Dolphin 7.1 Preview - Polls

Andrew Boon posted 9th of July 2012 in News. 19 comments.

We currently work on a few modules at once - still improving those we already previewed and updating remaining ones. This week we hope to show the gist of the upcoming improvements in Polls, Groups, Events, Store and many smaller components of the system. With any luck we'll be sharing news about Forums, too, since work has already begun and the results should come shortly. Today's spotlight, however, is shining over Polls.



Being a module serving relatively simple goal Polls should have never been made too complex. So, now we've removed all the unnecessary design bells and whistles, such as "on-mouse-over results scrolling" and gradient image underlay in result lines; adjusted layout and forms and updated pages according to the new Dolphin style. 


As a result, we got straightforward, easy-to-use Polls module that looks and works as an integral part of the system, rather than gimmicky plugin. Take a look:



We don't use any images to display polls, hence fewer things to worry about with 3-rd party design templates. Also, polls now have no scaling issues when we put them into a narrow box, such as on homepage, or as a "Featured Polls" box anywhere...



And, of course, the new, clean look of the individual poll page...



Polls are integrated with Timeline, so they will show up both in your Timeline and the Friends Timeline in your Account page. Poll page may be customised, and, as you may see, every poll may have it's own comments thread, voting, subscription option, social sharing and whatever else you choose to drop in.


This is it for Polls, but don't go too far, guys and gals, this week should be full of news! 

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I like the Clean and Minimalist Design. +1
I have a question: You have completely given on extra bar?
Andrew Boon
Do you mean the floating member menu? It's still there, but was a little trimmed down, and I just didn't include it in screenshots.
looks better. Clean and simple, which polls need to be.
Hope the 'share' button links up to all the major networks...

Looking forward to seeing Groups, Store and Forums updates.
It looks great!
The only question.. the note is called Doplhin 8 and tags include Osho?
Andrew Boon
yeah... fixed :) too many things going on at the same time
Thank you! It's even better now :)
Dolphin 7.1 is graphically very beautiful, I'm looking forward to is available.
Thanks for doing such an important change on the graphics
I like the minimalist style of elegant
Looks great!!!

Suggestions for future releases of the poll may include results by filters using predefined values:

Demographic Overview: (ie: Age, Gender, Location, etc.)

I'm looking forward to the Forums improvements most. Will there be:

Forum, Topic, Subtopic capability?
View, Comment counters?
HTML compatible?
Advertisement integration?
Andrew Boon
We'll talk about Forums soon, but most of the features you requested are already available.
Some how you guys forgot to include the most important feature PAGINATION :)
Andrew Boon
LIke I said, we'll talk about Forums soon. No, we haven't forgotten about pagination.
Superb... Do we now have the option to prohibit members from voting against the same poll multiple times?
Andrew Boon
Yes, voters are verified for unique member and unique IP.
Hey Andrew, I tried Dolphin 7.1 and I found a problem with the Events module. There is an error on intall.sql, line 388. It should be:
(NULL, @iCatRoot, 'Event View Forum', '_bx_events_menu_view_forum', 'forum/events/forum/{bx_events_view_uri}-0.htm|forum/events/', 1, 'non,memb', '', '', '$oModuleDb = new BxDolModuleDb(); return $oModuleDb->getModuleByUri(''forum'') ? true : false;', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 'modules/boonex/events/|bx_events.png', '', 0, ''),
Thank you for the report, problem was fixed.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.