Simion posted 21st of December 2011 in Community Voice. 22 comments.

Hey there boonex land. I know I know.. it has been a LONG time sense I have posted something here... well.. that is because I think it is only good to post if it means something!


  I think this fits the bill!   

Many sites that are Boonex sites are targeted by Spammers. This means THOUSANDS of fake profiles to spam your blogs, events, users, etc... This can not only cause you problems with SEO... it can also cause you to lose your site! I have personally seen over a dozen sites taken down from bunk code injected by blog spammers.


So... how can we stop this? Well, Boonex has make AWSOME efforts to stop it! I mean these guys are up against a huge problem and have taken all efforts to assist in stopping it... But.. no matter how hard we try, these guys find a way in.



Open you .htaccess file.

Right under:

Options -MultiViews -Indexes

Post this


order allow,deny
deny from 211.38
deny from 60.169
deny from 58.22
deny from 61.160
deny from 222.186
deny from 125.71
deny from 183.14
deny from 205.209
deny from 59.58
deny from 121.206
deny from 220.181
deny from 180.87
deny from 60.166
allow from all


NOW.... Scroll ALL THE WAY to the bottom and under:




#get rid of bad bots
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^majestic12 [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Baidus [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^MJ12bot
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.whitehouse.com/

Now... what we did is block spammer IP's from China ( magority of spammers currently)

AND... all Bots that are harmfull are redirected to the The white house..lol ( no good bots, only spammer bots)

This is just a start to the list. I will add more IP addresses as they come available to me.


I would like to thank KrushRadio.com for assisting me in this list.


Highest reguards



" Then only limit is in your imagination"



Please login to post a comment.
Just a quick update. That first list stopped about 70% of the harmfull traffic.. we're talking 1000s of leach hits in 2 hours to about 20.
Here's the updated list. As more come in, i'll just keep adding to it.

order allow,deny
deny from 211.38
deny from 60.169
deny from 58.22
deny from 61.160
deny from 222.186
deny from 125.71
deny from 183.14
deny from 205.209
deny from 59.58
deny from 121.206
deny from 220.181
deny from 180.87
deny from 60.166
deny from 175.44
deny from 111.172
deny see more from 220.200
deny from 126.19
deny from 180.76
deny from 112.111
deny from 59.18
allow from all
also add:
deny from 125.89
deny from 220.250
hi how do i edit file were can i find the file 2 edit, please help im new to this many thanks
in the root of your dolphin. you will see a file called .htaccess. That is what you are looking for
woohooo! Only one got thru last night. 8 fake accounts.. 15 articles easily cleaned.

Please add the following to your list:
deny from 125.89

That is all.
Does the captcha not work here?
Captcha works yes, but the spammers can put the code in and move on to the next site.
SPAMMERS come to my site too damn, this is too much!!!!
Hey Guys,

Try this link Newton27 sent me, it works!!!!

From getting 20 to 30 fake profiles per day to 2 to 4 fake profiles per week and at the same time you don't have to keep updating the.htaccess file.
Adding the additional question,
"What is 5+5"
"Are you Human?"
http://www.boonex.com/forums/topic/China-is-invading-help-me-with-form-field-validation.htm "

I appreciate the comment, but the one who originally posted how to do this is Rhimpr, I just encouraged it a bit more.
I'm Over Here, have you not tried the "question" in the join form? It's very simple and you don't have to edit the .htaccess file
do i also write order allow,deny
Yes, you want to copy all of it into there. Make sure to check my reply for the latest list to use. I'll keep it updated for a while.
hi im still getting ads from ugg boots and nfl, how do i block them many thanks
Without seeing the logs from your website, I can't tell you which numbers to put in there. The problem is, there are probably 100 or so people doing this. The list I have, includes the ones that are filling my site. If you know how to get your website log files, I can help you figure out which ones are posting.
hi can i find the log files via ftp
blocking ip's and bots used to work to some extent, but now all they do is change their ip addresses and hit you again. You might stop or block a few, but there are so many that just change their ip's or use a proxy that it isn't really that efficient anymore. You could spend all day blocking ip's, come back tomorrow and do it all again. You could literally update this list by the day and maybe by the hour. I don't know if there is a perfect solution especially for shared hosting, but I have seen see more and used a few .htacces mods that block what they are targeting rather than their ip addresses. It's not perfect either, but going solely with an ip block usually is near worthless for the majority of the spam and bots. You will block a few human spammers if you are lucky, but not bots in the long term.
has anyone try cloudflare is it any good , thankyou gameutopia your always a good help nany thanks
Yes, I've tried cloudflare, and unfortunately, have had to shut it off as it affected too many aspects of my site. Several page blocks would not load consistently or at all. I went with the Pro account for 2 months, played with the various settings, yet couldn't figure out how to tweek enough to get things working properly. Very frustrating as I like the concept of this service.

Blocking IP addresses by typing in restrictions in httaccess file isn't a practical solution. Attackers can just see more reroute through countless proxies. I originally started using AntonLV's Access Management System 2.0 (http://www.boonex.com/m/Access_Management_System_2_0_0), however, it still requires a great deal of time to add ip addresses into the restriction areas - at this time, I don't have a solution yet.

I'm in the process of fixing potential holes in programming using GoDaddy's Website Security solution that has identified different risk levels associate with each. I'm still at 7.0.3 since everything on my site is working, and just hanging tight until 8.0 is released - hopefully that will be released in the next 3 months. Yes, wishful thinking...

Hope that helps.
but you lose traffic by blocking the china!
Facbook how to make money with China? a lot of money in my opinion.
I have big problem with spam but I do not want to block 1 billion by Persson :-(
I say block 1 billion potential spammers
I agree with gameutopia that blocking IP and bots via htaccess is not the way forward as there are plenty of software available which will enable spamers to rotate their IP. Therefore, htaccess is only a temporary solution.

A lot of spammers are able to create fake accounts simply because a Join in page is either standard by default or too simple. If you are running a professional website and care about your members that I suggest the following

1. Make your Join in page unique - add more see more fields that are relevant to your business. In textarea, for example, put a limit on how many characters have to be inputed to proceed to the next field.

2. Get members to confirm the validity of their email account upon registration i.e. they must mannualy click on a link within registration email to complete the registration.

3. Authorise membership manually only once you have checked their profile. It's a tedious task, but eventually you will build a good database of members.

4. Also, you may ask your members to pay a symbolic 1 USD to complete the registration by Paypal for example - to make sure they are not bots.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.