Until today I didn't wrote any post. Or note. Or comments. I'm here, silently waiting. I started using Dolphin from v5. But I had enough. Sorry Andrew, I can't take it no more. Please look and learn from WordPress. I'm with them from v0 till now, and I'll be with them until v9999. I never had to hire a programmer to upgrade/update with WP. It always was a matter of 3 clicks or upload/overwrite/go to install folder, click the big button. Upgrading Dolphin is a bet you can easely loose. It's a "fingers crossed" based solution. Migrating from 5 to 6 was almost imposible. Moving from 6 to 7 was a living hell. Now I must think at upgrading from 7 to 8 "soon". Usually this soon is 1 year. Sorry Andrew, you are like those teleshopping guys. "Trust me, this product is brand new!". "Trust me, this is not evolution, it's revolution". Sorry Andrew, you are a bad project manager. I'm dropping Dolphin. Good bye! P.S.: even this darn editor is not working properly. I edited this note from an iDevice, inserting spaces/paragraphs. These spaces appear only when editing the note, but the entire article appears in just one long phrase after being submitted. Oh, don't tell me that the problem is from Safari. Your website should be optimised for all devices/browsers. This is just another example of buggy software released as stable when it should in alpha stage. Adios!
Later edit: I'm switching to phpFox 3.
Dolphin is a BIG mess, and this cannot be excused. Andrew told that v7 was "totally new", "from scratch", etc. Now we hear this again, but with 8. I suppose it will happen with 9, 10, 11. Cross my heart! Sounds familiar? :)
Wp auto-update feature seldom works. Your installation has to be unmodified and server settings must comply to very specific requirements. I for one have never been able to get it working. Now, Dolphin is more sophisticated, it also has media server and bigger list of server requirements. It would take some good luck to make auto-update work. Otherwise it's not awfully hard to add this feature. We just never though it's a good idea.
If I were in your shoes I would start from scratch. You said that you'll start from scratch with 8. The problem is that you said this with 6 and with 7. So nobody, including me, trusts you any more.
PPL who "love" will live happily forever :)
WE know Boonex Dolphin HAS bugs...
and as i know Andrew Boon is not an incarnation of Cris Angel to do mindfreak...
thats why we are taught to PRAY!!!
Pray that everything that will happen in right time is for Good :)
See the big picture Boonex 1.0 til Boonex 8.0[foresight]
We certainly have evolved...
Love it, Live it...
if you have any best expertise with you? dont blog here, just keep see more
But Dolphin aint Joomla
Joomla is like Google [best]
Dolphin is like Bing [better not the best]
Joomla is the best because majority of the websites run on that
Dolphin is new and its approach is slightly different.
but boonex would have thought the D1 to D7 is not as good as D8 [thats fact]
XP is a good OS, but Microsoft has ended the support for XP :)
D6 was good, not as good as D7
D7 will never be as best as D8 [I hope so]
I see, the problem is not with see more
believe or not Worpress is really easy to update, very easy to intall mod, very very search engine friendsly.
Dolphin is still far away from success
Until now, i'm still thinking, WHY BOONEX NOT LEARN FROM WORDPRESS?
How long?
Will it be?
But i don't want to leave, i'm just waiting, better than leave, waiting for boonex product that sound like amazing coding,
we can do another thing while waiting,
I hope something change? :)
i hope just a little bug on next release. Does boonex try their own product before it release?
There's your problem. Sitting on the fence and letting everybody else contribute for your benefit whilst you do nothing to help improve Dolphin.
'Nuff said'
I will need to pay someone to change layout and menu, just because Dolphin does not have this option. Should be nice to be able to browser some layouts and Customizable templates, then user just select it to change it for free. A default service in dashboard.
Dolphin can give support to builder/designer be able to create Templates based in layouts see more