como hago para optimizar mi menu,

francisco posted 22nd of March 2008 in Community Voice. 2 comments.
pregunto esto por que dia a dia , le instalo excelentes componentes, pero se me pierden, ya que solamente tengo una linea prinicipal de menu, como hago para doblarla o triplicar esta linea, la necesito urgente.

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Hola Francisco, yo lo encontré en (aunque la búsqueda ahí es tediosa). El archivo se llama "Top Menu Optimization" y te pego en el siguiente post el contenido del mismo. Hasta pronto.
Top Menu Optimization.
Allows you to split Top menu items in several lines (for default Dolphin 6.x template) if they can't fit your site area.
This modification was designed specially for Rayz widgets with Dolphin better compatibility. You can get these widgets for your site at

To install the modification perform steps from 1 to 5.

1. Edit your templates/tmpl_uni/css/general.css:
a. Find in line 212 selector .topMenu ànd set 'position' see more to 'relative'. You should get following code:


b. Find in 312 line selector .hiddenMenu and set 'position' to 'relative' and 'top' to '0px' value. You should get following:


2. Edit your templates/tmpl_uni/scripts/BxTemlMenu.php. Find following code at line 45:

$ret .= TopMenuDesign( $memberID );

Replace it with this code:

$ret .= TopMenuDesign( getParam('topmenu_items_perline'), '</tr><tr>' );

3. Edit your inc/ Find following code at line 248:

function TopMenuDesign()

Replace it with this code:

function TopMenuDesign( $iDivide, $sDivider )

Find at line 300 following code:

$ret .= $oTemplMenu -> getTopMenuItem( _t( $aItem['Caption'] ), $aItem['Link'], $aItem['Target'], $aItem['Onclick'], ( $iItemID == $aMenuInfo['currentTop'] ), $iItemID );

Add the following code after it:

if( !( ++$iCount % $iDivide ) )
$ret .= $sDivider;
$iCount = 0;

4. Execute the following query in your database management system (phpmyadmin):

INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('topmenu_items_perline', '10', 1, 'Number of items per line in top menu', 'digit', 'return (int)$arg0 > 0;', 'Number of items must be greater than zero', -1);

5. Go to your Dolphin admin panel - Settings - Advanced Settings. You can change the number of top menu items per line by changing "Number of items per line in top menu" setting value.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.