Google Authentication and Authorization for D7

CALTRADE posted 30th of December 2011 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

I mentioned this on a forum post, but it is important enough to mention it here also.  We really need a mod that provides a Google login here, in the same way there are several for Facebook.  As I mentioned on my post, I don't really care for Janrain and they could be expensive if your site got big - plus I don't think the mod for that is very well maintained or supported.  Someone mentioned another mod that did this, but it seemed to require a third party access to you site that was not Google.  

I would really like one to be completely open source and part of the product but if a commercial mod can be developed I would be willing to help.  I have some decent contacts at Google who could probably at least point us in the right direction.  I am not a developer but have several volunteer programmers I am working with on another project - however they are not Dolphin experts.  It can't be that hard to pull the pieces together on this.  Here is the link to the Google API Authentication and Authorization for the Google API:

Anyone want to help me move forward with this?  Even spec'ing it out might be a good first step.  What files need to be accessed, what fields should be imported, etc.  Google isn't going any place anytime soon.  In the United States, they are one of three companies that is being authorized    I could get lots more interest in some of my sites if I could get this working.   I wouldn't mind Twitter of Linkedin either, but Google would be my first choice.

Let me know if you have any thoughts or ideas about this

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is it something like RPX now?
I think so - sorry that no one else replied to this. I would like to get this going.
sure, RPX now kind of core integration in member menu upgraded like wibiya would be so much useful...
I'm sorry the comments are over my head. Has there not yet been a two-factor / boonex integration?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.