iDate contest winners

VictorT posted 9th of February 2010 in . 12 comments.

The iDate contest winners were announced on January 28, and BoonEx received the second place in the Dating Software provider category. We may not be THE winners, but still we are winners!

THANK YOU for all your votes - we DO appreciate them!

See the full list of iDate contest results

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The fact that Dolphin is NOT the number one dating site script, delights me to no end. The less my site looks like a dating site, the better.
Nathan Paton
Since Dolphin 7.0, I've found it hard to call Dolphin a "dating script." It seems like BoonEx has moved too far away from this mind-set.
That's a good thing. I often wonder how many MyDatingSiteIsMuchBetterThanMatchDotCom dating sites are enough.
Me :-) I want to run one more of these MDSMBTMDC dating site ;-) But Dolphin is definitively Social Networking oriented :-))

That said (to tease HL), D7 is beautiful, very sophisticated !

Congratulations to the whole BoonEx team !

P.S. Don't forget remaining tickets ;-)
Hey Victor congratulations...!!! You and the entire Boonex team rocks....... Hats off to your dedication... Dolphin will surely be number one the next time...:)
The fact is that BoonEx Dolphin is more than a dating script. It has too many other features but its the best script for social networking.

Congratz BoonEx
I agree with HL!
The less it looks like a dating site the better for me, but I have looked into the white label sites, and thats for people that don't want to put any imagination or work into it. you split the funds, which they charge way to much for memberships, so no one wont's to pay, only free memberships and all the sites look a lot like the same, which is why I ended up here, Now I can build it the way I want it and charge what I want! So thanks Boonex!,(now hurry up and get the next version see more out so we can get past theses few bugs)

I agree, The first thing I do with my Dolphin is disable ALL "dating" related functions in it. Every since the first time I downloaded Dolphin.. way back.. I have used it for social networking. If someone wants to find the 'love of their life' or 'hook up', they need to get out more and do it in person. Finding the person of your dreams on a website?? HAHA!

Anywho, Congrats Boonex!! Continue to down this path and we can vote for best 'Social Networking' script instead :P

I agree with houstonlively and Zarcon. I've always felt Dolphin should come in two flavors. Dating-Social Networking and Social Networking only.
Congrats Boonex on your success!
Nathan Paton
Dolphin is one big supreme pizza: just pick-off the toppings you don't want.
Agree, I use it for a animal farm with a little social connection. lololol
So use your imagination!!

Gratulations Boonex, but next time fish for the best Social network Script and hosting.
Personally I think the Dolphin is pretty awesome as it is. I can build a community site. Where I live, dating sites are illegal to build but there is nothing saying that I cannot build a community site with the option to allow people to meet based on certain criteria. The combination of possibilities is actually one of the things that drew me to try it out in the first place.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.