Awesome News About Dolphin Forums!

Andrew Boon posted 16th of July 2012 in News. 11 comments.

I'll just post the picture and let somebody explain it in comments. This is great news for Dolphin Forums and anyone using it...



If you know what it means, do tell!

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Seems you've invented a xml forum sitemap
I see what you did there.
This means that there are implemented something similar with microformats, from
Andrew Boon
Ok... this isn't us :)

What we see is that Google figured out the Forums structure and displayed "meta" data in search results. This normally happens with most popular forum scripts, and it's a sign that Dolphin Forums is now accepted by Google as one of the mainstream forum solutions.

We didn't have to do anything - they've just shown us some love. :D
don't you think it's time that you guys show us some "LOVE" and get the 7.1 out a.s.p :D
Andrew Boon
Doing just that, mate! Wifes and kids are getting increasingly angry and yet we're rocking on ;)
awesome , man im glad to see so many great improvements , cant wait for the release ! but im not rushing you by all means please take your time , my patients has paid off so far :)
Nathan Paton
In other news, forum signatures are now clearly signatures. Continued confusion should be met with a doctor's evaluation.
Does the orca forum come with the dolphin 7 package? And if so, how do I get it to function? Can someone please point me in the right direction?
Andrew, with 7.1 forums, can you please make it so we can control page blocks a bit more in pagebuilder for forum pages?

I would like to place the forums index block that we currently have on 'forum index' page, to replace the forum index block that we currently have on the home page.

Sounds like the same thing, but its not!
The one on index page shows forum 'folders' and can be set to open or closed, with sub forums underneath. the one on the forum home page is just a text list... not good see more looking at all!

Would be great to give it a visual overhaul... please?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.