Up to now all disputes around products in BoonEx Market have been treated as a free-form information source for further "custom" administrative actions. As you may guess, this is very ineffective in terms of attracting respondents attention.
So, starting today, we will be treating disputes differently:
1. Once a dispute is open, the product in question may be suspended by admin or moderator until dispute is positively resolved.
2. When dispute is mediated, admins and moderators will always try to force "30 refund" policy, unless it's a service. So, if negotiations are stuck, we'd expect vendors to issue a refund, since this makes a good business practice.
3. If dispute is around a service, and can not be resolved we will again resort to "custom" solutions, so we request moderators to submit a ticket with forum link if BoonEx attention is required.
I hope that vendors would take this update as a good news, since we would all benefit from an improved image of BoonEx Market products and services quality and support.
Now that Moderators asked for further clarifications:
From our own experience with PayPal disputes and some of the older disputes at Unity is seems very difficult to set our a standard procedure for figuring "reasons". So, the best we can do is to rely on Moderators to do what we did - go by common sense and your own opinion. Even if someone wouldn't like it. It should be possible to see by the nature of the complaint if the product in question must be suspended to either prevent further issues or attract vendor's attention.
Again, this isn't a hard rule... think of it as of a "BoonEx opinion" guideline, when in doubt about performing moderation actions. In most situations, if Client isn't happy and Vendor can't convince them to withdraw the dispute - Vendors are advised to return the money. We do this too, and believe it's a good business practice that actually saves a lot of time and money. We expect Vendors to understand and appreciate such approach as well. Win a customer, not a sale.
I suggest that Moderators start a topic in Disputes forum and collaborate on the final definition, procedure and guidelines. Once it's done - we'll sticky it and will link to it from Dispute-posting form.
For those wondering... Moderators and SuperModerators aren't being paid by BoonEx for doing what they do. We get their help and time for occassional "thank you"s and that's it. I also wonder why they do it and can't stress enough on how much we appriciate their involvement.
1.Will Boonex insist the developers to upgrade/test the existing "featured mods" developers to submit compatibility report during beta releases?
2.Why dont Boonex allow "Contribute to Boonex" mods from developers? which can be added to the next release of Dolphin with "pre-installed mods" [i hate to install trivial mods like Deanos tools every time i upgrade]
3.Why dont Boonex have a repository from where site-owners can download and install see more
I think the problem is that if boonex impose too many restrictions, tests, penalties and generaly make it difficult for developers will leave and go elsewhere (I believe this is what boonex are affraid of). Dolphin without developers will be like a car without a key....
The other half of the problem is with the users. If we can not get reliable see more
Jim Stewart
Buying encrypted mods is very risky to say the least. You don't know if it has a back door or malicious data stealing spyware, or any other see more
1 - Could you elaborate on the reasons allowed for when/if a product can be suspended? Example: Asked for support and got no reply, member is unable to download after payment, etc. Also what is the 'wait' time to allow the product owner to respond?
2 - When you say 'force' a 30 day refund, see more
I contacted the seller who told me it had nothing to do with his mod it was dolphin. I with a brand new dolphin install thought yeah right not this time mate and said can you make your mod work see more
there would need sites in each version of dolphin - for testing the modules in dispute - tested by moderators or SuperModerators
and I have eveything, emails and so on. I do not do the installs, my hosting company techs do it, I have emails from them stating the problem. I think I have been very patient in this matter but there is a time limit to file. and after some research I found that this seller has had other complaints of the same nature and I seen nothing to show these other complaints have been resolved. that is why see more
If you emal me I will send you every bit of evidence I sent to Andrew Boon, it is evidence enough to convince anyone.
Jim Stewart
How would you know when and for what to suspend a product? I mean before, in the middle or after the admins and moderators have reached a conclusion on the dispute?
There should be more things and details discussed before such rules can be tossed away..
If the dispute involves a certain product, that product will be hidden until the dispute is resolved. I agree that this should be done, and it provides incentive for developers to deal with disputes.
Suspension of a product should only intervene immediately only in obvious scam/false/corrupt files etc.
I am aware of people who may want to abuse the system, and that's something we need to look out for. I'd like to have Andrew elaborate on this new policy, specifically how we'll settle things, and what should be done about products in certain situations.
Jim Stewart
How will Boonex prevent an abuse of the "refund" option?
When a product will be tagged as "to be refunded" and by whom? On what grounds? What will be considered as a "proof"? Will the admin/moderators have the technical abilities to get to the right conclusion?
When will a product may be suspended? Before, While or After the dispute investigation?
If we don't see more
If the dispute involves a broken extension, I do believe that extension should be tested by a moderator or higher on an environment recommended by the developer. In the end, I will only hide a product if there is evidence to support someone's claim over see more
I don't view someone half a day for a reply as not receiving support. I view that person as just being impatient.
If someone is having actual problems with a developer here, they are always encouraged to open a dispute if an agreement cannot be reached between the two privately. I think with the changes mentioned above, disputes can be more than a venting ground see more
my file attached in pdf format
1. Reasons for suspension
From our own experience with PayPal disputes and some of the older disputes at Unity is seems very difficult to set our a standard procedure for figuring "reasons". So, the best we can do is to rely on Moderators to do what we did - go by common sense and your own opinion. Even if someone wouldn't like it. It should be possible to see by the nature of the complaint if the product in question must be suspended see more
here are so often costumer which buy a product, say that it doesn´t work or that they are not happy with it and want their money back, but then they still use the product on the site or on a other site or just give the product to a boonex unity friend. i think with this refund it is more easier for them.
we sell products like they are in the market and there is often no time to change things and would take much time.
so now they can say that they are not happy with the product and support and just give it back, but the product works like it is on the testsite and in the description?
1. I feel it is public humiliation for both parties of disputes to write on a public forum..
2. I feel disputes should be handled professionally and confidentially by a trained support team who gets paid
3. Doesn't Boonex make enough money to pay for services rendered.?
4. leaving out most of what I would like to say......................................
No one has burnt me, I am see more
Just some initial thoughts on this:
re:"1. Once a dispute is open, the product in question may be suspended by admin or moderator until dispute is positively resolved."
There should be a set of parameters that determines resolution there must be proof that a dispute is viable. For example, a buyer may purchase a mod and then ask for a refund and then continue to use the mod. If they do see more
That should be easy for moderators to spot and we can then ban the user.
2. Indeed most buyers don't want to spend their time arguing. Often the price of mods doesn't justify spending time on dispute. Yes, dispute legitimacy parameters are needed and I hope we'll get them prepared soon via forums.
3. Right now we're in fact building a base for a bigger, more active community of both buyers and sellers. I would say that some of our planned changes should see more
One question: What about all the fake reviews they made using multiple accounts on boonex so they make people believe is a real customers buying the product.
I loved the Dolphins are great and I'm not ready to let it down and left
I do not care about money I do not want the return of money, but I want to complete the work only
What is important is principle, not money
But I have a problem in Atven and enlisted someone here to solve the problem for me
And paid him $ 250 it was not anything
But he continued to ask me for business combinations and must work to server
Not mentioned from the outset see more