of love and joy!
So many people are commenting here that usually doesn't happen here in just 4 hours. lol
btw Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all :)
Yes.. I guess the "spirit" still lives.
I was thinking the same exact thing. This has to be a record, lol. Thinking Im going to start inserting "free license" in every one of my posts to get some responses. Thanks Andrew :)
How does a group of dolphin's make a decision? Flipper coin!
Happy Holidays Everyone and keep flipping those coins boonex staff lol because 2012 has definitely been some of your best decisions that im looking forward to see what you do in 2013 too..
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Boonex!

We are expecting much more from you in 2013.

Thanks in advance for the initiative.
Happy Holidays to all. Thank you Boonex for 7.1 and thanks to everyone for participating in the forums to help each other out.
Отличная команда, достойная работа над Дельфином. Молодцы ребята! С праздником вас!
Merry Christmass guys, and a Happy New year, keep the cool work and be happy always, and dont get mad when getting bad comments, you know nothing is perfect, but I`m sure the Dolphin is almost close about this name "Perfect"

Doplhin ROCKS!
Somehow, not only for Christmas, But all the long year through, the joy that you give to others, is the joy that comes back to you. Wishing Boonex a very special Merry Christmas. :) God bless.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To Everyone!
Merry Christmas to the Boonex team. Than you for an easy to use platform.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas everyone :)
merry christmas and a happy new Year to all Members and all Boonex People
it is true that bonnex is a rare kind of Internet-business - perhaps even unique - happy to be among you
Merry Christmas ! Happy New Year !
hey father christmas! A Native iOS and Android apps, would be apreciated :)
Happy holidays Daniel, thank you for your great work, wish you success for 2k13
Many things happens when we do not realize its potential on the face of it but slowly we develop admiration and affection towards that event. One such moment for us is Dolphin Community Software. At the time of this comment our team grown to 11000 almost in 3 months time. Thanks to team Dolphin and all the people who helped us to develop.
Admin AstroMindsClub.Com
all the best for 2013 my friends!
Thanks for the good wishes. Merry Christmas to you in BoonEx
Season's greetings to the entire Boonex team. I wish upon you continued success in 2013 and beyond.
Be merry... not all got a chance to have experienced all the thrills, excitement and thorns of 2012 and still be alive today to have hopes of a glorious 2013. So, relish and enjoy every moment you share with loved ones and all the little moments that put a smile on your face. The fact that you are here and reading this is sign that there is hope for a bright future. Believe it! Compliments of the season to all.
Merry christmas and happy new year my friends!
This year which stands passing was the year that most of all marked and will mark the positive change in my life. But the most valuable magic is happening and that my change will be also and most importantly to my family and all my loved ones. For the first time in my life I am really proud of me! "Buon Natale e Buon Anno" from Italy by Cupido
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Frohe Weihnachte unn ein gudes neus Jahr, Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo, Crăciun fericit şi un An Nou Fericit, Feliz Navidad y Feliz año nuevo, С Рождеством Христовым, С наступающим Новым Годом, Glædelig jul og godt nytår, 聖誕快樂 新年快樂.. On the end of this year throw your unhappiness out of the window, ed let happiness and satisfaction take its place...
Merry Christmas and Happy New year from France :-)
Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

I hope Dolphin8 will become a new name, like Shark1 ! ^^ Dolphin is a very nice and smart animal, but maybe not smart enought to have a longer life than a Shark! ;-))

Best regards!
I wish you all the Blessings of Peace, the Beauty of Hope, the Spirit of Love, the Comfort of Faith in the coming year
Happy Christmas to the entire booNEXT community. The future promises much hope...........
Like Dolphin, free.. happy.. and so social.
When will you launch your next version?
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Merry Christmas from to Boonex and all their loyal fans and users (like us). We very much look forward to 2013 and the full release of Dolphin 7.1. Andrew is right that 2012 was a tough year for many of us. However the rapidly maturing social network market and the explosion of mobile devices offers new opportunities for us all in 2013. Have a happy and safe Holiday Season.........All the Best............don
Merry Christmas to all and may 2013 be the year you can get everything done. Wish you all the best.
Great news... I hope that year 2013 comes great to all Boonex and Dolphin fans. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. I hope that i can open my new community year 2013 too.
I want a Dolphin License for Christmas
Only a Dolphin License will do
Don't want to mess with Drupal, nor that rinky dink Ning Tinker Toy
I want a Dolphin License to play with, profit with, and enjoy

I want a Dolphin License for Christmas
I don't think Santa Claus will mind, do you?
He won't have to use my dirty chimney flue
Santa will just send me a Download Link, why that's the easy thing to do

I can see me now on Christmas morning, creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprise see more when I pull out my desk chair
To see a Dolphin License in my inbox upon my monitor there

I want a Dolphin License for Christmas
Only a Dolphin License will do
No Crocodupals, no Ningoceroses
I only like Dolphin Licenses
And Dolphin Licenses with Mobile Apps like me too

Mom says the Dolphin License would eat all my time up, but then
Andrew Boon says a Dolphin License is a fully developed platformarian

There's lots of room for my Dolphin License in my domain collage
I'd place him there and watch him grow and give him a new montage
I can see me now on Christmas morning, creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprise when I pull out my desk chair
To see a Dolphin License in my inbox upon my monitor there

I want a Dolphin License for Christmas
Only a Dolphin License will do
No Crocodupals, no Ningoceroses
I only like Dolphin Licenses
And Dolphin Licenses with Mobile Apps like me too

Happy Holidays Everyone!
A Very Merry Xmas all Boonex Team and Dolphiers Family.
Let's open our hearts for more Love and Peace. Christmas is all about a new start, a Hope! So, here we go! Many here are able to create or manage websites (specially BoonEx ones). You guys are powerful tool to God.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Keep up the good work!
Merry Xmas and a very Happy New Year!
Merry Xmas to you too. Is that you in the picture?
Merry X-Mas and a special thanks to all the helpful people in the forum and developers that is the blood pumping through this Dolphin!
I have good feelings about Dolphin for 2013. As you stated, 2012 was a tedious year, an uncertain time but things are getting better and this is the time for all of us to come together. We only have one earth and one us, so let's be the best that we can be :) Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas to boonex team and all people too ))
He does exist! Merry Christmas everyone around the globe and a prosperous 2013! May God be with you all.

The warmest regards,

Tony Marek & Family
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a prosperous, happy, peaceful new year 2013.
Boonex is the ultimate Christmas gift. It has been an answer to our companies prayers over 5 years ago. Now every Christmas is better than ever because Boonex keeps getting more and more powerful! We truly appreciate and are extremely thankful for the entire Boonex TEAM and all of the Boonex Community! Happy new year to all. We are waiting with great expectation for the next Booxex innovation to be revealed. God Bless to ALL!
Merry Christmas for all the Dolphin community.
Waiting for Dolphin 7.1 releasing.
I wish that in 2013 we all have to fulfill a dream that has been realized many successful Dolphin project. And also I wish you all a lot of money, happiness and good health to deal with our favorite business 24 hours a day))) Good luck in 2013!
Christmas Gift

. Customize

A nice young man wanted to purchase a Christmas gift for his new sweetheart. As

your colors &

they had not been dating very long, after some careful consideration, he decided

look. We do the

that a pair of elegant winter gloves would strike just the right note - romantic, but


not too personal.

Accompanied by his sweetheart's younger sister, he went to a fine department store and chose a pair of lovely white fur-lined gloves. see more The sister did her own shopping, buying a pair of panties for herself.

While the clerk was wrapping the items, she got the boxes mixed up, and gave the gloves to the sister and gift-wrapped the panties for the young man.

The young man sealed the package without noticing and sent it to his sweetheart, who opened it on Christmas to find his enclosed note:

I chose these because I noticed that you are not in the habit of wearing any when we go out in the evening. If it had not been for your sister, I would have chosen the long ones with the buttons, but she demonstrated the short ones she wears that are easier to remove.

Instead of calling in sick,

These are a delicate shade, but the lady I bought them from Showed me the pair

call in well. Tell them how

she had been wearing for the past three weeks and they were hardly soiled. I had

great you feel not having

her try yours on for me and she looked very sharp.

to go to work today.

I wish I was there to put them on for you the first time, as no doubt other hands will come in contact with them before I have a chance to see you again. When you take them off, remember to blow in them before putting them away, as they will naturally be a little damp from wearing.

Just think how many times I will kiss them during the coming year. I hope you will wear them for me on Friday night. All my love.

(P.S... The latest style is to wear them folded down with a little fur showing)

Wish you all happy chrismas and the new year-2013!!
Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas. And a great and happy new year.
What's the difference between a northern fairytale and a southern fairytale?

A northern fairytale begins "Once upon a time..." A southern fairytale begins 'Y'all ain't gonna believe this sh*t!...

Everybody have a Merry Christmas and great New year.
now give me my license!
The main thing that this new year was exactly what we would like it to be. I wish us all a good mood lasting a whole year!
Dear Boonex, I love dolphin so much that I have nearly used up all of my licenses, So today I am writing this blog post to tell you how thankful I am for the great software and to let you know tht I pledge my allegience to boonex all the way! And Now I pray, Please Grant me additional Licenses. :) Every word is true. And I want to shout it from the rooftop! DOLPHIN is the most awesome cms anywhere.
P.S. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Great Job on 7.1
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Wishing everyone a healthy and prosperous New Year. Special Thanks to the Dolphin team. I am crazy about Dolphin7 I would say you beat the completion hands down but you have not other platforms can compare. Keep up the fantastic work. I am looking forwards to seeing what you come up with next! Have an awesome New Year!
Twas the night before Chris.... wait that was last night! Merry Christmas to EVERYONE around the World!
Merry Christmas to the Boonex family. The license would be a blessing.
Merry Christmas to all!!!! Happy Holidays!!!! Happy Yalda!!!! Happy Soyal, Saturnalia, Hanukkah .... Happy everything :)
Happy Holidays and many Blissings to all... And may the new year 2013 brings you lots of love, peace, health, light, happiness and prosperity..... Infinite Blessings... !!!
Happy Jesus' Birthday!!!
(commonly called Christmas)
I pray we all remember "The Reason For The Season"!
I also pray that everyone have a Blessed 'Christmas' FILLED with His Love!!!
Why not take a moment and tell Him "Thank You", not only for what He's done, but
For Who He IS!
God's Love to everyone!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2013!!!!!!
Merry Christmas,
With a stable version of Dolphin 7
lol, (hopes me laughing doesnt disquality me)
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all...
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone in the Boonex community... I'm looking forward to beginning development on a new site under D7.1 in January :-D
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Looking forward to all that is to come in 2013. Excited about the new developments within Boonex and the Dolphin Platform! Love everything you do!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Boonex team you guys did a great job in 2012 with the release of 7.1 and me myself I will say I love it can wait to see what you guys cook up for 2013 Dolphin 4Life
Merry Christmas & Best wishes for the New Year! I'm happy to be a part of the Dolphin community.
A mafioso’s son sits at his desk writing a Christmas list to Jesus. He first writes, ‘Dear baby Jesus, I have been a good boy the whole year, so I want a new…’ He looks at it, then crumples it up into a ball and throws it away. He gets out a new piece of paper and writes again, ‘Dear baby Jesus, I have been a good boy for most of the year, so I want a new…’ He again looks at it with disgust and throws it away. He then gets an idea. He goes into his mother’s room, takes a statue of see more the Virgin Mary, puts it in the closet, and locks the door. He takes another piece of paper and writes, ‘Dear baby Jesus. If you ever want to see your mother again…’let boonex give me 5 free licences
Merry Crhistmas and Happy 2013, to all
Feliz Navidad y próspero 2013 para tod@s
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to Everyone of the Boonex Family!
The santa dolphin can visit me anytime, my gps coords are: S28 1.01472 E153 25.67496 xmas boonex
Do not forget your ip address either
I'm very happy New Year to you.
I am an Iranian Muslim.
Nice to Meet You.
I hope you have a good year.
I just enrolled in a computer science course at Harvard University. It is harder than I expected but I am determined to finish. The course ends April, 2013. Wish me luck! I don't celebrate Christmas but Happy New Year! Don't party too hard. LOL. Boonex ROCKS! I wish I thought of it, but hey, go with the flow. My real name is Joe Capers. Sometimes it's difficult to get a social network up and running but I think 2013 might be the year for me! Good luck to all. I am from the United States and I want see more to travel the world using my social network as my source of income. Rosetta stone has helped me too. Right now I am in my mom's basement trying to make it big. LOL. It would be nice to be rich and famous, wouldn't it? Well, I guess I will just have to see how it goes. Once again good luck to everyone in the new year. China has a big growing market for social networking. I might start there.
Oiiiii!!! Free License. . . . Five of them. . . .Can one person get all 5 licenses by any chance?
If not 5, then a couple? lol
hope for the best prepare for the worst!
Happy New Year! Glad we are alive. .. . . and World didnt end!
Ummm . .. Free licenses huh? WoW. . . WoW. . . WoW!!!
Merry CHRISTMAS and HAPPY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 2013 to all. Let this year bring bright time to all of us.
Merry Christmas to all. I can't begin to express the thanks I have for everyone in the Boon ex community. Andrew Boon's Dolphin was the best thing that I could have done for my site. With all the free help I get from the amazing webmasters on here dedicated to help anyone and everyone including n00bs like me, I thank you. So if there's any way I could get a free license for Christmas it would be a Christmas miracle! Enjoy the rest of the year and have a happy new year. Cheers
Thank you for working so hard whether it is for those who use the free product for for those who use the paid product. Your product brings the world together in a uniquely social way. merry Christmas andHappy new year to you all xxx
Dolphin has come a long way as a internet portal provider to be watched by the larger and often less feature rich competitors. From years of watching Dolphin develop and grow, it has built confidence in me becoming one of the many, happy, Dolphin clients. Thanks to Andrew, the Dolphin development team and to the many other users, independent developers and other resources who help to make this a feature rich and on-going worthwhile journey. A successful New Year to everyone!
Looking forward to new beginnings for Dolphin in 2013. By the way send some of that 95 degree weather up this way to the northern hemisphere!
Thx for all this great software over the years! Merry X-Mas + A Happy New Year! Take Care, Sascha
Happy New year and thanks for all the work !

Did you know that dolphins are so smart that within a few weeks of captivity,
they can train people to stand on the very edge of the pool and throw them fish?

Regards and keep on going
Haha... Thats hilarious! So very true! However, I might also add that in addition to being smart they are also very cute, always a lethal combination!
i look at my wife and i agree (i better be!) hahaha
I myself sincerely wish you a festive holiday season, and all the best for 2013!
By user fronyx :

"Well... World definitely did not end on the 21th of December 2012, but a new generation of Dolphins is surely appearing @ 2013 :-)"
True, although the world did not end, my world will surely begin if I wake up to a license in my mailbox :)
A man asked another, "What's the difference between relationship before and after marriage ?" other replied, "Relationship before marriage makes person blind however relationship after marriage opens eye."
Hi everyone, I'd like to wish you all a belated Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2013. Also, I want to take this opportunity to thank AntonLV for all the help he's given me over the past year, he really has been very generous with his time.
It looks like 2013 is going to be a great year for all of us with 7.1 due out shortly and D8 looming on the horizon, we will be able to hit the ground running early. Here's to Happy and Safe Holidays for the community and the Boonex team!
Casal Pimenta
I'm Brazilian!
Here in Brazil we say we never give up.
We've been through a lot of crises and poverty, today we live better and assitimos the old world living an economic crisis.
Here we hope to not give up and do not give up too!
2012 was a tough year for BoonEx customers, especially for those like me, understands little of software and programming languages.
I have an active website, niche community here in Brazil for a little over a year with about 6000 entries.
Of course the goal is to see more make money with it, but before that, make people see what they want to show well and see what I can see.
BoonEx is part of it!
I did learn, study, understand and not give up even when shouting at the PC and gave punches on the table when a bug damn angry or module made my site stop.
Apprehensive, resisted by update 7.1 to exit beta 2 even excited with test online the beautiful and sensual new version.
Done updating b2 had fewer problems than I imagined, but I had made me sweat shirt to solve everything.
I followed the forums, and ask follow guidelines to realize that I had grown and improved as a dolphin.
Then you can give the gift of a new home, beautiful and more intuitive site for my members! Merry Christmas!
All won, and I got the joy of receiving compliments and congratulations for the work!
But that work?
I did nothing, or almost nothing!
People who do not even know and who are oceans away from here, and they certainly have lost hours of sleep to give us new version ready, that did the hard work!
Worse was to see the amount of criticism and even insults they received no "no never give up" for comfort!
Before I say Merry Christmas, even though late, I say thank you!
Extend all the congratulations and congratulations received from my members, for all of you who have dedicated themselves to BoonEx and dedicate every day for us, whether we are anywhere in the world, we receive a compliment and a thank you for a dolphin site exists.
I know I invested some dollars for it, but the satisfaction of doing something good, that people enjoy and use over and over, is priceless and worth millions of dollars for sure!
My limbs still pay nothing to use the site, but I also do not pay anything to enjoy every day of real classes on how to use dolphin and improve every day.
So, just in time, I wish all of you a happy new year BoonEx, that 2013 will bring luck, success and above all the joy of doing something you believe in and reaching people in places much farther than own vision can achieve!
Bring on all the news to come, they come D8, D9, D10 ...
What they come up with all the joy and happiness that drives your index finger to press the enter button to test a new update and see it work the way it was imagined, noting that just this small act can make, and certainly will, thousands of people happier.
Brazilians are like us, do not give up ever!
Happy New Year! Happy New Dolphin!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Thank you Boonex.
Merry Christmas and looking forwarding to Dolphin 7.1. Happy new year.
First of all i want to thank Andrew Boon for gathering so many creative people in one place! Second of all we made it! We are alive and ready to move mountains! I wish you all and your relatives all the best there is! Be well! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas, Blessed Yule, Happy Hanukkah Happy Kwanza, or anything else that brings you the most joy this season!
A belated happy Hanukkah, a belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.
Merry Christmas. Some of the changes do seem rather interesting; The Dolphin is still swimming after all these years.
Yes, and the oceans are there for a great journey. Happy Holidays
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

― Albert Einstein
2012 was the year the internet came together to protect the core values of the internet. It was also an exciting year for BoonEx with the launch of the latest version of Dolphin and a sleek new redesign of the website. I look forward to 2013 and would like to wish everyone a happy holidays and new year. Cheers!
Wishing everyone ******** Merry Christmas ******** and ******** A Very Happy New Year ******** God Bless All....
I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I'm looking forward to getting back into Dolphin with the release of 7.1.
Happy New Year to all. Thanks BoonEx team for all their support.
Merry Christmas and happy new year. Thanks for all the hard work and providing us a great foundation to build a business on.
Merry Christmas from Austria :)
Merry Christmas everyone!
And a special Thank You to all the modulre developers who really make the Dolphin dance!
Happy New YEAR

If you are young and you drink a great deal it will spoil your health, slow your mind, make you fat - in other words, turn you into an adult.
Share the spirit of peace and joy on this occasion of Merry Christmas with your acquaintances and loved ones.
Its amazing how many people jump out of the ocean when you offer free fish food....
Yes - exactly... this many comment is unusually high.. oops, I just added one more.
Well since it is the season for giving and sharing with our fellow man (and woman), how about a nice feature that I have not seen anyone mention... Here goes.
When a module is uninstalled - please give the option to keep the db tables for reinstall. Somewhat like a DeActivate feature. Some mods actually ask you to uninstall the old before upgrading to the new.. and zap.. there goes your content .... sad.
Well all the best for 2013 Boonex and company. Happy Dolphining!
Happy Holidays! I've been a believer for the Dolphin platform...hope 2013 is hugely successful.
Wow i guess im the last one left to post lol, happy holidays everyone
Belated Merry Christmas - Happiest New Year !

Looking forward to even more improvements as Dolphin 7.1 is nearly ready for prime time and D8 promises even more excitement.

Θερμές ευχές για όμορφες γιορτές!
New year, new life! :) Happy New Year to all :)
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thanks, hope to see many new improvements realized in 2013!
Murry ChrisMoose and Hoofy Gnu Deer! Wishing the best to everyone!

Why did the sheep go down to the river? It wanted to take a baaaath.
Marry Xmas and the best for the incoming year (and Dolphin 7.1)
Good Health , peace and serenity to all!
Andrew- WHAT? I have to wait until 2023 to get plasma-droids from you guys? The internet will be gone by then :(

I do respect and appreciate the direction that you are in the process of taking dolphin, wish you guys a year better than last. Will see you at the top!!! (will see you at the top sooner than later with a free license, lol) Happy Holidays to everyone who has been a part of making Dolphin that much better.
I was thinking of making a New Year's resolution.
But then again ... Why tamper with perfection?


Have a Happy New Year...the whole year ...not just Jan 1st.
merry xmas & happy new year
Boonex provides the capability to realize my designs.
May your new years be happy and bright and all your releases be tight!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas!
I Discover dolphin 7.0.9 on the end of 2012, I think 2013 will be full of Dolphin !!
happy new year folks, cant wait to see the next installment of dolphin, todays 7.1 is so far ahead of dolphin 5.4 where i started out, its fair to say boonex are doing a good job of creating a site software worth the time and effort involved in setting up modding and running a dolphin site (Y)
Ha ha ha ha happy new year.
The wife is sitting home reading a book when her now drunk husband comes home from fishing all morning. He docks the boat stumbles out and into the house and collapses on the sofa and begins to snore loudly. The wife upset by the noise decides to find a quieter place to read. She spots the boat and since it's such a nice day decides to take the boat out. After cruising the lake she finds the perfect spot drops the anchor settles back and starts to enjoy her book. After some time a boat pulls along see more side and in it is a Game and Fisheries warden looks around her boat taking note of the rods and bait. Grasping the side of her boat the warden informs the wife that she is fishing in a protected area. The wife tells the warden that she is not fishing but reading a book. The Warden glancing around the boat states "but lady you have all the equipment and could be fishing at any time." The wife angered now states "If you give me a ticket I will tell everyone you made sexual advances on me!" The Warden shocked replies " But lady I haven't touched you..." The wife tells him "No not yet but you have all the equipment!" The Warden motored away not a word said.
***Tonight I'm gonna party like a Dolphin License is now mine! (Song Lyrics)***

Don't worry, I won't DDoS you
I only want you to have some fun

I was dreaming when I wrote this,
Yes, dreaming of this very day
But when I woke up there this mornin',
Could've sworn it was the Dolphin giveaway.
My server code was all blue,
There were Dolphins swimming everywhere,
Tryin' to run from the seduction,
You know it's hard to pretend that I don't even care.

'Cause Boonex Coders say 2,013 one see more three party over, oops! Out of time!
So Tonight I'm gonna party like a Dolphin License is now mine!

I was dreaming when I wrote this,
So sue me if I have a blast.
But Dolphin's just a party
And the Boonex team wrote its code to last.
With quad core's all around us,
You'd think our projects would easily take flight
Thankfully we have an ally,
And I'm hoping the Boonmeister will drop by my post tonight.

Yeah, Boonex Coders say 2,013 one three party over, oops! Out of time!
So Tonight I'm gonna party like a Dolphin License is now mine! (Yeah, yeah)

People, let me tell you somethin'
If your comments are late or tardy,
Don't bother knockin' on Andrew Boons door.
I got a empty wallet in my pocket
And, baby, the Boonex staff has got the cure. (Yeah)
Everyone here has got a dolphin desire,
And I could easily be left in license dismay. (Oh)
But before I let that happen,
I'm going to lyric my life away.

Yeah, Boonex Coders say 2,013 one three party over, oops! Out of time!
(We're runnin' out of time)
So Tonight I'm gonna party like a Dolphin License is now mine!
(my server's gonna go blue, my server's gonna go blue, oh!)

Say it one more time.
2,013 one three party over, oops! Out of time! (No, no)
So Tonight I'm gonna party like a Dolphin License is now mine!
(We're gonna, we gonna go blue)

Alright, 2,013!
You say it, 2,013!
2,013 (2,013)

Don't stop, don't stop, say it one more time.
2,013 one three party over, oops! Out of time! (Yeah, yeah)
So Tonight I'm gonna party like a Dolphin License is now mine!
(We gonna, we're gonna go blue)

Yeah, 2,013 (2,013)
Don't your server wanna go blue? (2,013)
Don't your server wanna go blue? (2,013)
Only five will be without license dismay (2,013)
I don't wanna be in license dismay, I'd rather lyric my life away (2,013)
Listen to what I'm tryin' to say
Everybody, everybody say dolphin license party!
Come on now, you say it (Dolphin License Party!)
That's right, everybody say (Dolphin License Party!) { "DOLPHIN LICENSE PARTY" }
Can't run from server stagnation, no!
If you wing it you'll only have frustration, y'all!
You'll be screaming when you should be theming dolphin', baby!
Shout it in the megaphone, mama, now!
Come on, come on, you say!
Everybody, two times!
Work it down to the ground, I'm sayin'
(Oh baby, say it again)
(Oh, shake your license, baby!)
That's right, come on, sing the song!
That's right, everybody say!
Got an empty wallet in my pocket
And, baby, the Boonex staff has got the cure.

Happy New Year Everyone!
Seek and ye shall find
Knock and doors shall open
Ask and ye shall receive.....

Faith emboldens me to ask
Only one I seek!

Wishing everybody on the boonex planet a glorious 2013
Happy New year everyone!
Alan Stewart
Happy New Year to the Boonex Team....

2012 went well and we continued to be excited by and thantful for all your efforts.

I'm excited to see what 2013 and Boonex bring us!
Boonex Rocks!
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
1st post of the NY in the UK! gotta get a license?????!!!!
Cheers for 7.1 and all the hard work gone into it so far! Gonna be a good year!
i wish you all a happy new Year, all the best und luck
Lots of work done since the last time I visited. Incredible!
Andrew Boon
It looks like it's safe to say that comments time is now over and we'll be rolling the dice shortly.
I thought that the dice was already rolled. I will go wait in.................... suspense, lol. Happy New Year Man
Andrew Boon
Thank you for all the beautiful words, poems, wishes and cheers. This is going to be a great year, in company with wonderful people!
We had dolphins in our marina last week. This may not be surprising to some, but this is in New Jersey and it is snowing here. This is either the first sign of the apocalypse or a sign that the real thing is waiting for 7.2. We power our marina website with Dolphin.

Happy New Year!!
Happy new year everyone and let's hope it's a good one!
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.