Dolphin U Alpha 7

Andrew Boon posted 23rd of October 2014 in News. 9 comments.

Dolphin U is further improving and Alpha 7 is good for grabs. This time changes are a bit more subtle, while we're cleaning up before adding bigger features. So, in this alpha you're getting...


- Modules installation improvements
- OAuth functionality improvements (link with boonex market)
- One-way "Thank you!" button (because no, it's not OK to "unlike" things)
- Design improvements (mostly Ocean template)
- New design box menu (we're still testing different ways, but this is our favourite)
- Responsive popups (full-screen on mobile devices, some more improvements are planned)




Generally, you would see us adjusting elements to not just work on mobile and desktop devices, but work very well on mobiles and very well on desktops. This is a process of continuos research and testing, since there're very few established conventions for what we're doing. 


Links and Plugs

Plug 1: This is Alpha. Not feature-final. Not tested. Not to be used on production sites.

Plug 2: Download package is from yesterday, so for the latest version refer to online demo or GitHub repo.


Access details (download and demo)
GitHub Repo
Dolphin U Forum
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Didn't like the Thankyou idea :/ it should be like and dislike buttons. thumbs up and thumbs down. More fun cause people cant take Dislike so more activity in personal reaction :p How some 1 gona share the post on their profile? sharing function is gone :/ Version update should be in Extension>updates section instead of dashboard. Ocean template is too flashy bright type. Profile should be seprate on menu bar and rest of thing in dash. Its easy to access that way right now 2 clicks, make it 1 see more click away. Rest of the things ill check and will give you feedback :)
> it should be like and dislike buttons.
actually it is configurable, it can be enabled, but by default it is one-way "Thank you!" or "Like"

> How some 1 gona share the post on their profiles
There is already a button in "Share" block to share content(including posts) in own timeline

> Version update should be in Extension>updates section instead of dashboard
It doesn't matter actually, since updated is performed automatically anyway, you will just see more get notification by email that the site was updated.

> Ocean template is too flashy bright type
There is alternative "Lagoon" template

It's better to discuss it in forums...
My mistake. Share button is there on live demo site but wasn't showing on my website. So bit confusion.
Try to enable/disable Timeline module, it will reset all menus/pages/configs/etc while not touching your data.
will this option will be in timeline page or in comment and dislike option??
This option is in `sys_objects_vote` table - `IsUndo` field
are we going to finance a yearly license of MoxieManager for DU..?? like u gonna do with D pro..

are we able to migrate for D pro to DU ?? can we do this with DU beta version..

if we can't migrate D pro to DU then will beta version of DU will be good enough to start a live website ??
Andrew Boon
No plans for MoxieManager for Dolphin U yet.

At this stage it is impossible to migrate between two Dolphin fully. Eventually they may become closer in structure and it would be more of a possibility. Still, some data may be moved with custom scripts, like, say, Profiles, Blog posts and maybe something else. This is similar to migration from any other platform.

Dolphin U beta will be limited in functionality, but we do plan to launch some of our own sites based on it. It would be up to your see more discretion on whether you want to try that, too. It will be upgradable, though.
maybe u consider adding moxie manager in dolphin U too..since this is the only product boonex is gonna sell...and u don't want free version (D PRO) to be better than paid version (DU) ..

since D PRO core is free and D PRO modules are not better than third party modules in no one gonna buy D PRO modules either...

so no new sell for D PRO ..only sell for boonex is DU...

making D PRO free is a good will get dolphin more popularity...but it will also effect boonex sell for see more sure...if D PRO core get close to DU then clients will not even bother to buy DU..for that much in this case DU have to be really advance..and more support from boonex atleast until DU get some developers to create modules ..

maybe i am wrong in this prediction...plz don't mind my words..
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.