Dolphin U Alpha 8 - New Features!

Andrew Boon posted 9th of November 2014 in News. 16 comments.

Today's update of Dolphin U Alpha is one of the most significant since we started public testing. There are new features, core improvements and design changes. Let's see what we've done...



Comments now have live updates. Whenever there's a new comment posted, a "push" notification would come up to viewer's page notifying about new comments. Click that, and the page would reload to show them. We are intentionally opting for notifications instead of actually pushing comments themselves, because adding comments in real-time would inevitably make the thread of comments move, and may thus interfere with reading. You just don't want your page to jump around unexpectedly.


Live updates engine is also a system feature now, so other modules, inducing 3rd-party ones can use it. 


Content Management (Administration/Moderation)

Earlier we discussed separation of Content Management and Site Management in Dolphin U. Studio is for site admins and content is managed through site front-end. Depending on permissions members can control content - either just their own or of other members. Now Studio has been there for a while, but content management was limited to action buttons in individual posts. Today, we're introducing "Manage" pages for Posts, People and Organisations. 


Moderators for example would have their "Manage Posts" page show not only their own posts, but also other people's posts. Hide them, edit them, or whatever it is  allowed to do with them by Webmaster who sets permissions in Studio. Here's a brief video of how it looks and works:




Navigation, Popups, etc.

We are continuing the quest for most effective and usable site navigation and UI design. In this iteration you can see a new main menu that slides out as a site-wide bar instead of a small pop-up. Block menus also take full width of a block now. Popups in general have been improved to go "full-screen" when viewed on mobile devices and some (like Search and Member Menu) would open full-screen even on desktop. Here's a brief video...

We're still experimenting with these, and there will be more improvements in further Alphas. Stay tuned!

Links and Plugs

Plug 1: This is Alpha. Not feature-final. Not tested. Not to be used on production sites.

Plug 2: Automatic update will be pushed shortly.


Access details (download and demo)
GitHub Repo
Dolphin U Forum
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We need dolphin pro like right now, then you can take your time with dolphin U.
Maybe Dolphin Pro first :) i agree
I just hope it has a updated video gallery, the categories we are using is so old. Everyone user pictures instead of words for their categories and soon youtube will start using them lets be ahead of the curve for once and get there first.
The top menu doesn't work so well on my iPhone 4. Safari browser. OS 4.3.2

It neither scrolls horizontally, or adapt to the screen size. Most of the menu is off the page.
Sorry, we don't target old iOS versions, the oldest version we test it on - iOS 7.
Usually new iOS version adoption is very fast and most of the devices has latest and previous version installed.
Here is some stats:
OK... I'm convinced. I'll upgrade my OS
Blocks in pages need some work. Properties should open by clicking on the block Instead Title of the block. If title is removed the properties won't ever show.
Thank you for the report:
Regarding the horizontally scrolling main menu: Shouldn't there be some sort of indicator that there is more content off the screen? Some folks couldn't find their ass if it had a bell on it, and I know some people won't know that the menu scrolls.
Most probably we will add some arrows to scroll left/right on desktop.
When will Dolphin pro or dolphin u be ready?
First 2 comments pertains to D Pro, and has quite a few pluses. Dont ignore that boonex.

As far as DU, its "looking' nice, but functionality trumps looks, please keep that in mind.
I love the work. But I have this problem from the beginning, I can not connect to the site where in studio with Firefox (33.1.1), no problem with other browsers, someone he is working?
I have no problems with Firefox 33.1.1, please could you describe the problem in more details ?
on timeline page...clicking on comment or take u to another should have ajax feature..and open in same fb ..redirecting page is kindda annoying..
Удивительно! Вот это будет настоящий продукт.
Только с разработкой и выпуском обновлений
нельзя затягивать на долго, потому что актуальность
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.