Google Checkout

Giovanni_m posted 7th of September 2011 in Community Voice. 7 comments.

More and more users have problems with PayPal,  just do a internet search to see how many accounts were limited...


I think that would be a good idea to integrate Google Checkout to have more choice of payment systems on dolphin..

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it wont help much as most f the webmasters here offer porn content :P
I amusing Google Checkout on my Android device. I am impressed with the ease of use and ... it just works. Please add Google Checkout soonest!
I agree is a very good idea to integrate Google Checkout as a payment system on dolphin..

as well as some sort of SMS pay!
dolphin could certainly use google checkout as a payment solution. though this would answer only for those of us who are not running an adult oriented site.
i will start to work on a google checkout integration module in the next days ...
sry, i cant access google checkout as merchant out of my country so i cant start the developing of the integration for dolphin ...

if anyone could create a dummy merchant account for me i would be very thankfull!
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