Dolphin 7.1 (Osho) - Files

Andrew Boon posted 13th of August 2012 in News. 14 comments.

There are only a few more things that we need to finalise before Beta-versions start to rollout, and today we're showing updated Files module. No big surprises here, especially if you followed our previous Osho updates - we have optimise layout to work well with the new template, removed clutter, re-organised blocks and integrated new features like calendar and social sharing/voting buttons.

Another notable improvement is that Files module doesn't have to be installed as a prerequisite for Groups, Events and Store installation. They will work without Files, albeit without its functionality. 

Since Files module is used mostly as "service" module for Groups, Events and Store it isn't all that visually exciting per se, but still, it is nice to have all the site pages look neat...



And here's the individual file page with some "conversation" going in comments: 


Last week we've been mostly busy with various little improvements and fixes in different modules. We'll tell about some shortly. This week we're going to do pretty much the same thing - wrapping up and getting ready, so stay tuned!

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I am the first to comment and thank you for all you are doing, everything is wonderful.

As always leaving a further improvement, we are closer to the Beta, has been a long time to wait, but worth it.

Please accept my most sincere congratulations Mr. Andrew
Andrew Boon
Thank you very much! It seems almost impossible to overestimate development time, unfortunately. We surely hoped we'd be able to release sooner, but as always, a lot more had to be done than we though. Anyway, we'll get there very soon!
Can scribd api be used to play uploaded files of this module???
I am very excited about this 7.1 release!
i love 7.0.1 osho! perfect work!
Dear Mr. Boon,

Everything is so much better than the previous Dolphin. Great design and new features.

I do have a little request which I believe is extremely important for this community and that is a feature in the admin panel that lets you easily decide the maximum file size of all file types that the user can upload. Please consider this.
I would be so happy if you would since it would help me so much and probably other people too here .


I can't wait to be released, look awesome and I hope to be compatible with my custom modules. Anyway 10+ for you guys for this changes in OSHO. Is any chance that a download counter to be integrated?
Looking so professional with the icons and layout!
Andrew, how about you put one of your genius coders on the swfupload 2.5 beta to get the reported bugs out? Client side image resizing sure would be nice..... pretty please with sugar on top ;)
Is there "preview" option available for files?
File 'related' question...
In the Store mod, when you are selling a file download, currently there is no option to change the price of that item.

The default way round this is to upload a new file with a new price attached. Thats fine if its a word doc, but if its a large file (video) then its a pain in the arse!

Can you please make sure 7.1 addresses this?
Not sure if its file or store related or both!

looking good though :-)
I must say it is very impressive what you guys have done so far, I do not know if people can truly appreciate the amount of coding that has gone into a product that you give for free. It is truly one of the most impressive softwares out there. So just keep up the great work...

everything look much better.

But I stop using the "Files" Module on boonex because it is just to complicated for my user to download the file. Why don't you have a download button near the file, or the possibilty to download it clicking on the name or the logo of the file ? Easy it is always the best ways for normal user.

Hi Andrew,
Great design and functionality. Great job! Congratulations!
Could you tell me the final release date of Dolphin 7.1 OSHO?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.