Dolphin App for iOS Preview of v.1.6

Andrew Boon posted 11th of June 2012 in News. 41 comments.

First, you would notice that it's not "OO" app anymore. We decided to stop confusing the hell out of you, so our iOS app is now called "Dolphin". 

Dolphin 1.6 for iOS

Major focus is on making Dolphin mobile app look more like the website version - similar styling, updated icons, rounded corners, compact layout, less clutter... 




This update is not only about the looks, though...


Dolphin iOS App is Now Universal

This is big news! We have added the iPad-compatibile part and now Dolphin App is universal - so it works on any iOS device natively - iPod, iPhone and iPad. It's also retina-friendly. The iPad part is a full big-screen version, which provides surprisingly pleasant interaction experience... 



Very soon you will be able to have your own iPad app and offer it to your site(s) members, extend it, add modules from Unity and re-design it to suit your brand (provided you have a Prime license, of course). 

We have also added rotation support to all app pages...



Naturally, we made some settings and graphics adaptations to suit higher resolution of the iPad, too.


New Modules! Articles and Blogs.

Steadily and surely we're adding more and more modules to the default app set. This time you get Articles and Blogs. Must be great news for content-oriented sites, because Internet browsing is quickly shifting from desktop to mobile - people read their favourite blogs sitting on the couch with iPad, or while waiting in line for iPhone 5 (I know, I know - the world's gone crazy %) ).

Have a look...





We're gradually improving existing modules and will continue adding new ones.

Remember, though - default package of modules in Dolphin for iOS is just the beginning. You can add new modules, since Dolphin Mobile has built-in support for additional 3rd-party add-ons that communicate with your Dolphin-based website modules. Possibilities are endless. Apple development tools allow fairly simple way to quickly modify the look and rebrand your app, and with some development skills, using our APIs, one can create a powerful mobile system that your site members would rave about! 


PLUG: You need a Mobile License to be able to re-brand, modify Dolphin Mobile apps (both iOS an Android) and submit them to Stores as your own. Mobie License only comes with Prime .


Stay tuned - more cool stuff is coming!

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nice one! my members will love it!
Hey Andrew. Looks Great and glad to see some improvements heading into the Mobile world as well. With your statement regarding Articles and Blogs that 'Must be great news for content-oriented sites'. I am sure that is a very true statement however, I feel that most members here that use Dolphin, use it more on a 'social' concept instead of strictly informational purposes. With that said, I am hoping that when you say 'Stay Tuned - more cool stuff coming', that your intentions are before this new see more release, you will have added Groups, Events, and maybe even the Timeline :) for those who use Dolphin for more of a 'social' interaction.

I also noticed that you said that people can 'read' blogs from their couch. Is that telling us that the blogs will only be 'read-only' without the ability to comment and/or post new blogs? Will that also be the same for any other modules added to the mobile apps? For example, you can only 'view' a group and not be able to become a fan, post, create a group, etc.?
Andrew Boon
There is no technical barrier to adding comment/post functionality. These things would take more time, however, mostly because they bring up a lot of different "implications". Anyway, we will keep adding things to the mobile apps, gradually. For now, yes, read-only blogs and articles. It is not yet decided what will be included into next round... but we do have some things that we're targeting - sign up, video upload, comments, groups, events, etc.

With any luck very soon we will intensify see more mobile app development, for it really becomes a very important part of Dolphin package.
Hi Andrew, I'm one of those who will run content oriented sites on Dolphin and I'm really happy about the articles-oriented features.

Will it be possible to easily set the articles as first screen when launching the app ? Will this require lots of code editing on xCode ?

What you can do is to place button to Articles as the first item (to maybe even single) in member's home, it can be done via mobile pages builder without any modifications.

To display articles just after the launch you need some small modifications, I believe that it doesn't require heavy modifications for this, but we can't provide instructions here, it is better to hire someone to do this for you if you don't know how to do this.
Looking interesting. Not gone for mobile license so far as it hasnt been flexible enough for how I use Dolphin.
Kinda agree with Zarcon on some points, re social interaction on mobile...

Does the new app include Groups, Events?

And last but not least... I know lots of people are not huge fans of Orca... but...
Forum integration on mobile app would be massive.
Andrew Boon
More and more things will be added to the mobile apps gradually.
Will the Android app be updated as well as the iOS version ? Great job anyway guys !!
Andrew Boon
We sure will update the Android app, too. That's what we always do :) .
Will we ever see a Android App?
There is already an Android app. Its been out for a while now.
Nathan Paton
More like a few years now, right?
Hi Andrew, not directly related but hoping you will see and be able to answer this for me!
Will there be any major changes to Groups module for 7.1?
Just need to know as I use some modifications on Groups central to a site Im building.
If major changes are being made, It would be helpful to know as I may well hold off the site build until 7.1...

Hope you can answer, sorry in 'wrong' section but 7.1 related!
Ok, looking good.... Where is the Android update? Android is for thinkers!
Steve The Exploiter
Will the new app break on 7.09 or maintain compatibility?
It should be compatible with all 7.0.x versions, however some features will not be available on 7.0.x.
Steve The Exploiter
Since this app is being renamed, will the old app still be available?
Can you be more specific what won't be available? I have invested quite a lot of hours getting several modules working on the current mobile app and have quite a large task making my wall mod work on mobile coming up, if the new app is going to break this, I have to decide if I want to pursue that project.
I'm not that big on the new facebooks style, and REALLY like how my 7.0.9 looks and runs so I am not sure if I want to update see more to 7.10 at the moment. I know I can solve the issue by buying the source for the mobile app, it's just not feasable at the moment with my financial situation.
Thanks for your time. :D
Almost all old features will be supported in new version(so you can use Mobile App v.1.6 with your Dolphin 7.0.9), but some new features from Mobile App v.1.6 will not work on Dolphin 7.0.9 and will require Dolphin 7.1 (for example search page builder).

All this info is already updated in the documentation:
But it still can be changed a little until the official release.
Steve The Exploiter
As always, thank you very much! I will read that right now. :D
Steve The Exploiter
One more thing, couldn't I just install the xlmrpc folder from 7.1?
No, it maybe some incompatibilities between system code in 7.0 and 7.1 which xmlrpc code refers to.
Please focus on a forum integration to the forum industry leaders (phpBB, etc.) and Dolphin mobile access/integration to the forums
Will Forums be integrated with the Mobile app in Dolphin 7.1 or Dolphin 8.0?
Great. Something else to sleight of hand your users with. Redirection is the key to successfully keeping everyone on the hook.
What about version 7? or 6? When can we expect you to officially 'complete' one of your projects?
Nathan Paton
You realize this is for 7.1, right?
Confused about Iphone and Android mobile app. Most eveyone I know has neither. Do either of the apps work on a genric smartphone, like the blackberry or samsung windows phone?
Nathan Paton
You should read your comment again.
OK, done, now what? Was I suppose to notice a couple misspellings?
Nathan Paton
You are asking if the Android and iOS apps work on BlackBerry and Windows Phone devices.
I'm fairly sure you knew what I meant and so I'm fighting back to not respond with a smart a** reply.

So, will the apps for Android or iOS work WITH other cell phones, and if so, which app works best?
Nathan Paton
Then what do you mean? They'll run on devices using Android and iOS, that's for sure.
I'm new to Dolphin and know that you are a very helpful guy!!! I've seen many of your replies to others to also know you are very knowledgeable. So I'm gonna assume I'm just asking the question in the wrong way, both times.
Maybe this question will help me to understand.
Is there a cell app for my Samsung Windows phone??
Thanks for hangin in with me on this Nathan
Nathan Paton
Kind of a mixture of me being confused and being an arse. But to answer your question, no apps have been released for Windows Phone, and while I like the OS, the adoption rate isn't there. It's BoonEx's call, but I think focussing on small platforms and business-centric devices doesn't make sense for a script which doesn't see much use on the business front.
Arse, good one, good come back, funny!! Yes, I understand the business issue for BoonEx.
I have a huge family and only two of them have iphones, and no androids. So is the answer to accessing my site via cell phone is to build a second website which is cell friendly. Is this what others who use dolphin do?

By the way, am I addressing something here that has been discussed thoroughly elsewhere? I read everything I could find on this subject with not this discussion is helping me!
also check the WAP mod on market by ESASE.
Depends on how many custom mods you have on your site...
Thanks for the tip, it looks like it might work out for me, really don't want to do a second mobile site. If it works it's worth every bit of the $50 price tag. Thanks again daihlo!
Andrew Boon
Phones other than iPhone/Android may be still popular, but where it comes to to Internet browsing/apps they are barely registering. iOS and Android apps cover up to 90% of the market share of active mobile Internet users.

Your position is, per se, very interesting however... perhaps we're a bit detached, but it almost feels like you're talking from another time... when Michael Jackson was still alive and kicking. No offence, just mocking around :)

We'd be happy to develop for other platforms, see more but they need to show a gain of at least 20% market share in Internet use.
I'm new, good morning to all actually are not new, but I was impressed by the new structure and I decided to start with my old dolphin project. has been much talk of new mr. andrew, the mobile application but I can not see the check in area, you can add this? or you buy a different plugin?
check in is very important for social mobile
Michael Jackson passing, yes technology changes are at light speed.

Anyway, in my circle of trust, maybe 20 of us, only two iphones, and everyone but my wife surfs the net with their phones. So from my perspective your 90 percent figure seems high.

So, as I mentioned before, maybe the answer is to either set up a separate mobile site for all those who can't afford an Iphone/Android or look into the WAP mod mentioned above.

My target audience is 18-25 year olds and so many of them surf the see more net with inexpensive smart phones. Thanks for your reply to my issue Andrew, I love your product and am having a blast setting up my site!!!
I like these update notes... am looking forward to 7.1
while still an update its showing some nice improvements.

Hopefully will be released VERY soon though as Ive got 2 major site builds that should be launching this month but have kinda put them on hold due to uncertainty with current modules and custom work Ive been doing on them...

Please hurry and release :-)
i notice that the android app has been already released to the market, when to release the iphone app

what about the update to the dolphin admin side?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.