grouping gallery photos

ryandmartin posted 1st of May 2008 in Community Voice. 2 comments.
i like how dolphin places photo galleries, but i would like my users to be able to upload photos to their galleries and organize them in groups.

such as... someone makes a gallery group called "my trip to spain" and when someone clicks that in the gallery, they see all of the pictures in that group.  that way, the spain trip and any other pictures aren't just mixed together in the gallery.

anybody know how i could do this?
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Maybe go to and hire someone experienced in PHP programming. I hired all of that sort of work out. It's very affordable.
Strangely, in the database there are the tables GalleryObjects and GalleryAlbums.

Code exists in the admin to delete Albums and the objects in the albums when the owner is deleted, and to count the number of albums and number of unapproved pics.

But the counts are not shown in the dashboard, and the tables are not referenced in the user-part of the site.

So the gallery section must have been planned, but never actually put into the system.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.