Explosive Facebook Presence

mikedsaltzman posted 16th of December 2011 in Community Voice. 6 comments.


I was reading Andrew Boon's post last night.

I noticed the below mentioned keywords.


Friends, Like Button, Pages, Comments, Paid Ads, Facebook Login, Widgets

Foraging at Other's Pages.


Well, I've been dealing in social media and promotions for the last 3 years and I think I've gained some knowledge about the trends the social media marketing follows.

I'll try to share my summarised piece of knowledge over this.

1: getting traffic to your sites by leveraging your friends' facebook reach doesnt work at all.

2: facebook pages work only when you have more than 5000-10000 members. because thats when your single post reaches thousands of people at a stretch.

3: if you think you can establish yourself as a social media brand with a mesmerizing facebook page, without investing, you might not get over it. Since everything on facebook is monetised. The pages were not, now even they are.

4: I work at Yoonix Media, and we sometimes use several "grey-hat facebook marketing strategies" to gain followers. For instance, a single post on a facebook page with more than 1 million fans usually costs $10-$40 depending upon the brand. Anyone who has a big pocket might try this. But this does not applies to international brands.

5: Another famous trend is the "continue reading trick". The page owner with more than 1 million members makes a post on his page and hyperlinks it to continue reading page (another page of his) and this way, the second page too gets a large number of hits.

6: Facebook Like box is yet another way to divert traffic from high density pages to individual websites and individual facebook pages.

7: Also, the facebook advertising that Andrew was speaking of, You need a thorough reaserch about that advertising which has to be on global scale. We usually prefer targeted advertising (on city or town basis) rather than country wide or worldwide marketing. You need to be aware of several factors. For eg: If you are marketing any product for working class women, you need to have a schedule in between 6-8 at evening to 10-12 in morning, because that is the only spare time with the working class women. Also, you need to focus more on public holidays.

8: Facebook Comments: When its social network, anyone can put you through constant harrassment by posting fake comments, reviews and posts. More than 30% of reputed company owners suffer from this problem. There are many IP tracking appplications available that can help you to combat this menace.

8: having a "like-dependent feed" method too works a lot. Just for eg: Anyone operating boonex facebook page might want to open up a discount only for people who like the boonex page. As long as the page is not liked by a user, he woould see a banner saying "like the page to get x% discount", and as soon as the page is liked, another banner would be displayed with the "promo/ discount code".

9: FBML/canvas apps/open graph etc also offer many attractive features like: playing music, videos, making payments for services (f-commerce), mobile messaging from facebook, making voicecalls from facebook (for customers who can call you through facebook), IVR applications on facebook etc. We are currently working on a facebook CMS application that would allow the company to create a mini-social network between its own users (fans/likes). This project is still under construction. I'll post more details when I have them ready.

10: Finally, there are many many more ways to get popular using facebook and facebook alone. You can today get thousands of fans per day, get a traffic of 10,000 visitors daily, and half a million followers in a month.

All it takes to have the booty is a strong acumen, average budget and management ability to maintain the fanbase.

We, at Yoonix Media (www.yoonixmedia.com) have many more ideas, experienced people, and a lot of success stories to share. Do pay us a visit and feel free to ask for any more info you want.

In my next post, I'll write on "how to earn guaranteed $1 per day from each of your facebook fan".

thanks for reading,


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Good insight on understanding FB.
One more question,
I have a website and few 1000 members.
I have blogs,photos,videos etc.
still people are inactive.
when i enabled the games mod there was a little rush.
later it declined... reason, the members find the "games" thing is something new...
they try it and compare the feeling with FB games and the whole thing declined...
this is for every new feature introduce...
every features is being compared with facebook....
no matter how many see more new features i introduce... its not having an attractive sticky factor to the network?

any advise?
So your main question is that you have everything on your site ranging from blogs, photos, videos etc and yet your users are inactive.
I'll list few facts here and you are sure to get your answer:

1: Time is limited and people do not have entire day to use social networks. Had you been in place of your users, would you engage yourself in a third party website? I dont believe that if I give you some link of a dolphin website, you'll shun your activity over facebook and enjoy that site. If you see more WOULD NOT, your users WILL NOT.
So at first, you'll need to make your website so much interesting that you yourself engage in revamping and improving it more than any of your users.

2: Secondly, you do not have to put the whole pile of modules in order to make your site more interesting. Remember: whatever you install is only going to make things complicated for the user to understand and another speedy alternative (facebook) is already at their disposal. So the users have enough of time to migrate away from your network and reside in the big communities.

3: Lastly, I think apart from the technical grounds, the interest and the USP matters more. If today, even if you make a search engine better than google, do you think you would be able to overcome its reach? Probably not (not so easily atleast). So you need to have something of the same feel but a different reason being given to users to try. Like for eg: Google was always better, but Justdial offers a localised search tool and many features better than google.
Remember: Following the same trends is not the way. You cannot beat the giants in their own game. Better is to find your niche and expand your reach to influence more and more people on a daily basis.
I'd also like to recommend the website maintenance pack listed here: www.yoonixmedia.com
Maybe you can give it a try.

Andrew Boon
Great tips! Keep them coming. I must admit that we're far from understanding Facebook and it's marketing potential at it's fullest, so hopefully posts like this and resulting discussions would help all Unity web-masters get the most out of the big F.
Andrew Boon
You note has been hidden because of the ad-link in it, which is normally not permitted. We really appreciate your input and decided to let this post stay active in this case, but please try to stay away from posting links to your site in Notes. You can post a link in your Profile if you need to.
Very good advice, I know all this,
I know that facebook pages that sell very expensive
Total waste of time... Just create a good web site and stop all this spammy manipulative shit...

No I don't use Facebook at all - and I earn more than you from websites
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