Dolphin 7.1 - Finishing Touches

Andrew Boon posted 19th of September 2012 in News. 55 comments.

There are a few little things that we're finishing now, getting ready for the first Dolphin 7.1 beta. As they say, devil is in details, so it may look like the latest updates are small, but they really do affect users in so many ways that often become more important than whole new modules.


We'd like to share some the highlights from those little (and not so little) things this week, in two or three posts, along with the features completion. Here we go...


Re-Captcha Security Image

Dolphin will now use ReCaptcha free service for security images. This will save quite a few troubles with setting up Dolphin's own captcha system, will be more secure and will help to "stop spam. read books.".




Image Galleries 

Events, Groups, Store and Ads modules will now display multiple images in one box in a form of simple image gallery with round thumbnails...



We've noticed that the new "circles" are so fancy that they encourage clicking through more photos and unlike classic square thumbnails they somehow clue that the image will not open in a new page.


New Date & Time Picker

We used to have two different date pickers for just dates and for exact-time-sensitive things, like events. In Dolphin 7.1 we've added a new date-picker that works well in both cases...




Installation System Update

This is one thing that your site users won't care about, but you'll get to see it every now and then. More so, if you're a developer. We've finally given some love to the installation routine, improving its look and addressing some minor issues. From now on, Dolphin will first greet you like so...



... will gradually lead you to, say, this...


... and, ultimately, this...


Next up, we're going to tell you about e-mails and language files, so don't go too far. Some cool stuff's coming!

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I can't wait. Improvements are awesome. Keep it coming...
I assume the round thumbs are done with css and can be made square if we want to?
Yes, they are css based, so custom template can override this.
Are there going to be migration instructions? Say if we want to have a fresh start with 7.1 but want to move our users + media into 7.1... is that going to be possible? Easy even? Or simply impossible... ?
It will be upgrade script, so all content data from Dolphin 7.0 will be saved.
I think the original poster meant is it possible to have 7.1 as a separate site, perhaps for testing and setting up the look/functionality to match that of a 7.0.9 site (for example). And then... when all is complete... to migrate users and data to the new site. Is this possible? Our site is heavily customised and we don't want to simply throw our users (and us!) into 7.1 without any template tweaks or site modifications.
You can setup D7.1 as separate site to test all the modules/templates. After you ensured that all works as it should - make an upgrade of original site.
OK thanks AlexT. That is the way I planned but hoped there was a migration option to save time, but no problem. Looking forward to the changes.
Can you perhaps be a little clearer on this? What I would say is that perhaps one needs to make a clone of their current 7.0.9 site, complete with all modules and customisations, including of course a clone of the database. Then upgrade that clone site to see what breaks. I don't think setting up 7.1 and then trying to get the customisations in place and modules in place would be the correct way to go.

I think the gist of the question was if one could set up a Dolphin 7.1 and then migrate see more the 7.0.9 database over to the new 7.1 site. Will there be a database migration tool that can be used to migrate a Dolphin 7.0.9 database structure to the Dolphin 7.1 database structure?
It will not be migration script - It will be upgrade script.

If you want to try a safe upgrade - make a copy of your site, apply upgrade patch, test it, if everything is fine - apply upgrade patch to the live site.
Alan Stewart
Does anyone have an upgrade patch that will take us from 7.0.9 to the development version of 7.1.

We have setup a test clone of our site and would like to test 7.1.
love the new dolphin logo, hopefully it is more clean oop (object oriented programming) code
You need to get this started now, before Christmas, (THINK SALES! SALES!) lol ya, I think this new dolphin is going to be off the chain.
hear hear.. i am making a niche site and i think the features in 7.1 are going to serve it better. so i want to test this puppy.
ok send me the website link when ready, also I want to download the new osho 7.1 dolphin site, where can I download it?
i don't think their download is ready yet.. they will let us know when it is ready in and email.. and watch andrew's blog rss because he'll announce it.

I will send you a link to my site when done.. in fact i will PM you now so you can see what i am doing.
you can look at my demo going..
thats nice, I joined and looks great
good news :)
eager to test this new version and make a first model in black
I did not install 7.1 - and I'm not going to see the websites with this version
more than a few days ...
All looks and sounds great have you some time scale in mind for release some of us have sites on hold until this comes out... and is tested your timescales for release would be really helpful
More positive support guys! reCaptcha, circle-imgs...better calender...install/config...Great job....Keep up the good work----> Still pumped! WooHoo!
yeah.. re-captcha is a nice move.
it is but.. they are still getting in unless you separate the join form into a two step process; or add an additional "human" question...
question, the part of the permission when you install the software is not necesary anymore????
yes, you still have that part..
Great Job and I can't wait!
Now I think the only one thing that left to get done is to remove all the bad vendors at boonex market. Therefore; we all can feel safe.
i cant think a social networking script without geolocation :)
I have something on hold, waiting for it :)
me too.. i do not want to launch my new site just in time for the update and then have issues..
I'm simply happy with the sites I got and enjoy every moment I can work on them :-)
By seeing the future a little I can only say thanks to BoonEx!
Hey Diddy...shoot me a message when you get a chance. Thanks.
Looking great and looking forward to the finished product.
Was thinking a great addition to the sound section would be rss feeds in order for podcasts and maybe a waveform style player?
Looking great and looking forward to the full release.
A couple things that would be awesome on the full release would be rss for the sounds section so each account could podcast their sounds, membership control for this would be needed as well too.
Also a waveform player for the sound section would be great too.
If possible, can you add HTML5 compatibility for old browsers? I noticed that many websites use a simple script to have the compatibility.
Finally! A product that has impressed me. Good work gentlemen (and ladies)! I am very excited about the new 7.1. There are still some things I would have done different (like the captcha system) but overall it's much cleaner and easier to use. Once in place, you can expect me to finally buy the Prime license and use 7.1 to take all my current sites live with. I'm plussing this one.
it would be so great to show a square picutre in the news module in the Snippet area !!!!
Andrew Boon! When is the beta coming???????????????!!!!! You are keeping us waiting and now I cant even sleep after I heared of all those great news : )

When is the beta coming? are language files the last update?
Re-Captcha has been cracked ages ago. In fact, captcha is only effective if it is impossible tor humans to read the code and that is one of the biggest complaints with captcha, you can not read the darn things. Turing tests are just as effective and they don't drive your users crazy trying to decipher the darn things.

Drop the round previews, they look horrible. Go with the standard, it is the standard for a reason and by now users of the internet see them as a standard, meaning they understand see more what those little square images do since the work the same way on most sites. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I was talking to someone the other day and I told them that Dolphin 7.1 is really Dolphin 8, and that Dolphin 8 is really Dolphin 9; there are too many major changes in Dolphin for it to be a point release. Have you consider releasing it as 8?
Cookie control - to meet EU cookie rules? The vast majority of UK sites now have cookie control available on them.
I am looking at 7.1. Wasn't there some things left out of the profile customiser. I installed 7.1 and I can not seem to use the customiser to get rid of the transparent png; if that is what you are using, or transparency through CSS, using the customiser and I hate the boxes showing the page background. That in itself may be enough reason for me to not go to 7.1.
If you don't like default template you can use many alternative templates from the market.
Actually, I managed to install the old profile customiser over the new one on the 7.1 test bed so I am happy now. The users on the site I am building are big on making changes to their pages and not being able to customise the same areas would have caused a lot of complaining. I am looking forward to the release of 7.1 now that I have played a bit with it. I like the changes in the backend admin area; in the 7.0.9 I keep clicking in the wrong places and 7.1 is much more streamlined. So when can see more we expect to see 7.1 beta?
Profile Customizer consists of set of css rules which are applicable for customization. These css rules can be edited via admin interface.

7.1 beta is close.
Pleaaase, could you just be a little more specific? Are we talking in days, weeks, months? It would really hope to know if we should wait or not...
will this version over ride and repair broken patches? will this correct the forum problem and many other bugs? Just curious.
Please report bugs in Bug Reports Forums.
I am so looking forward to this...
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.