Dolphin.Pro 7.2 Release Candidate is here! (attention ALL DEVELOPERS)

Andrew Boon posted 24th of August 2015 in News. 38 comments.

Today we are releasing Dolphin.Pro 7.2 RC. This update is particularly important for all developers who have extensions in BoonEx Market. There will be no or only minor changes from RC to Final, so now is the best time to update your extensions to ensure compatibility. Remember, Market will be listing only 7.2-compatible extensions as Featured. 





Upgrade instructions from Beta 2




- There is NO update pack from 7.1.6 to 7.2rc. 
- You can update from 7.2b2 to 7.2rc.
- There WILL be an update  pack from 7.1.6 to 7.2 (full).
- Do not use RC version for live sites!

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RC Work fine !! Awesome!! If getting errors, I am happy to share with you !!
Get rid of that goofy circuit board thing in the above logo... it doesn't work.
Andrew Boon
Haha! It's only for this one post... sort of showing how it's nearly ready now. ;)
I have an issue, with the new version of 7.2RC or 7.2beta, I can not post to timeline, the wait picture keep displaying when click submit, anyone can help me.
I am using nginx+php-fpm + linux, and the server can not connect to twitter/facebook and some others.
I've solved this, should following the nginx setting. thanks
Actually, the new logo does not appear to be a dolphin but a fish. So now one really can call the Orca forum the fish forum LOL. Seriously, I think you should return to the drawing board where the new logo is concerned. Or is this part of the whole dumbing things down for telephones thing?
Andrew Boon
Well, logo is a symbol, not a realistic presentation. In tangram puzzles this is exactly how you make a dolphin. Orca would looks like this - and a whale like this - and a fish like this - .

Cool thing about tangrams is that see more the shapes can be gathered back to a perfect square and to hundreds of other figures.
I like the logo, and you should know by now, I don't like a lot of things around here.
I agree, the logo should now work well on cups, mugs, t-shirts, hoodies, polo's, hats... Whink
My gift to you:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "">
<svg width="600pt" height="300pt" viewBox="0 0 600 300" version="1.1" xmlns="">
<path fill="#3399ff" d=" M 422.67 0.00 L 596.23 0.00 C 597.44 0.66 598.68 1.31 599.93 1.93 C 599.58 6.11 595.99 see more 8.65 593.32 11.42 C 536.52 68.25 479.71 125.08 422.93 181.93 C 420.43 184.28 418.28 187.27 414.99 188.57 C 411.93 188.86 411.66 185.16 411.62 182.95 C 411.65 125.29 411.56 67.63 411.66 9.97 C 411.45 4.10 417.09 -0.18 422.67 0.00 Z" />
<path fill="#3399ff" d=" M 389.53 12.54 C 392.56 9.62 395.22 6.18 399.10 4.32 C 401.11 5.54 402.08 7.64 401.87 9.97 C 401.89 67.67 401.89 125.37 401.86 183.07 C 402.25 188.88 396.72 193.64 391.06 193.12 C 334.02 193.14 276.98 193.13 219.95 193.12 C 217.38 193.19 214.53 192.71 213.33 190.12 C 214.84 187.18 217.17 184.83 219.55 182.60 C 276.21 125.92 332.87 69.22 389.53 12.54 Z" />
<path fill="#3399ff" d=" M 94.44 105.01 C 94.28 102.81 95.22 100.78 96.96 99.44 C 98.64 100.23 100.36 101.05 101.65 102.44 C 128.95 129.80 156.29 157.13 183.61 184.47 C 188.34 189.35 190.99 196.20 190.83 202.99 C 190.81 227.66 190.81 252.34 190.83 277.01 C 190.75 279.18 190.96 281.82 189.00 283.30 C 186.67 284.05 184.91 282.04 183.37 280.65 C 156.21 253.44 129.03 226.25 101.84 199.06 C 96.88 194.08 94.22 186.97 94.40 179.97 C 94.44 154.99 94.37 129.99 94.44 105.01 Z" />
<path fill="#3399ff" d=" M 480.40 139.47 C 483.73 138.24 484.85 142.37 484.62 144.88 C 484.65 183.26 484.62 221.64 484.64 260.01 C 484.51 262.34 484.81 265.53 482.10 266.53 C 480.10 266.50 478.56 265.12 477.19 263.85 C 460.36 246.99 443.53 230.12 426.68 213.29 C 424.28 210.80 421.25 208.48 420.51 204.91 C 419.64 201.51 421.05 197.89 423.54 195.54 C 440.69 178.36 457.87 161.21 475.01 144.03 C 476.68 142.39 478.24 140.49 480.40 139.47 Z" />
<path fill="#3399ff" d=" M 207.43 202.63 C 208.59 202.45 209.77 202.36 210.95 202.37 C 235.97 202.39 261.00 202.36 286.02 202.38 C 289.83 202.11 293.60 204.25 295.32 207.66 C 296.40 209.59 296.35 211.86 296.39 214.00 C 296.33 239.00 296.41 264.01 296.36 289.01 C 296.59 294.49 291.45 299.27 286.01 298.77 C 260.64 298.77 235.28 298.80 209.91 298.75 C 204.16 299.14 199.43 293.66 199.95 288.06 C 199.90 263.03 199.89 237.99 199.95 212.96 C 199.65 208.31 202.75 203.56 207.43 202.63 Z" />
<path fill="#3399ff" d=" M 305.98 213.01 C 305.48 207.42 310.22 202.00 315.95 202.40 C 341.63 202.37 367.32 202.35 393.01 202.40 C 395.11 202.30 398.23 203.27 397.73 205.96 C 396.68 208.60 394.30 210.38 392.40 212.39 C 366.07 238.73 339.73 265.06 313.43 291.43 C 312.11 292.74 310.48 293.66 308.91 294.62 C 307.92 293.82 306.62 293.09 306.37 291.75 C 305.56 287.55 306.05 283.25 305.96 279.01 C 306.02 257.01 305.91 235.01 305.98 213.01 Z" />
<path fill="#3399ff" d=" M 84.62 208.62 C 86.76 206.31 89.80 204.79 93.02 205.19 C 96.87 205.27 99.50 208.44 102.03 210.93 C 127.25 236.40 152.57 261.77 177.82 287.20 C 179.78 289.23 182.05 291.07 183.49 293.54 C 184.24 294.84 183.92 296.83 182.37 297.37 C 180.33 298.14 178.09 298.04 175.95 298.11 C 121.96 297.75 67.97 297.87 13.98 297.76 C 9.66 297.65 5.21 298.23 1.03 296.82 C 1.12 295.31 0.87 293.77 1.26 292.30 C 2.77 290.16 4.79 288.47 6.60 286.61 C 32.61 260.61 58.62 234.62 84.62 208.62 Z" />
Andrew Boon
You sir are a gentleman and a scholar! You'll be seeing this code a lot ;)
Actually, that one is way to complicated. Here's a simplified one. Looks good covering the entire screen, or as a small icon. Under 700 bytes on disk. Small enough to store in the DB.

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 -3.1 6.4 3.1" version="1.0" overflow="visible">
<g id="Dolphin_Logo" transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)" stroke-width="0.01" stroke="#000033">
<path d="M 2.2 see more 1 L 2.2 0 L 3.2 0 L 3.2 1 L 2.2 1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 2.1 0 L 1.1 1 L 1.1 2 L 2.1 1 L 2.1 0 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 3.3 1 L 4.3 1 L 3.3 0 L 3.3 1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 1 1 L 2 0 L 0 0 l 1 1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 2.3 1.1 L 4.3 3.1 L 4.3 1.1 L 2.3 1.1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 4.4 1.1 L 4.4 3.1 L6.4 3.1 L 4.4 1.1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 4.441 1 L 5.149 1.707 L 5.149 0.293 L 4.441 1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
Andrew Boon
Remove stroke and it's even smaller :D . Awesome! Rounded corners add complexity, sure. They do make a bit more friendly though. Decisions decisions...

... on the other hand this is too geeky to pass.

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 -3.1 6.4 3.1" version="1.0" overflow="visible">
<g id="Boonex_Dolphin_Pro_Logo" transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)">
<path d="M 2.2 1 L 2.2 0 L 3.2 0 L 3.2 1 L 2.2 see more 1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 2.1 0 L 1.1 1 L 1.1 2 L 2.1 1 L 2.1 0 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 3.3 1 L 4.3 1 L 3.3 0 L 3.3 1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 1 1 L 2 0 L 0 0 l 1 1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 2.3 1.1 L 4.3 3.1 L 4.3 1.1 L 2.3 1.1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 4.4 1.1 L 4.4 3.1 L6.4 3.1 L 4.4 1.1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 4.441 1 L 5.149 1.707 L 5.149 0.293 L 4.441 1 z" fill="#3399ff" />

Next challenge is an animation that brings it together into a tangram square and back seamlessly and smoothly. B-)

Perhaps we should announce a competition..?
|Rounded corners add complexity, sure.
Depends on how you do it. Rounded corners below.

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="-0.2 -3.1 7.0 3.1" version="1.0" overflow="visible">
<g id="Dolphin_Logo" transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)" stroke-width="0.1" stroke="#3399ff" stroke-linejoin="round">
<path d="M 2.4 1 L 2.4 0 L 3.4 0 L 3.4 1 L 2.4 1 z" fill="#3399ff" see more />
<path d="M 2.2 0.1 L 1.2 1.1 L 1.2 2.1 L 2.2 1.1 L 2.2 0.1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 3.6 1 L 4.6 1 L 3.6 0 L 3.6 1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 1.05 1 L 2.05 0 L 0.05 0 L 1.05 1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 2.55 1.2 L 4.55 3.2 L 4.55 1.2 L 2.55 1.2 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 4.75 1.2 L 4.75 3.2 L 6.75 3.2 L 4.75 1.2 z" fill="#3399ff" />
<path d="M 4.841 1 L 5.549 1.707 L 5.549 0.293 L 4.841 1 z" fill="#3399ff" />
Please add link (to this post) to download the Dolphin 7.2rc
Currently, this link is only available in one of old posts:
Link was added.
Thank you.
Any changes in the rewrite rules in 7.2 RC that Nginx users need to be concerned with?
There are no changes in rewrite rules in Dolphin 7.2
one new rule is added for ads on other member's profile.
rewrite "^/path_to_dolphin/ads/member_ads/([0-9]+)[/]*$" /path_to_dolphin/modules/boonex/ads/classifieds.php?UsersOtherListing=1&IDProfile=$1 last;
It was added in 7.1.1 but rewrite rules for Nginx still weren't updated.
any expecting realising date for amazing 7.2 (full) ? can't wait for it
The previous post alluded to 9/1
Thanks, just few more days.
Can not page to above 2,
such as. http://<site>/m/photos/browse/album/<albumname>/owner/<username>&page=2&per_page=30

would display "PAGE WAS NOT FOUND", any thing need to do?

sorry, just saw 3 posts.
if the albumname is pure english, I can page down to next
if the albumname contains Chinese character set, I can not page down or up.
It was not mentioned in the blog post but my guess is there will not be an upgrade from 7.2RC to 7.2 Final? Is that correct? The reason I asked is because I am seeing people building live sites with 7.2RC even though Boonex stressed that the release candidate was not for live sites. For some people, you have to spell it out for them.
I'm afraid that nobody (and nothing) can help those people...
It will be upgrade from 7.2.0-RC to 7.2.0, but it is still not recommended to create live sites with beta and RC versions
Здравствуйте , как обновить живой сайт 7.1.6 на новую версию 7.2 ?
Happy bday Boonex! Keep up the great work.!
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.