List of Control Panels to use with Dolphin

zenbuddha77 posted 24th of June 2013 in Community Voice. 0 comments.


Below are all open source control panels or freeware. I still haven't really mastered Cpanel especially after I realized that I was paying nearly $50 a month to rent the software. I'm actually hoping that one, or even more, of the below FREE control panel software applications could be used with Dolphin. And since I am really all thumbs when it comes to doing those kinds of evaluations I was hoping a few of you might have the nerve to try one or more of them out or maybe Andrey could ask someone at Boonexx to test whether or not they already do work. Or if one or more could be tweaked to customize them so we could have at least an alternative to the cost of Cpanel which would work with that Cpanel and it's cost would not be mandatory for us to constantly be paying especially in the initial phases of the formation of a Dolphin community when the money could be put to purchasing more modifications to make our new sites even more attractive..and get off to a better start.

Also, just to show you that I don't have anything against Cpanel per say except that it seems enormously expensive and after installation not even any support for the are a couple of links some of which you may find useful in the use of Cpanel...though honestly I am always drawn to the real works of living art...which are always undervalued in their own day and age. Take for example our over all and ;-)

For Cpanel documentation, you can go to:

and the Quickstart guide:

You probably want to at least read the Quickstart guide.
And if reading the documents above does not seem to help if you are doing an installation, the following are animations and picture movies, that perhaps will help more:

More pictures and animations to help:


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