looking for a programmer

LoveMunkee posted 26th of April 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

My name is Larry. I recently got into the dating/community websites. Ive never seen programming like this for a website before using the dolphin script. I was using the clone to friendster which was much more simpler. But of course it did not offer near the benefits of the dolphin script. I have a question for anybody interested. Is there anybody available for sitework? I am willing to pay and return the favor in other ways as well. Let me explain. I own several sites, most of which are promotion sites on the internet. One of which is a PR2 site.

I have expertise in ranking websites, and i donot mean evaluation. I can take a new website and get it in the top 500,000 Alexa ranking of sites in less than 30 days. I am sure you know how important this is.

But if anybody would be available to do some sitework, i can give you access to my admin panel/cpanel. I will graciously pay you for the time.

I have the site installed, and there are just a few things i am having problems with. I am wanting to dress up the main page with some color other than the bland white. Also in the flash, i am trying to remove the ''welcome to the community'' tag.

The biggest problem I am having is with the raysuite widgets. It will not let me register them. I have tried following much of the advice of the blogs...but like i said before, I am very unfamiliar with the site programming. Anything you could do to help would be much appreciated.

And if you decide to or are able to help, I will also promote your site with a front page banner that will attract ALOT of attention to your projects.

I know this question may pop up in the blogs or elsewhere from time to time, but i really like the benefits of this script, and hope to keep it.

If anybody is interested, please contact me either through here or at my email which i check more frequently at:

I thank all for their time in reading this, and thank even more over those that reply.

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I can design the main index file for you if you give me an idea as to what you want. as for the Rayz widgets I cant help with that. :) my email is interex@deathtrip.org
Thank all for replying to my programming concerns. I was able to get the answers i needed , but still having trouble to get the RAY widgets to register. But i understand many are already having that problem.
Hey dude,
Can you please give details about the problems you are facing with RAY?
I might bring some help for you.

My e-mail id is : admin at mittalpatel.co.in

Contact me there to get faster reply.

- Mittal Patel
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.