license error when transfering my site to another sever.

matthewrazzak posted 8th of June 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

hi all

please help,  even Host For Web don't know what to do.

Host For Web placed me on shared hosting, sales. said rms would work ok.

Purchased ad free licenses for Dolphin and Ray,  used license keys for site.

Then found out no rms on shared solution.

Host ForWeb offered and installed Dolphin and Ray to a VPS.

Now they are saying my original licenses keys do not work.

Their advice....connect Boonex..

If anyone can help,  I would  be so grateful.  Its really frustrating that products are sold without  a decent level of support.

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i dont know why they would not work. the only thing they would bind to is the domain, and not a servers ip. so i wouldnt know why they would not work. you created these licenses in unity licenses area? might be able to drop those license and regenerate. need somebody to pipe in that would have this type of information. but the logic says the license would work.

have you checked to see if this was in fact a true statement? hit me up on an email or ymessenger:johnm_1291

it see more is my opinion, that the entire site should have been transferred, and not flipping reinstalled, and there is absolutely no reason that i know if that your license would not work from one server to another. i have transferred many dolphin sites via cpanel transfer and also by a complete reinstall on a different server and have suffered no loss of license usage.

i dont like HFW and you will find that most of us who are proficient at this script dont like them or their ethics. and just so you know, you could have used RMS on their shared hosting, they snookered you. you could have picked up a stand alone RMS hosting account from myself or cyberxing for 5 bux a month.

anyhow, done rambling.

thanks dosdag
always appreciate the advice!
i will add you to my messenger
If I have no joy with them today, im finished with HFW.
Gladly sign with cyberxing


If you had to update your dns nameservers with the new vps which most likely you did have to do because shared and vps would most certainly be on another sever. Then with that in mind has your dns nameservers fully propogated and updated? If not it might not recognize your licenses on the new account until this happens. If you are using ip based address until it updates this could happen as well.

You might also consider checking your's dolphin and ray for proper paths and periodic see more files if they changed your cpanel login/account name at all.

I've moved from several hosts including vps before with no problems. I did have to wait a little for the propogation.

Regarding the rms, you can still have a shared hosting type of account and then use a 3rd party rms service such as cyberxing for only $1-$3 per month, and you don't have to worry about installing and configuring rms on your own server.
Cheers gameutopia
this sounds like the issue, lets see what happens
great advice ...really appreciate it.

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